- Sophie by Kiwi band Goodshirt. new shoes i just got are called Sophie. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/8eZo1LQ9EEs?a) #
- saw smith jarred, feel like carrie bradshaw, seeing @textualitymovie, #fun (@ TIFF Bell Lightbox w/ @brockmclaughlin) http://4sq.com/edUF3B #
- one of these days again… (@YouTube http://youtu.be/-kKswLd65Ws?a) #
- YBT for a PYT (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/fu7Dnl #
- #BlogJob $100/Post – 50 Spots Available https://casiestewart.com/jobs #toronto #
- Photo: hipsterbride:(via Real Wedding: Lora Joe’s Goat Farm Wedding http://tumblr.com/xmj26kl9a8 #
- Photo: I http://tumblr.com/xmj26kl25h #
- Photo: if i had long hair i would do this & it would be beautiful. http://tumblr.com/xmj26kjvuy #
- Photoset: vintage vibrators – saw these in Provinceton, MA. Scary! http://tumblr.com/xmj26kh3sp #
- iframe makes me feel _________. #
- Photo: › Winning at Carpooling. http://tumblr.com/xmj26kbl1z #
- As a half-Jewish Type A personality, I prefer searching for the afikomen & Easter eggs at the same time. http://t.co/k9orqWk via @someecards #
- jacked up @themotionroom. http://post.ly/1v5tJ #
- Photo: this was a fun night @jgrdnr @laurenonizzle http://tumblr.com/xmj26jysds #
- listening to "Cake – Short Skirt Long Jacket" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13uemb #
- listening to "Sublime – Waiting For My Ruca" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13ueie #
- listening to "Primus – Wynona's Big Brown Beaver" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13uee5 #
- listening to "Everclear – Volvo Driving Soccer Mom" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13uead #
- listening to "The Waifs – Bridal Train" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13ue4b #
- you're ugly & your mama dresses you funny – dad's old bumper sticker. #
- "It takes 1,000 tweets to build a reputation and one to ruin it. Don't tweet anything you don't want on a billboard.” via @unmarketing #
- Sophie by Kiwi band Goodshirt. new shoes i just got are called Sophie. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/8eZo1LQ9EEs?a) #
- RE: Thanks! They are the Sophie shoe from Vans in Black & white I got mine at Nerbury Comics. http://disq.us/1q5un3 #
- i read books & i wear glasses. http://dailybooth.com/u/8ztgq #
- launched a thousand ships in my heart, so easy http://goo.gl/fb/GAfZ7 #blog #
- one of these days again… (@YouTube http://youtu.be/-kKswLd65Ws?a) #
- Morning loves! Almost finished Chelsea's Horizontal Life book, had a great sleep. Ready for an awesome day. Ya with me? #
- yesterday on twitter, this happened: http://goo.gl/fb/erZkG #blog #
- love this song & her. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/n4nuVRw3tOA?a) #
launched a thousand ships in my heart, so easy
Feeling real sunny today. Thinking there are a few reasons…
Let’s start with a song & I’ll tell you.
Just emailed my new hire some tasks, please welcome Kate Killet to team Casie Stewart. I hope she is ready for my intenseness.This is the true test of my crazy, I am super organized and strict. I have lots of fun but I take this internetting/blog thing very seriously.
Customized life FTW. Best ever. Saw this at the Converse shop on Newbury in Boston. They had a screen press for shoes upstairs fully equipped with ipad stations for designing. I Love THE FUTURE.
One of the reasons I feel so sunny is I’m attending a movie at the Bell Lightbox this evening for the first time. It is the Textuality premiere and… I am bringing a date. I never bring dates. Well, I took a dashing young Brock Mclaughlin out as arm candy during TIFF last September and look at him now. It started his socialite career, I kid I kid. Actually, you know it’s true.
I was sitting in this shop while Ellen was picking up some things, aren’t I just the cutest. Look at that smile, I bet someone just tweeted me something silly.
Just kidding, I was making this. I wanna be Casie Stewart when I grow up.
I know you have seen them already but I love these shoes. They are so snug and little like ballet shoes. I found them at Newbury Comics. Comic shops have really cool stuff, I have so been missing out. Duh.
Anyone know someone at Vans? I would really like to see about becoming friends with these shoes. Like in every colour and 20 pairs for my BFF’s. Then we can all wear them and do a dance number. My sister can choreograph it and we can film it with the Olymus PEN. It will be magical, I can see it now. Can’t you?
Then I went to my Apple store to stalk my future boyfriend, 11″ of pure macbook air greatness.
There was a beautiful staircase and a live performance on the 4th floor.
I think of of the other reasons I feel sunny today is that I am getting busier and really loving my work. Each day is new adventure in entrepreneurship, I make things up as I go. I’ve been waking up earlier than ever simple because I can’t wait to start my day.
this one time, in new zealand…
I was there for NZ Music Week in the start of May. I was about 18. I heard this song Sophie by Goodshirt and totally fell in love. I feel in love with lots of things that trip. My sister and I were in the homeland all alone and we made heaps of new friends, one of which I visited last year. (HI KMS!) Love how a song can bring back such fond memories.
yesterday on twitter, this happened:
- you make me feel like i'm living a teenage dream. #
- I don't think I'm going to watch Criminal Minds anymore. #
- Ikea makes funny commercials. #
- I don't like the elections ads, I prefer the Dairy Queen ones. Dolphin guitar. #
- Watching 20/20 Fairytale Romance, so excited for my Kate/Diana ring to come. #
- I love The Royal Wedding. Very much so. #
- i miss two & a half men charlie. #
- Sharon Newman always goes for the 'rescue' type. Urgh. #barn #yandr #
- Boston’s true luxury experience, The @LenoxHotel http://goo.gl/fb/KRHBD #blog #
- my landlady has the most serious engrish everrrrrrr – always sounds like she has marbles in mouth & is wasted. so cute. #
- need to be in NYC april 27th to see my babes @derekfabulous @nichvon_k & the lovely @nicolemiller! thank you for invite 🙂 #
- loooove these cinemagraphs – animated gifs of @cocorocha http://bit.ly/ePJ00f via @withoutayard #
- love this song & her. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/n4nuVRw3tOA?a) #
- last night i went to Diddy & didnt take one photo. so many kids taking photos, wonder where they will all go. youtube, FB? #
- manager – MAMAger #
- today is 108/2011 – this is what i did on day 8 feat. @lynsieroberst @jeniestewart & @starbucks https://casiestewart.com/january-8th-2011 #
- whoa on @skype w/ @jeniestewart in Bahamas, she touched a SHARK yesterday! cripes. #
- Happy to say I have officially hired @katekillet to be my paid assistant/intern. Welcome to the team babe! #awesome #
- Lunch date w/ Andy (@ Ackee Tree) http://4sq.com/dHJpab #
- BYT (@ Sense Appeal) http://4sq.com/fyjTU9 #
- would you guy be interested in a massive paint party this summer? think dance party, paint, bodies, babes, hotness. #
- winner of #textuality ticket is @rayannelangdon! thanks @rockitromo http://post.ly/1uoJH #
- listening to "Alors on danse – stromae (electro-funky remix)" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13tcvw #
- what are some of your fav french songs? #
- this hat makes you think ____ http://dailybooth.com/u/8z6br #
- today is the 108th day of the year. #
- listening to "Yelle – Qui Est Cette Fille" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13t9yc #
- inventional wisdom – a new kind of technical education http://goo.gl/fb/rYN29 #blog #
- dear @raymitheminx, miss yr guts. xo #
- listening to "Yelle – Je Veux Te Voir" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13t9k3 #
- Photo: Vodka @ A-House gay bar in Provincetown. Omg you guys would love it. http://ahouse.com http://tumblr.com/xmj261m125 #
- listening to "Katy Perry & Yelle – Hot N Cold Yelle Remix" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13t9d7 #
- listening to "Yelle – Ce Jeu (The Twelves Remix)" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13t984 #
- listening to "Lhasa De Sela – J'arrive A La Ville" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13t92r #
- RIP Google Video: Download Your Videos by May 13 or They're Gone Forever http://on.mash.to/fWWt8K via @mashable #
- singing in french day at the office. #
- listening to "Yelle – Tu es beau" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13t8w4 #
- listening to "Carla Bruni – Quelqu'un M'a Dit" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13t8qf #
- listening to "Magnetic Man – Perfect Stranger feat. Katy B (Benga Remix)" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13t8hy #
- i need some coasters. #
- those shoes with the toes in them really freak me out. saw a a guy at airport, he looked like gorilla feet. it was gross. #
- when is this contest over? take one sec & vote @shawnhawaii http://bit.ly/fS70al #ultimateblogger #ladyblogga #
- so excited, this week my 'Casie' name necklace & Princess Di/Kate Middleton ring arrive! #
- Photo: one love…chalk. see you in the park. i got glitter chalk this year. http://tumblr.com/xmj260t1oa #
- anyone have a good mix for me to listen to this fine Monday morning? #
- Photo: › I must have this dress. http://tumblr.com/xmj260mkzn #
- Photo: i dream of this one day http://tumblr.com/xmj260m31d #
- Good luck Boston marathoners today. I ran my own Boston marathon this weekend… @puma after hours athlete style. #
- irish goodbye last night after one hour + didn't get street meat or wasted. i'm so proud of myself 😛 #
- Morning! #
Boston’s true luxury experience, The @LenoxHotel
Time for some daydreaming…
About you…
Stopped into Hubba Hubba, a fun shop around the corner from this pretty window.
Then I went o hang out at MIT. This mural is in the basement near washrooms by the main cafeteria.
“I’m at MIT”
They had BLUE Vitamin Water. Yo, O’Nizzle, we need to try that kind. It’s called “Stur-D”
I did not eat these things but people do. The States has some interesting (fatty) snacks.
Havard mixer anyone?
I hung out at MIT & read the paper.
Yeah, yeah I do. Thanks for the lunch date Zuckerberg.
This is pretty neato. Who calls things ‘neat’? Andy Hall, that’s who.
Let me get right in there for a sec. People were looking at me…is this bad luck?
Classic shot of Boston. CITCO is how you find Fenway.
Stayed at The Lenox on Friday night. Super nice hotel. I tweeted them and they never tweeted me back. I hate that. I was hoping they would be like “Oh Ms. Stewart, lovely to have you” (at least). Here is some champagne.
The hotel was super packed with lean people for the Boston Marathon.
Lenox is right at the finish line.
I was quite (pleasantly) surprised to see ipads in several hotels/shops around Boston. Yay for technology.
Ellen & I. The bell boys were all so very nice. Thanks for the hospitality!
Well hello there pretty lady.
More photos to come from heaps of other things I did over the weekend. Have you been to Boston? What are some of your fav things to do there? I will add to my list for next time!
inventional wisdom – a new kind of technical education
Been singing/listening to French music this morning. Lovely to get away but so nice to come home. Do you know this song ‘J’arrive a la Ville’. This video is from a couple years ago, RIP those red Wellies. Klout score is feeling slutty again tday, haha.
Pix are from MIT on Friday. Was great being there, really got my brain kickin’ up into high(er) gear. Heaps to share from my wonderful & relaxing getaway to Boston & the Cape this weekend. Meeting newest intern today and excited to go through more applications & grow the Art Stew Media team. Will pick Textality winner this afternoon.