Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference 2011 at University of Toronto

This weekend I hosted CUTC 2011 at U of T w/ Keri. It is Canada’s largest tech conference for Uni students in Canada. I was proud to  join the awesome list of speakers in attendance.

They made this name tag for me. Thanks guys 😉

Keynote speakers included Matt Flannery (Co-founder and CEO of Kiva) , Alexis Ohanian (Co-founder of & Founder of Breadpig), and Ariel Garten (CEO of InteraXon).

This room filled up fast with about 500 students! [waves hi to the crowd]

My City Lives were in part of the technology fair during lunch break. I was happy to introduce two of my fav people, Adil & Keri.

Reckon I like being a speaker more than a host and look forward to more speaking engagements this year. So far I’ve spoken at U of  T to Communication Culture & Information Tech students (CCIT), Centennial College to PR students (CCPR), Fashion Connect TO and been involved with some rad events.  Couple more conferences on the horizon before the year is done!  If you think I would be informative/fun to have speak at your event, school, office or conference email [email protected].

This is cue for speaker on stage to wrap it up. Felt rude holding this! haha.

Beautiful out there today! Enjoy it.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

she told me i should try a leather saddle and i got the plant based lube

You know I love my bike, biking, bicyclette. If you don’t, you might wanna do some homework in the company Bike archives. (Duh, where have you been?)

There she is. She needs a physical, some real attention. Let’s hope she’s gonna make it. Last week I dropped her off to the Curbside Cycle  on Bloor to see if we can bring her back to life.  Fingers crossed!

I was introduced to Curbside after learning they carried the ORONTAS BikeCare line. Orontas is an alternative oil company with “a reckless commitment to do better”.  Their products are biodegradable, petroleum-free and they look nice. Attention bike nerds/hipsters, you should have this stuff already. It just came out Spring 2011.

ORONTAS Plant-Based Lube / BikeCare Cleaner / BikeCare Lubricant / Waterproof Grease

Orontas is a lifestyle maintenance company based in Toronto (cool eh!).  They manufacture and distribute high performance, sustainable and nontoxic products (and tongue twisters). I read on the Curbside Blog that Cervelo uses this stuff.

Make your bike sexy & lube it up with ORONTAS products from Curbside Cycle w/ Plant-Based Lube – $13CAN/300g, BikeCare Cleaner – $14CAN/240ml, BikeCare Lubricant – $14CAN/240ml or the Waterproof Grease – $15CAN/115g.

Hello Pantone family friends.

You are real pretty. I like you.

Hey Michael, bicycle, bicycle!

These bikes are neat. Reminds me of the Marvel Wheelchair.

I have a blog called Nutcase, you probably never heard of it.

Curbside has some really sweet helmets. Deff high in the style department. I have a white bern helmet.

These are my fav helmets Yakkaybrainwear for smart people“.

Only found in Canada at Curbside Cycle.  I mentioned them May 18th, 2009 when you could only order them from the interwebs.  (Early adopter)

I look like a dork here but the helmets have this cute hat covering on them and look cool. See the one behind me there? Once you take off the hat part it’s one of those little black motorcycle helmets.

I like bright things. Lights are good for your bike. Safety is cool. These little lights are $11.99 and you can easily put on/take off  for convenience.

Looking at all this stuff get’s yer gears going, y’know. So many wants. I love my old bike but, imagine a new bike…Pantone yellow I have my eye on you.

m5O9Pe on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Basket = essential. Easily pops on & off  for convenience. Especially convenient when you go to the park or have a basket full of books beers. I suggest getting s sturdy one.

Doesn’t this look nice for your hands? Yup.

Really like this bike. Pashley, original British bike.

Brooks leather saddle. Better for your butt.

Drum breaks.

The light uses a hub dynamo (small electric generator) to power it. Swoooooooooon.

The shop is full of cool gadgets to pimp your ride.

Then a guy came in with this bike he made in welding class. Check this out Dad! So cool.

These are only a few of my fav things. To see for yourself go visit the Curbside Cycle at 412 Bloor Street West or call them 416.920.4933. The staff are all rad people I reckon I would have beers with.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

a live comedic art form

The other day I went w/ Raymi to the Yuk Yuk’s for the Great Canadian Laugh Off. I’d never been there before. Crazy eh, considering how funny I am much I like to laugh. VIP style, obviously.

It was a good a show. The winner, Mark Debonis won $25k. Way to go funny guy.

There were some sweet judges like Michael Cox (Talent Executive at Chelsea Lately) & Ashley Olivia (Talent Coordinator for Conan O’Brien). Hi Chelsea! Thanks to Peter Lawrent for inviting us. I’d gladly come back!

Hopefully next time I go back it’s to see my girl,  Lauren O’Nizzle. She recently did her first stand up at The Rivoli. Next time she does it I will find out ahead of time so we can all go and heckle her cheer her on. Blondetourage FTW!

Here’s to some good lunch time laughs. Enjoy! 🙂

dolphin guitar player by night

I’m guessing you have seen this commercial? Dolphin guitar? DQ has been rockin’ some funny ones lately. I also have a crush on thie DQ guy. Couple friend said he’s “my type”. Tall handsome babe with facial hair who is funny and can play guitar? Check.

Today, I’m heading down to Yonge & Dundas today just after 11 to take a bite ouf of this MASSIVE cake. Dairy Queen Canada is celebrating the 30th Birthday of its ice cream cake by attempting a Guinness World Record for the world’s largest ice cream cake .

Giant cake will be live in the Square for us starting at noon. Part that blows my mind is how BIG it is: 20 thousand pounds of ice cream, 200 pounds of sponge cake and 300 pounds of icing and OREO crumble assembled by a team of approximately 100 DQ experts.

Bring your kids, colleagues, neighbours and friends – there will be more than enough to go around!

All I have to say about it is this… SANASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!