create something new every single day. write it down.

hello love, fakesy-banksy? yes i will help you.

helping this guy is funnier in my head’s animated version. you’ll see it one day.

oh hello hello, mirror mirror on the wall, these were the fairest photos of them all

i like view, i like view a lot.

hey there MO bro sean moffitt

rode a mustache, a big hairy black one on wheels. all for a good cause 🙂 #MOridesTO

santa was here, yonge street.

i love the lights. can you see the tower?

wood/ would?

in a leaf, i see you…

took these pix yesterday. by the time you’re reading this i’m on my way to the National Ballet of Canada, doing a talk to a group of students today. hi students in the class if you are reading this! feelin oretty great. woke up to new trainer on iPad with a yoga session (app is called All-In YOGA HD). magnificent that little device i tell ya. makes life more enjoyable.

the internet is awesome:)

don’t let the rain get you down.  happy monday ♥

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

look what i can do!!!!!!!!!!

found this old guy

made me laugh. like this guy haha

december beach body countdown has started.

There will be abs.

I know I’m small but I am not really that fit. I wanna go away on my vacations next month and feel good. I wanna look at photos and think ‘you look great’ not, ‘detele that one, you look gross’. It happens all the time. Don’t judge me. Ok, think what you want.

I tried on my skinny jeans (which by the way are a very unhealthy size) and said if I fit these I have a body image disorder. They don’t fit. When I lived in Australia I came home so skinny, remember Nicole Richie running on the beach, yeah that was me. So gross. I’m getting in shape this time. Ate healthy yesterday and have has breakfast two days in a row. It takes dedication and a bunch of little steps to get results here!

I started this blog to keep more memories it used to say “people. places. things. thoughts: in attempt to keep more memories“. If I write things down I’m more likley to make it a reality so that’s what I do.

On that note, heading for a brisk walk to Yonge & Dundas Square to catch some pix of the Santa Parade (largest in the world) and ride a mustache (not a real one a skateboard one for Movember!). After that I’ve got a 90 min massage at Ostara Spa. Looking quite forward to everything today!

I’m ready for the holidays. Gimme a candy cane.

have you ever been to sky city?

It’s a real place, although it sounds imaginary.

It’s an entertainment company in New Zealand. I reckon one of my best Kiwi mates is in their commericals at the momment. Kms can you confirm? Venus have you seen my friend?

I’ve been quite missing NZ since I went back. Now that I’m grown up and I went, I got a taste and I’m hungry for more.

Just found out my best cuz is having a BABY. Yes Mum/Dad/Gay, Matthew! Him and I are the closest, four days apart. He came to visit me in Australia at Uni, crazy mofo, like me but a handsome young man.

I really want a hungi. Do you know what that is? it’s a traditional Marori way of cooking food in the ground. Best meal ever. If I have a wedding ever there willbe a hungi and Dad will do the haka with my uncles. He, whoever he is, will be scared.

Our sky was very pretty yesterday. Drove all over the city.

So pretty the sky on a sunny day. Do you take a minute to look up?

Can you see the Tower? It’s hiding.

Went to a friends new photography studio. If you want/need space with all the equipment. Ask me, I hook you up. You can take my photo too if you like.

Love picture taking. Imma play with some of the gear over the winter and see what I can cook up for you, internet.

That was yesterday. Those skintone lacey tights are from Winners. Been asked a bunch so what the hell, I’ll reveal my secrets! Have an awesome day xo

warm winter jacket wearing weather

my gif addiction is resurfacing…

Left the house:
H&M jacket, dress
Glasses from NZ
Tights vintage, Socks Winners