This afternoon I’m heading back to Centennial College with my (digital) brother Andrew Stewart. We’re chatting a PR & Digital Media class about social media and our lives.

I love this city!

Andrew works at Strategic Objectives PR and is going to discuss social media from an agency perspective. He was the brains behind the NYE weekend in Montreal this past December. I’ll be speaking about how I built up a big following, grew my network and turned something I truly love into my job, living an exciting, positive life!

I walk on glitter BTW.

Reckon imma plank in the classroom. I bet they will think it’s funny. Maybe we can group plank? That would be way cool. Yeah I said ‘way cool’ dude.

Ok ttys. Love you.

i just wanna blog, i don’t really caaaaaaaaaaaaaare.

I have like 8,000 things I’m trying to do an I wanna do is blog, blog, blog. Wahhhh. Here’s some things I did today real fast.

Had this song stuck in my had all day. You’re welcome.

Plank like ‘errrrrrrrry day.

New shoes @ Get Outside. I replaced my white canvas Converse (like those words together) every summer. I love summer.

Went to a beautiful Dermaglow event at the TIFF Lightbox.

The team is fab. Thank you for all the products. I can’t wait to wash my face & moist it in a few mins.

I’m excited for Film Fest this year. If you & your company wanna chat about doing something cool together email [email protected]. 10 days of pure awesome fun.

Sometimes when Keri & I hang out it’s like, so meta. So funny too. Keri taking photo to blog and me taking her photo & blogging it. Oooh hehe haha. I kill me.

Ate a meat pie. I love meat pies. Wasn’t as good as NZ meat pie though.  Say meat pie again.

Mince meat w/ potato top are my most fav. I also like patio lunches.

Got some jazz in the mail from China I ordered from Etsy. I freaking love Etsy now. I have a bad memory (reason I started this blog) so I forget things often. I didn’t know what was in the package before I opened it. Self gifting FTW.

Keri got mail too. Look how happy.

Tonight I have three events, Steamwhistle, Yelp, Molson Sublime. Excited to see friends. I love summer. Gah!


thanks for last night

Friends, ILU. So many photos to share. Have a lunch event today & will get to blogging in the arvo.

Thank you to Pepsi Canada for an awesome time last night. It was my pleasure to host so many friends at a venue I have had many (MANY) good times at.

Enjoy the day!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

coming home, nothing quite like it mama.

Mmm, donut & coffee.

What a trip. Getting to Florida isn’t that difficult. I’ve been blessed with great travel the last year so this time, when I encountered delay, after delay, I wasn’t too upset. (Except when I cried on the way there and missed a fancy dinner with my sister & friends.)

This was leaving Florida, good sign I reckon, C8. My fav number is 8.

Picked up Fast Company (mostly because of the Conan cover) and learned about these rad wooden surf boards.

I love surfing. I love the ocean. I love summer. I love…affirmation girl?

Bye bye beachy. Mama loves Miami.

Home, wahhh. Get me off this thing… just kidding. Look, something shiny out the window.


The reason I picked up Fast Company aside from Conan was this article “The 100 Most Creative People in Business”. I strive to be here one day.

Jack Dorsey, (one of the Twitter Founders) is #4 on the list. He is a cool guy. Listened to a few of his talks. There’s a couple good ones on itunesU from Stanford.

I totally love Conan. He is so funny, combine that with his divine creativity and you’ve got a whole lot of awesome. I reckon he’s a cool Dad. Does he have kiddios?

Alex Kipman from Microsoft (brain behind Kinect) made the list too. I would LOVE a Kinect. So fun. I kick ass at the dancing game. Challenge me anytime!

I was quite inspired to see a few companies I’ve worked with recently on the list. Christian Parks the Global Marketing Cheif @ Levis. Read my article about ‘Crafting Your Personal Brand‘ on Levis here.

Tonight is the Pepsi Throwback Retro Tweetup. I’m pretty stoked to have about 200 friends & media together for a few hours. Got some prizes etc to give away too. Oh, on that note, Pepsi’s Global Director of Social Media, B.Bonin Buogh made the list too.

I ate a sprinkle donut then one showed up in the mag. Whoa! The avg America eats 34/year. Fatties!

It was very beautiful when I landed in Montreal (not that I went outside). I had to rush to make my flight, boarded at 5:29 when my flight left at 5:30. Last one on the plane, thank god. However, we sat on the tarmac for 40 mins. I watched Modern Family, show is so damn funny.

This thinger is cool. Moves the cartons across on wheels.

Montreal Boyfriend.

By the time I landed in Toronto I was tired & felt so nasty. I was en route from 11am in FLA to about 9:45 when I landed in YYZ. Crikey!

Checked the mail @ home & was happily surprised to see my Phoenix arrived from Etsy & Tiffany at Prickelfish Studios. Love it!

So good to be home. Excited for the party tonight!

a monument to celebrate the memory, memorial.

Weather has been so lovely. It’s so weird to not blog. I took a break but I missed you internet. I’m addicted to sharing.  Hollywood, Florida woo hoo.

Dad always used to do this when we went to Swiss Chalet. Jenie & I have been LOLing so hard this whole weekend, we all have. It’s awesome.

We went to Haulover Beach Fri & Sat for the afternoon. Had some nice long walks (haha) and floated in the ocean. I could do that all day.

These things made the loudest noise when you whacked them on the walls. So funny.

My Dad is building one of these right now. Rat Rod, so wicked.

Jenie & I wore really cute outfits Friday & last night. I love dressing up. I want to be Karl Lagerfeld for halloween this year.

Dinner time. Hope you are having a great weekend. I’m really excited for Pepsi Throwback on Tuesday when I get back from vacation. Toootalooooooooooooo!