hello love, fakesy-banksy? yes i will help you.
helping this guy is funnier in my head’s animated version. you’ll see it one day.
oh hello hello, mirror mirror on the wall, these were the fairest photos of them all
i like view, i like view a lot.
hey there MO bro sean moffitt
rode a mustache, a big hairy black one on wheels. all for a good cause 🙂 #MOridesTO
santa was here, yonge street.
i love the lights. can you see the tower?
wood/ would?
in a leaf, i see you…
took these pix yesterday. by the time you’re reading this i’m on my way to the National Ballet of Canada, doing a talk to a group of students today. hi students in the class if you are reading this! feelin oretty great. woke up to new trainer on iPad with a yoga session (app is called All-In YOGA HD). magnificent that little device i tell ya. makes life more enjoyable.
the internet is awesome:)
don’t let the rain get you down. happy monday ♥