Dear Mum,

I didn’t see you on Skype so I am writing to you here. I know as soon as you get internet on the boat, this is where you go. I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day, this year, it’s that special one we share. I wish that I could hug you today.

Jenie is on her way over now & we’re gonna cheers to you. Thank you for encouraging me to be unique, to make my own path & leave a trail and for supporting me in all I do.

You truly are an amazing human being. I love you.

A Little History on How I Got Here

I woke up this morning determined to find my hot pink photo album and bring back some memories. I didn’t find it but I did come across a bunch of things that made me feel fond about friends, happy about starting a new year and proud of things I’ve done. This was me at Mum’s house on my 21st birthday, eight years ago.

This was me at Mum’s house on my 21st birthday, eight years ago.

A few months after that photo I shipped off to Australia for university. This was right before the airport, my family. There was a time where I thought I’d never get Mum & Dad together for a photo but such is no longer the case. I grew up so much that year I was away.

This was at The Moose in Kitchener (anyone from there will recognize it!) the day I got back from Aus. I was so tiny, all my friends were like “where did your boobs go?”.  I left at about 125lb and came back barely 100. Living at the beach is a great diet.

I figure today, my birthday is as good of a day as any to share some memories of where I came from/how I got here. One thing that always changes, is my hairstyle. I’ve had so many colours. Teen model.

That was not the end of teen modeling. Oh no, there was much more.

And more.

After I won this pageant I did all kinds of fashion shows. It was really fun to be honest. I got lots of practice being in front of the camera, walking on stage and it introduced me to some people at Gap where I got my first ever real job.

I had braces for about two years in high school. This was during my Gap days. I loved the 50% discount and used to wear Gap Kids all the time. I still like Gap, always will I reckon.

I went through a stage where I used to get braids all the time. Our friend Hannan “Handy Hannah” would come over and do it for us. It kills your head. I also used to wear hemp necklaces. I even made a few.

See that photo in the background? Cover of the Toronto Sun Oct/Nov 2001. It spells “RON!”, I’m the ‘O’.

I got called for the shoot when Ron was gonna leave CBC & hockey night in Canada over something. I didn’t know who Ron McLean was until that day. I’d been stung by a bee on my elbow right before my driver picked me up. It KILLED. I took a town car to the Toronto Sun office from Cambridge.

I had CARPE DIEM in my room for years. Biz card is from Want Boutique in Toronto. Used to take day trips to the city with Dad and his GF. We’d always go into Want and pick out something for ourselves. I love shopping with Dad.

In highschool, my room was painted purple after it had been covered in Sharpie by every person who ever came over to hang out. My house was somewhat of a party house place where the kids could hang. I loved Britney Spears too.

I loved Britney Spears too. Still do.

We took a road trip near Chicago one summer to visit Luke. He was playing baseball there. I wonder if I will ever go dark hair again. I look like a totally different person with dark hair.

One summer I got my wisdom teeth out. It was hilarious. My cheeks were HUGE!

Jenie & I at the batch in New Zealand on the sheep farm riding Uncle Jimmy’s tractor. When people ask where I see myself in five years, I often say here. Away from everything.

Massive seals behind us here, that’s Lisa my cuz in the red with my sister. She’s Maori but her Dad is Mum’s twin bro so they kinda look alike. She’s grown up/married now. All my cousins are, Jenie & I are the lone rangers.

Remember this? Jays won the World Series. Mum took us out of school and we came to Toronto for the day. She never wanted us to miss out on big events.

Oh man, this one time in Australia I made Cheryl and I these ghost costumes. We were trying to eat KFC without taking them off. The thing was, in Australia they don’t really celebrate Halloween so when we walked around like this ‘Ghost’ wasn’t the first thing that came to mind. Eh, whoops!

Cheryl is getting married in two weeks. Ah, I can’t believe it! I used to wear coloured contacts too BTW.

Summer – what am I drinking, Mike’s Hard? Ew.

In 2006 we wore the cutest outfits to Pride. Jenie, Randy & I were on a BPM, CP24, and a whole bunch of other places. I googled for the next two weeks and kept finding photos of us showing up all around the world, mostly in Asia. Always dress cute/sexy when you go to Pride.

I used to go to rock shows more often. Kory is my partner in crime for that, she’s always got the pulse on what/where good bands are playing. She’s coming from out West to visit soon & her BF is playing Horseshoe. Will keep you posted ok.

Jenie had dark black hair for about two years. It looked so good one her. Gay – dark again?

LB – Lisa Baker was my bestie growing up. We made friends in grade one and hung out 27/4 as kids. Riding bikes, chasing boys. Think the movie Now & Then, that’s us. She just left me a real cute VM. ILU!

One year I attended the Fashion Cares Gala with some colleagues. My first job in Toronto & out of uni was at YM Inc. I thought I wanted to be in the fashion industry for a major retailer, I was wrong. I started my blog that same year.

One of the girls who became my BFFF at that job was Rayanne. She also helped by get my URL and I bought that baby for 10 years. Thanks Rayanne!

Ok, now some love for my Mama. She brough me into this world and encouraged me ever single day to be myself and follow my dreams. - I find it strange that we celebrate you on the anniversary of a day when your mom did all of the work.

Mum, you are so cool. Happy Mothers Day! You are a constant inspiration.

Thank you for the birthday wishes friends. I’m happy & blessed to be surrounded by awesome people. I’m excited for the next year and every year thereafter! Last year I achieved goals & accomplished things, at times, I only believed were a dream. I’m ready to make more dreams come true this year! Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

P.S. How nice is this!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i really hope she’s gonna make it.

My baby, she’s gone to the Bike Doctor. At first diagnosis, it’s not lookin’ too good.

Went to Curbside Cycle to drop off my ride and check out the shop. We had a really fun time. Photo looks like the thing is in my mouth. Haha. Team Boston will get a kick of of that I’m sure! So many cool bikes there.

Watched this totally awesome TED talk yesterday. The cloud thing at the end for the London Olympics is mind blowing but don’t skip the start. Hope it inspires you 🙂

Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference – HI!

Today I’m at U of T with Keri hosting CUTC (The Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference). In a nutshell, CUTC is “passionate young students gathering to discuss and learn about the newest and coolest ways the world is changing”. Check out the speakers here (Reddit guy, Kiva founder etc.).

We’re in for lots of red shirts and heaps of students. Beauty day out there though!

Owly Images

If you’re in the audience reading this – HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Follow casiestewart on Twitter

CUTC is Canada’s largest, longest-running student-organized technology conference. 2011 will be its 12th year. CUTC brings together hundreds of the country’s brightest students for two days in the heart of downtown Toronto, and gives them a chance to interact with technology in ways that school can’t. This includes incredible keynote speakers, intimate breakout sessions, and a wide variety of activities and competitions bringing together students and tech. CUTC 2011 is about sharing the stories behind changes in technology, about answering the “how” and “why” more than just the “what”.

Care about what you share about.

A My City Lives tweet inspired me yesterday morning. I was thinking about the things I share and the things others share and how much I care about what I share.

This week I’ve been thingking heaps about creativity, creative thinking and large of a role it plays in my life. Had a nice chat with Mum and she said “You either have creativity or you don’t, you can’t learn it“. She reminded me I was very creative as a child in everything I did. I always liked to create my own way to do things from getting dressed to assignments in school.

This one time I had to make a new paper mache bowl for my teacher art Mrs. Mack. We had an assignment to make a bowl in class and while everyone was making them, I decided to use magazine, cover it it text, laquer it up and add colorful photos. I might have painted in it too. I can’t rememeber. Anyhow, Mum came to the auction event at school to buy my bowl and my bloody teacher had hid the damn thing.  We asked the teacher as my Mum was about to throw a snap and she went and grabbed it FROM THE CLASSROOM.

Mum was livid. You don’t wanna piss off Mum. Trust me. Mum made a deal that I would make a new bowl for the teacher and she handed over $5 and bought my artwork.

I had forgot about this happening until Mum reminded me this week. She said “Remember how fast you made that bowl for your teacher, Casie?“. I don’t remember that well but I do remember it was really fast. I used to sit at the Kitchen table and write poems in batches. The more creativity I share, the more I have.

Sharing is caring. Girl you know it’s true.