Give a Suit. Change a Life. Moores Canadian #SuitDrive

Give a Suit. Change a Life. Moores Canadian #SuitDrive

I’ve had a love for fashion my entire life. Unfortunately, I’ve never had a closet quite big enough to fit everything! Borderline clothes hoarder.  Twice a year I rummage through my stuff and pack things up to donate to a clothing drive or second hand shop. Last summer I put a bunch of old hot rod shirts and special items in storage, then handed over a few bags of clothes to find a new home.

It’s important to get rid of clothes that don’t make you feel your best. No sense in holding on to things that don’t fit, they clog up room (and make it increasingly hard to find an outfit in a hurry). Messy room, messy head. It’s amazing how well you sleep with a clean room and after doing something nice to help others.

From now until July 31st Moores is holding their 5th annual Canadian Suit Drive. For the entire month, they’re collecting donations of  men’s and women’s suits, shirts, jackets, pants, ties, belts and shoes. Items will be given to more than 60 local recipient organizations across Canada who provide job readiness programs for those on the hunt for employment.

I love this program because it helps people seeking work dress for success. Looking good and feeling good for an interview gives you a boost of confidence. A good outfit and positive attitude go a long way.

This is the PERFECT time to go through your stuff and donate your gently used/never worn items. Drop your stuff at off at a Moores before the end of the month and sale 50% on your next purchase (details).

For more info or to find a location near you visit their website. RT this tweet to share with your friends!


#TBT: Fashion Throwback! Vintage + Value Village

I didn’t grow up with lots of money but one things Mum always made sure of was that we were well dressed. I reckon my love for fashion and finding a good bargain or vintage find comes from Mum. We used to hit up Value Village and Winners clearance on weekends and see what we could find. Over the years my sister and I found some real gems!  Jenie still has a pair of heeled 18-hold Doc Martens, I’ve gathered a few pairs of great cowboy boots, and a couple leather jackets.

This week, Value Village has invited me to takeover their Instagram and share some recent goodies I picked up. Follow @valuevillage_thrift on Instagram so see what I found! If you’ve found any real beauties over the years, I’dlove to know! Leave a comment on Instagram or below.

Have an awesome day!





Paris Haute Couture AW 14/15 – Chanel, Armani, Dior

Paris Haute Couture AW 14/15 – Chanel, Armani, Dior

Fashion lovers, here’s a peek at runway shows this week from Paris Haute Couture.  Featured here are Chanel, Armani, and Dior. I know you don’t wanna think about FW 14/15 yet but it’s really not that far away. All videos and content from Rightster fashion portal. Enjoy!


Within the walls of the Grand Palais, Karl Lagerfeld pays tribute to Le Corbusier with concrete embroideries and lace imprisoned inside silicone for ceremonial overcoats and dresses…


A black and red collection at Giorgio Armani Privé. Giorgio Armani has his own customs in Paris. He showcases his Haute Couture at the Palais de Tokyo, a collection that is opened with a range of small pea jackets and shorts in patterned fabrics with a quilted effect


Raf Simons is inspired by the past in order to create the future in his latest haute couture autumn/winter 2014/15 collection for Christian Dior.In the gardens of the Musée Rodin, a wall of orchids make up the floral setting for the autumn-winter 2014/15 Christian Dior haute couture collection. The long haired models, with gold or silver eyeliner to subtly accentuate their eyes, arrive in groups into the circular space through several doors.

Any favs? Things you love, don’t love? LMK in the comments!


My Massage at Urban Nirvana Thai in Yorkville

My Massage at Urban Nirvana Thai in Yorkville

When I was in Thailand last year I got so many massages. Like 20 in 15 days, so many.  I tried a variety of different kinds and prefer a Swedish massage.  After being whipped around during a Thai massage by a little old Thai lady, I wasn’t sure I’d ever get one again.

But I did…

I was contacted by Urban Nirvana Thai Massage in Yorkville to come try out a Holistic Thai massage. I wasn’t about to say no to the offer and decided to give Thai massage another chance.

Dudes, it was amazing. My massage was with Vania and she walked on my back, my feet, and stretched out my shoulders, and hips. I felt so great after.

I was welcomed with water and taken into this room where they drew the drapes for my private massage. There was a little basket with a towel and clean set of Thai fisherman pants and a top. Getting a massage can be awkward when you’re not sure what to wear or what NOT to wear so this made me feel very comfortable.

I arrived after a long day and when I finally stopped moving and rested on the matt and listened to the calming music by myself, I started to relax. I have a hard time with relaxing sometimes!

The team at Urban Nirvana have given me a 20% discount to share with you.

You can use it for Holistic Thai Massage (service I had) or group yoga classes in the studio. The location is 895 Yonge Street, just north of the old Masonic Temple where MTV used to be. You can use it to book online or over the phone. 

Discount code: CasieS20

I’m hoping to try out the Swedish massage and some yoga soon.

Have a wonderful day my friends. Pack a ‘brolly!
Namaste <3


Off to the Races! Queen’s Plate 2014 #QP14

Off to the Races! Queen’s Plate 2014 #QP14

Queen's Plate 2014 #QP14 w/ @backseatstylers at #Woodbine

From the cottage to the red carpet!

Yesterday Sean and I went to the Queen’s Plate at Woodbine Raceway as soon as we got back from the cottage. We both rushed around to find an outfit and Queen West vintage shops saved the day for me once again. Picked up this purple hat from the Public Butter and dress from another little shop near Queen/Lansdowne (Parkdale).

We bet on the last 4 races and unfortunately didn’t win. I’m not a fan of horses, for some reason they really creep me out but I do love horse racing. When I lived in Australia it was such a huge event to attend the races. Everyone there was dressed to the nines! I remember going surfing and rushing back to the house, throwing on a dress, makeup, and a huge hat before gracing the red carpet.

Big thanks to the Sharon from the Backseat Stylers blog and Flare Canada for having us as their guests. Hoping to go back to the racetrack to place some bets before the next Queen’s Plate rolls around. It’s so fun!

Song of the day…


Party at Casa Loma w/ @MetroNewsCanada

Party at Casa Loma w/ @MetroNewsCanada

Went to a fancy shindig at Toronto’s famous castle, Casa Loma on Thursday.


Kevin asked me to recreate the purse stealer. Did a good job I reckon!


This is me wishing the castle was MINE. ALL MINE.20140704-121935-44375320.jpg

Dresses made from Metro News.


Thanks for the new LazyPants! Metro special edition. I’ve got a couple pairs and LOVE THEM. See past posts here. 


Hope weekend is treating you well!


Cottage is the Life for Me

Cottage is the Life for Me


It was a short week but to me it’s seemed like ages.  Sean was shooting The Tea Party this week and tonight we are going to see them in Barrie. Heading back from the cottage to go to the Queen’s Plate on Sunday. Looking forward to some R&R in the wilderness. And sleep.








500 Days of Selfies

Stumbled upon this the other day. Mayjahhhhhh throwback Thursday! This is a collection of 700+ photos uploaded to Dailybooth from 2009-212.

I was an avid user of the ‘booth. It was a selfie style social network with a really strong community of users who posted a photo a day. Most of my photos were selfies from travels around the world (LA, SF, NY, London, Mexico, Costa Rica, and more) and events with friends, visitors to my house. These are fond memories for me and maybe a few for you too!


 RIP Dailybooth!


Events | No Good Woman Left Behind

Events | No Good Woman Left Behind

Last week I told you an awesome story about how Telus went out of their way to do something awesome for one of their longest standing customers, Ramona. See that story here. This week, they are sponsoring a story on my blog for me to highlight someone in my community. I’ll be donating the money earned from this post to the story I’m about to share.

I’ve picked a friend who has contributed to the Toronto tech & social community for years, graced the stage with her burlesque skills, and recently displayed the utmost strength as she was recently diagnosed with Cancer.

I’d like you to meet Carolyn Van.

Carolyn is a 28 year old young woman, born & raised downtown Toronto.  She loves spending time in dance studios, tweeting & talking about technology and sharingher love for design. She’s an educator, entrepreneur, innovator and all around amazing human.

In mid-March 2014, Carolyn was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer. I can only imagine what it would be like for a woman who is so busy working, teaching, speaking, and making the world a better place, to have Cancer disrupt her mojo. I’m impressed with Carolyn’s ability to remain positive and share her story. She’s been documenting her ups and downs on her blog “Cancer Chose The Wrong Woman to F%$! With“.

I’ve known Carolyn for a few years and two years ago we were part of the Army of Sass with the fine ladies below (and my sister!). Run by Carla Catherwood, the Army of Sass is a burlesque troupe empowering women to put on their high heels, share their high hopes, and bust a move on stage. We had so much fun!

We performed in December 2012 at the Mod Club for 2 nights to a totally sold venue each night. It was a an amazing bonding experience for us all. The experience of performing on stage for a packed house is so energizing!

I’ve joined some of Carolyn’s closest friends from the Toronto dance and technology communities,  to put together a fundraiser for her on July 30, 2014. The “No Good Woman Left Behind” fundraiser at the Virgin Mobile Mod Club will be in Carolyn’s honour and to drive awareness of Lymphoma Cancer. Event ticket and auction proceeds will go towards helping to subside her medical and personal costs during treatment and healing.

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 Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 11.09.45 AM

You’ll be able bid on some fantastic gift packages from Toronto Symphony OrchestraArts & Crafts ProductionsHigh Heels High Hopes and see performances  To donate, get tickets, or find out more information visit

 I would like to thank Telus for sponsoring me to highlight a strong person I admire in my community. Carolyn has been reading my blog and been a friend for years. I’ll be donating the money earned to No Good Woman Left Behind and I hope to see you at the event on July 3o, 2014.

With love,


TELUS truly cares about the communities where we live, work and play. Putting customers first is our top priority and guides everyttelusvideohing we do, from our Give Where We Live philosophy to our Customers First days.  See how TELUS gave loyal customer, Ramona, a big surprise to thank her for being such a great customer for almost 20 years. Watch it here.


World Pride 2014 – TORONTO

World Pride 2014 – TORONTO

Pride was SO MUCH FUN. I’ve been going for years and this year, Toronto was host to WORLD PRIDE and it was bigger and better than ever. After coming back from the cottage on Sunday afternoon I met up with all my besties and my sister and we danced the night away. Can you believe that it rained then there was a double rainbow right over Church Street and the closing ceremonies? Could not have been more perfect. Surely a day to remember 🙂

World Pride 2014 Photos











It’s your life. Make the most of it. #TasteLife

It’s your life. Make the most of it. #TasteLife


One of the things I love most about summer is heading up to the cottage, taking in all the fresh air, and boating on the lake. It’s an amazing way to really soak up life’s greatness.

Over the next few weeks I’ll he sharing some of my fav ways to #TasteLife in partnership w/ [yellow tail] wines from Australia.

I’ll be encouraging you to share the great things life has to offer on Instagram by tagging @YellowTailCanadawith the hashtag #TasteLife. Each week over the summer, [yellow tail] will post a new inspiration on Instagram and you’ll be able to win a weekly prize by participating. One winner will be selected to win an ultimate grand prize adventure worth $10,000.  Their winning photo will influence the label design on two [yellow tail] bottles next summer (2015).

Here’s my first Taste Life photo, underwater blogging! I was using a DryCase product to project my iPhone while I was in the pool during a film shoot.

To me, the ‘taste life’ mentality means making the most of each day, embracing those around you., taking in the simple pleasures, being spontaneous, and having a positive attitude. I look forward to seeing how you taste life this summer!


Stay tuned for the weekly challenges and in the mean time, get out there and do something awesome!



Let’s Do The Time Warp Again! Blog History #TBT

Let’s Do The Time Warp Again! Blog History #TBT

Today I’m taking you back in time and showing you some memories from June 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. The main reason I started THIS IS MY LIFE was to keep memories. Writing things down has improved my ability to retain information over the last 10 years.

June 2008 – SATC Movie came out and I went to a pink carpet party.

Gave away an Energi to Go charger for iPod on the blog. It was one of the first things I gave away to readers like you. It was also one of my first pieces of branded YouTube content. Here’s the video. This hair, omg so long and dark!

June 2009 – Pink hair for Pride.

Blogged about Dermalogica for the first time. I use their products now and love them still.

This old shirt of Dads. Bare arms with hardly any tattoos.

June 2010 – Gladstone Hotel event, that feather tattoo has been covered by more tattoos. It was a nice one though.

Sheldon, Hawley, Tristan

Went home to see Mum, she gave me flowers from the garden.

It was also summer of G20, I retreated to the island to escape the madness.

I also protested in the G20. Well kinda, mine was more like a sexy protest. I wore lace leggins and combat boots and took photos of cute boys.

2011 – Katy Perry concert and I wore a sequin bodysuit with ruffles on the bum. It was so freaking cute.

Always great to go back in time and remember fun moments in blog history.


Look what Telus did for one of their longest standing customers…

Look what Telus did for one of their longest standing customers…

When I watched this I couldn’t hold back the happy tears. I imagined what it was like for her, what it be like if that was me, or if it was my Dad who has been a Telus customer for almost 20 years too. If it gives you the feels, share with a friend 🙂

This act of kindness to show appreciation is the things dreams are made of. I think it’s incredibly awesome that Telus did this for one of their customers of 20 years. If your day has not been made yet, you will feel like making someone else’s after watching this.

A month ago Em and I volunteered at the Harbourfront Community Centre in Toronto for the #givewhereweliveday. Thousands of company employees and friends from across Canada took part that day.

This week the Telus Care-a-Van team is in Guelph, ON with a host of events and activities to specially thank TELUS local customers and the Guelph community. Telus truly cares about the communities they live, work and play. It makes me happy to have worked with them for the last five years. They’re a great bunch!

Hope your day is great. Bring the sunshine if you don’t see it!


Watched The Institute on Netflix Last Night…

Watched The Institute on Netflix Last Night…

Last night I watched on Netflix and I was really intrigued It reminded me of the BMC Labs ‘thing’ I was involved in earlier this year with Body Mind Change and the David Cronenberg project.

I knew that Body Mind Change wasn’t real but there were elements that seemed real and then played out by people I didn’t know and to be honest I still don’t know who was in on it or not. Sean wasn’t sure at times either and he worked on it. Remember when I picked up my pod in the lab and someone tweeted me but I never saw them and it was all really weird? I like that feeling of the unknown. Nervous/excited.

Here’s the trailer for The Institute, it’s kinda weird and artistic and if you don’t like it I’m not sorry. I thought the extravagance of it was pretty neat. I would like to take part in an Alternate Reality Game. If you know of one somewhere, let me know? You can watch The Institute on Netflix here.

The Institute is a documentary that examines a San Francisco-based Alternate Reality Game, where thousands of participants got more than they bargained for. Told from the players’ perspectives, the film looks over the precipice at an emergent new art form where the real world and fiction narratives merge to create unforeseen and often unsettling unsettling consequences. Written by Spencer McCall

Note made via Noteography 🙂 

To those dark horses with the spirit to look up and see… a recondite family awaits.

Pop Up Perrier – Playground Party Photos!

Pop Up Perrier – Playground Party Photos!


Last week the Burroughs Building on Queen West was host to Pop Up with Perrier, a playground themed party for grownups. I worked with Community Agency to invite some of my closes friends, media, and socialites from the city to come out and get down. The 5th floor was filled with green lights, old school arcade games, ping pong, and more. Photo credit to Ryan Emberley for these great shots.

Pop Up Perrier @ The Burroughes

Pop Up with Perrier- Adult Playground 12

Becca poppin’ the ping pong table!

Pop Up with Perrier- Adult Playground 11

Fashion peeps in the haus hey hey, Shawn Hewson & the Greta Constantine team

Pop Up with Perrier- Adult Playground 1

My silk shirt is from from Philistine Toronto. Clearly I was loving life at this moment!

Pop Up with Perrier- Adult Playground 5 Pop Up with Perrier- Adult Playground 9

Jess from NKPR and Sabrina from NOW lookin’ babely

Pop Up with Perrier- Adult Playground 13

Dirty Harry & Patricia J.

Pop Up with Perrier- Adult Playground 21

One of my fav things was that all the drinks were pre-mixed in bottles. My fav was Grey Goose, Perrier, watermelon mint. Can someone let me know when & where there are available? I need a case for the cottage!

Pop Up with Perrier- Adult Playground 27

On the second night I wore my all over print Ryan Gosling shirt and it was a hit. People were taking photos of it all night. Lauren and I had fun chattin’ up our friends and taking selfies of course. 🙂


Thanks to everyone who came out, it was great to see you!


Om T.O. Free all-day Yoga in the Distillery District

Om T.O. 2014

I don’t know bout you but I’m feeling it could/should be Friday already.  This week is a busy one as I’m working 9-5 and 4 nights this week w/ client events/freelance. It’s been a while since I hit my mat for some sun salutations so I was happy to see an email about Om T.O. – Free all-day Yoga-thon in the Distillery District. I’m gonna try and head there first thing Saturday morning to start my day.

Om T.O. 2 (1)

“Last year, 1,000 people go onto their yoga mats and participated in our inaugural event This year, we’re hoping to double that number and bring yoga to the masses,” said Casey Soer, co-creator of Om T.O. and co-founder of Spynga Inc., a participating studio. “It’s wonderful to see yoga enthusiasts with different skill levels come together to share a truly unique community experience.”

Participating studiosSpynga889 Yoga and Wellness Spa,Bikram Centre,Downward Dog, Moksha Yoga Uptown,Soghrati YogaYoga TreeYoga Sanctuary

Senior Sponsor: Global Botanical
Presenting Sponsors: Tonic MagazineSpynga
Beverage Sponsor: Wh2ole Water 114

If you wanna join me, I’ll be heading there around 9am. 40 min classes will be running all day from 9-5pm and it’s BYOM (bring your own mat). Follow on Twitter at @OmToronto #OmTO14.



Yoga at Anamaya in Costa Rica
My Yoga Class at Anamaya Resort in Costa Rica

* this one time in Costa Rica I was in a yoga video. Check that view baby!

Top Down Cruisin’ Camaro Drive

Top Down Cruisin’ Camaro Drive

This weekend Klout & Chevrolet Canada hooked me up with a sweet ride to cruise around in. Sean and I rented a brand new Camaro last summer in California so we were quite familiar with it’s awesomeness. The car arrived Friday morning and sadly was returned last night.

I made a couple GoPro videos while on the back country roads but I’m not sure I should post them because it appears we are speeding! You’ll just have to imagine us cruising with my hair blowing in the wind. 🙂


Thanks Klout for this experience, we had heaps of fun. Best part was Sunday cruising on Southwood Road up in Muskoka. Vrooooooom, this baby is FAST!


It’s Time to Break Up w/ Your Stuff

It’s Time to Break Up w/ Your Stuff

If you are like me in that you love gadgets and like to have the newest thing, there’s a good chance you have a box, drawer, or pile of unused electronics. is spreading the message of recycling electronics with a short video that shows the social and possible romantic consequences of being a person that stores old out-of-use gadgets around the house. Watch it here 🙂

To find a drop off location near you visit

What does your stash of out-of-use electronics look like? Tweet me with a picture mentioning @ecycleOntario @casiestewart and #BreakUpWithYourStuff. You could win a $50 Visa gift card! Get ‘up on it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Salt in the Air, Sand in My Hair

This dress belonged to Mum. She got it in Hawaii on a stopover vacation when I was about 2 years old. It’s one of my favs. Photo was taken by Kelly Kruschel.

I would really love to be at a beach right now. Went up to the cottage this weekend but it wasn’t very warm and the bugs were brutal. Still have the Chevy Camaro until 8pm tonight so Sean and I are gonna go for a cruise after work. I had a burrito for lunch again from Playa Cabana, we’re in a relationship now haha. He didn’t win at the MMVA last ngiht but he DID win in the style deportment. Got him decked out in Ted Baker and will share some pix of that soon.

 Hope you had a nice weekend 🙂



Love You Dad ❤️

Love You Dad ❤️


Backyard Coachella + Safari Realness @ 159 Manning

#SafariRealness at 159 Manning

Tonight is Part 1 of BBQ Fest at 159 Manning. The Grid called it Toronto’s Backyard Coachella. I went last summer and it was so much fun!

The event is curated by by Timothy A. McCready and Justin Peroff with performances on 3 different stages by Buck 65, Bizzarh, Biblical, the Golden Dogs, BB Guns, Michael Rault, Ice Cream, the Pairs, Bouquet, Choir!Choir!Choir!, the Good Enough Live Karaoke Band, Hollow Earth, and Almighty Dreem Egg.

There are also DJ sets by Elaquent, Sunclef and Brendan Canning AND Becca Lemire is doing a SAFARI PHOTO BOOTH!

TBH I’m really stoked about the photobooth. Thinking it might be a little bit like this…RARRRR. Becca said there will be REAL ANIMALS. Can’t wait.

You can get tickets at the door and the party goes till 11pm! LMK if you are going to be there my TWEETING ME!

Also, look up at the full moon tonight and make your 8 wishes. Today marks a special Friday the 13th since there’s a full moon. The next full moon on Friday the 13th won’t occur until August 2049. Oh, and I JUST GOT A TATTOO! If you’ve been reading for a while you will know I think it’s good luck to get tattooed on Friday the 13th, a bunch of mine were done on this day. 

Happy Friday!


Karlie Kloss X Warby Parker | OMG SHE KNOWS ME!

Karlie Kloss X Warby Parker | OMG SHE KNOWS ME!

Tweeted Warby Parker about the new Karlie Kloss collabo and look what they did! I;m a big fan of the brand and am pulling out my credit card as soon as I finish typing to buy a pair of these. OMG. She even said CASIE not Cassie.

Now THAT is how you work a celebrity ambassador collaboration.


Check out the Karlie Kloss collections here. I’m blushing. This was totally out of the blue btw.  Thanks Karlie!

Much love


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Summer Loving for Your Skin from Dermalogica

Summer Loving for Your Skin from Dermalogica


This beautiful little package arrived the other day from Dermalogica full of goodies to pamper and treat my skin for the summer. I’ve been using Dermalogica for about a year now and blogged about some of my fav products here (Cover Tint w/ SPF 20) and here (Precleanse).

Over the past 2 months, I’ve had the opportunity to be an ambassador for their Little Grey Pass program and visit some of Toronto’s great spas for Dermalogica facials. It’s been great! So far the treatment I had at Hammam Spa is my fav. I’ve been to Hammam for other services but now the facial tops my fav, most relaxing things to do there. (You also get to use the sauna room when you book a Dermalogica facial! A++)

Dermalogica Little Grey Pass


We’re hooking you up with this package of great products to pamper your skin for summer. The SPF products make year-round UV protection easy keep your skin hydrated, calm, and safe. I’ve ben wearing a their moisturizers for the last year that all contain SPF 20-30. 

There are 3 prizes to be won:

  • 1 grand prize of $200, that contains four items, SPF products, after sun repair and a toner
  • 2 other prizes each containing two products

Contest is open to anyone in Canada and all you have to do is enter below. Winners will be picked random via Rafflecopter. Good luck! Here’s some more info on the SPF products and you can get your own Little Grey Pass here.

Scroll down to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Events | The Most Pride in the World


Have you seen these yet? They’re beautiful!

This weekend I had Saturday morning coffee with Andrew Dobson. He’s the blogger babe behind and regular writer for Metro News Canada. We checked out the rainbow crosswalks in The Village and gabbed about adventure. It’s so lovely to chat one on one with a friend in the sun.


I almost got a ticket from this hot cop but told him I was getting a photo and jumped in the car with a smile.


Toronto Pride is extra special this year because it’s World Pride and we’re hosting! I’ve been going to Pride since Dad took Jenie and I when we were kids. Have some really great moments and blogged about them around this time last year. 

From now to the end of the month is crazy time w/MMVA, NXNE , Pop Up Perrier, 2 speaking gigs AND Pride. I’ll have heaps of stories to share and it will feel great when July long weekend rolls around.

Here’s a few of my fav photos from Toronto Pride over the years. Thank googness for Google! All the pride photos I’ve every posted rounded up in one quick search.

Toronto Pride Memories

Jenie + Me, Stewart sister power!

Last year w/ Sean on Church Street

With love,


Liberty Village: A Village Within The City

Renter's News App by Yellow Pages

In filmed this short video for Renters Guide with Wall2Wall Media a few months ago (you can tell by the hair). They’re part of the Yellow Pages group and provide real estate media solutions so agents/landlords/developers can reach people like us.  They’ve been in the biz for 25 years and next week I’m hosting an event where they debut this new app.

Renter's News App by Yellow Pages

I used to spend heaps of time in Liberty Village when I worked Toronto Carpet Factory building from 2010-2012. Places to grab lunch or afterwork drinks were few and far between back then Now, Liberty Village is hub of businesses, agencies, places to eat, and more. In this vid, I share some of my fav things about Liberty Village. Below are some notable Canadians featured this video series too.

Content in Context – Neighbourhood and Lifestyle Videos

  • Chef Massimo Capra introduces us to the best meat shop in Port Credit, Mississauga
  • Urban Suburban TV hosts/real estate experts Sarah Daniels and Philip DuMoulin, unveil English Bay’s breathtaking views from Kitsilano, Vancouver
  • Olympic Curler Cheryl Bernard strolls through the beautiful parks in Bridgeland, Calgary
  • Country music star and radio host Clayton Bellamy feasts on the best burger in Windemere, Edmonton

If you’re interested you can DL the app from iTunes and find them on Twitter and FB at @RentersGuide_CA and TheRentersGuide. See the full press release here.

Customize Everything | Laptop Skin w/ My Face Yo

I looked pretty dorky but in a cool way at the Drake Hotel for dinner last night. I grabbed my computer and ran out the door not relly thinking about the fact I was wearing the same dress! Photo was taken when we were in California last summer, that was a great vacation.

One of the cool things about GelaSkins (where I have been working the last few months) is the Create Your Own section on the website. You can upload any photo and make a case for your phone or skin for your laptop. Over the next couple months, you’ll see a bunch of new products (aside from tech accessories) that you will be able to customize. I am a HUGE fan of customizing everything. I’ve always wanted my name and face on stuff.

If you are interested in making something for yourself, your business, mama, or BFF, LMK. Happy to help you out or hook you up.

With love & light,


Girls Day Afternoon! TFC, Sunshine, Tanning

#TFC #Toronto


On Saturday afternoon I went to a TFC game with some of my old girl gang from Community Agency. It was so fun!

We had such great seats! Meghan got hooked up with them from something. It was the perfect spot to soak up the sun. Toronto won, there were fireworks. It was a lovely ladies afternoon!


Beer & hot dogs for everyone!


Thanks Megs! Working with a few of the girl on a pop-up party with Perrier later this month.



Stopped by Marben on Wellington before heading home. They did some renos, looks great. This cheese plate was divine.


Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Might head back to Field Trip at Fort York w/ Sean later. Broken Social Scene and some other bands are on tonight!