Mmm, donut & coffee.

What a trip. Getting to Florida isn’t that difficult. I’ve been blessed with great travel the last year so this time, when I encountered delay, after delay, I wasn’t too upset. (Except when I cried on the way there and missed a fancy dinner with my sister & friends.)
This was leaving Florida, good sign I reckon, C8. My fav number is 8.

Picked up Fast Company (mostly because of the Conan cover) and learned about these rad wooden surf boards.

I love surfing. I love the ocean. I love summer. I love…affirmation girl?
Bye bye beachy. Mama loves Miami.

Home, wahhh. Get me off this thing… just kidding. Look, something shiny out the window.


The reason I picked up Fast Company aside from Conan was this article “The 100 Most Creative People in Business”. I strive to be here one day.

Jack Dorsey, (one of the Twitter Founders) is #4 on the list. He is a cool guy. Listened to a few of his talks. There’s a couple good ones on itunesU from Stanford.

I totally love Conan. He is so funny, combine that with his divine creativity and you’ve got a whole lot of awesome. I reckon he’s a cool Dad. Does he have kiddios?

Alex Kipman from Microsoft (brain behind Kinect) made the list too. I would LOVE a Kinect. So fun. I kick ass at the dancing game. Challenge me anytime!

I was quite inspired to see a few companies I’ve worked with recently on the list. Christian Parks the Global Marketing Cheif @ Levis. Read my article about ‘Crafting Your Personal Brand‘ on Levis here.

Tonight is the Pepsi Throwback Retro Tweetup. I’m pretty stoked to have about 200 friends & media together for a few hours. Got some prizes etc to give away too. Oh, on that note, Pepsi’s Global Director of Social Media, B.Bonin Buogh made the list too.

I ate a sprinkle donut then one showed up in the mag. Whoa! The avg America eats 34/year. Fatties!

It was very beautiful when I landed in Montreal (not that I went outside). I had to rush to make my flight, boarded at 5:29 when my flight left at 5:30. Last one on the plane, thank god. However, we sat on the tarmac for 40 mins. I watched Modern Family, show is so damn funny.

This thinger is cool. Moves the cartons across on wheels.

Montreal Boyfriend.

By the time I landed in Toronto I was tired & felt so nasty. I was en route from 11am in FLA to about 9:45 when I landed in YYZ. Crikey!

Checked the mail @ home & was happily surprised to see my Phoenix arrived from Etsy & Tiffany at Prickelfish Studios. Love it!

So good to be home. Excited for the party tonight!