can you feel the energy? can you see the rainbow?

Was walking in China Town the other day. So many smells and interesting things, like this…

and this…

Girl was being shot by a photographer in the middle of a really dirty part of China Town. People were crowded around and she looked like a hooker. I saw like “what’s that hooker doing on the middle of the day at Spadina/Dundas? Oh, getting shot”. I’m not sure the premice of this, maybe that was the point.   I walked right past while he was shooting. Pls lemme know if I end up on a billboard in China (actually that would be AWESOME! I wanna go there!).

I love this city. Street car tracks/wires make us unique.

Can you see the rainbow here?

I am a nerd.

BTW Reebok Easytone gear is seriously 10, love my kicks and pants do wonders for the booty.

Stay tuned for the real photos from yesterday’s workout at The Motion Room. It was a goody, feelin’ it today too.

Look at all these people working out, awesomism.

Check out this hot babe on the new flyer for TMR…recognize? It’s MA SISTA.

Mmmmmmm, when I go to yoga i think about Mc Donalds and feel happy too. Suckas.

This is the future home of a cheap ugly condo building. Might even be low income housing. Cue me leaving the  slums area.

BUT, I do have this…

Anyone wanna come by? I freaking love fooseball. I used to play all the time in highschool. We played at GENYTO during Social Media Week, remember?

It’s really pretty & sunny out today. Nice that most of you will have tomorrow off from work for Family Day. What are you doing? My Mum is in Bahamas, Dad is in Florida and my sis is working. Thinking about going to the Bell TIFF Lightbox, it’s free today & tomorrow.

Have an awesome day 🙂

have i told you lately that i love you?

le awesome by Reine

SPELLED OUT IN SEASHELLS! by Jon. Don’t tell Hipster Ariel. haha.

This one “better than carrots” by Priscilla. Cute little guy, eh. I used to have a bunny named Falco when I lived in NY many years ago.

This Casie Stewart/Lady Gaga inspired entry from Jarvis.

Entries for this contest have to be my fav everrrrr. Phone is a Motorola Quench w/ motoblur, touchscreen, android OS and on Rogers. Closes tomorrow at 1pm. See all the details/entries in the original FREESTYLE FRIDAY post here.

saturday magazine review: vanity fair march 2011

this is what we call the peanut gallery. this is the closest i’ve come to reading a book lately. that should change but i love the internet so much, why should we not have/do what we love?

here we go…

sequin lacoste number – yes, totally unconventional chic… like, no way i’m wearing that anywhere but in this very blog post mmmmm’k.

will i be wearing this when the weather warms up? i just got ruffle socks from american apparel. i have a fatal attraction to cuteness.

i would like to write like this for a brand ex. grey goose. i guess that would come with working via agency?  i am good at creative writing, you don’t even see my good stuff.  someone please let me to show off for you. i would also like to take a dance class soon.

i wanna be in magazines

top 40 high earners: top 12 are men, first woman, lucky #13, is kristen stewart. team stewart all the way. manniston is #18 and a.jolie #21. james cameron is #1.

this list make me smile cause i’m a stewart and i’m canadian. hehe.

the man is toast. hypnotic nerd gaze.

smartert than i? no.

THIS is UGG > Australia. not canadian winter you idiots. stop insulting the brand and yourself by wearing these booties in the snow/slush/rain/winter. it is not working for you, it never will. the end.

can i have one of these, pretty please?

and thank you.

what IS in a name?

Leonardo Dicaprio – Appian Way: in Italy, found a road names Appian Way while filming Gangs of New York, “the road on which the Roman Army marched as they set out to conquer the world” he thought a good name for a company starting out.

Kevin Spacey – Trigger Street Productions: names after his hometown

Clooney – Smokehouse Pictures: named after a resto across from Warner Bros. where he had all kinds of meetings

I like to draw cartoons too. Maybe one day you will see mine in magazines? I think we might.

this gets the eight of hearts: love them both. so hot.he is really dreamy in the cameron diaz vegas movie. watched it again last night. i watch lots of movies, ‘super high me’ on netflix before going through vanity fair. fun 😉

i love her face and this look. red lips, black eyes, white hair.

did she change her face?

nose, eyebrows? i dunno. maybe not.


oh mel, i rememebr the old days.

remember when mel gibson was young and hot? young pic there kinda looks like @mhp

he is such a dream boat, mark 1992. oh man i love him long time.

and brad pitt. hubba hubba.

i like that blue makeup. i think it would look cool with my hair and face.

i like this kinda house. reminds me of new zealand, of family.

in summary of this magazine: it’s beautiful. i wanna be in the hollywood issue.

in my dreams i look like this sometimes.

the internet is a new human experience

“lions and tigers used to be kings of the jungle & then one day they wound up in zoos – i suspect we’re on the same track”

Josh Harris (internet entrepreneur/ we live in public)

Woke up with the plan to read these  magazine and once again, I find myself sharing on the internet, blog, twitter etc. I just accepted 269 friends on Foursquare. Happy stalking.

These photos are taken with Retro Camera on my Motorola Milestone android smart phone device.

I decided to watch We Live in Public again on Netflix. Have you seen it? I wrote about it when I first wathced, it’s a documentary about the internet. Fascinating to me, honestly. I highly suggest you give it a watch.

This is my fav breakfast w/ coffee: plain butter croissant.

Hawaii is in the BMW Ultimate Blogger contest. This is so perfect for him. When I read the contest I was like, “Whoa, Hawaii needs to enter this stat.” Click the photo to vote for him, he loves/lives BMW.

These are some entries in my Freestyle Friday contest I posted yesterday. Prize is a sexy new phone from Motorola Canada on Rogers, winner chosen Monday. 

Each creative pic links to the person who made it. Thanks guys!

Super easy to enter: write/type on something, take a pic, upload to internet., link in comments here. Enter NOW!

Really looking forward to my workout at The Motion Room today. Happy Saturday!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

the wind whipping past our windows is wild.

this sunset was really rainbow colours. had to see with own eyes though.

so much traffic every day.  i don’t have a car.

sun looks pretty through these eyes.

if i come to your computer store, i will dailybooth.

big time blogging, look out world.

me in a nutshell.

this too. like seriously.

been on the streets again eh nus?

it was not warm enough for this gramma. you need a jacket.

was really windy today, lost my ice cream. see my lashes? whoa.

keri lost a burger.