A Panel Discussion On Panel Discussions? You got it.

Have you been to a panel discussion before and thought…Who are these people? Who picked them? Did they prepare? What are they even talking about? I know I’ve attended conference sessions and thought a bunch of those things.

A panel is best when it is informative and you have experts sharing information of VALUE.

On July 18th, I am speaking on a panel with some of Toronto’s most rad people: Alex, Erin, Joseph, and Nicolemoderated by Sonya. We ‘re taking a playful look at the panel discussion and how to get the most from them.

Some of the topics that will be discussed will include:

  1. How to pick a panel
  2. How to prep for a panel
  3. What makes a panel work
  4. How to drive people to an event
  5. Examining different panel archetypes
  6. Panel Etiquette
  7. Good and bad introductions
  8. Speaking in soundbytes 101 – Speaking 140 chars at a time
  9. Panel Pet Peeves
  10. Moderating 101

Hope you  make it out to MaRS at College & University to hear us. This team has heaps of experience and I’m honored they chose me to be part of it. Tickets are FREE too.

if you missed it here it is.

Remember how I’ve been saying I wanna be on TV for the last few weeks (months)…
9ohzwy on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Mum ring me early this morning all excited after watching it online. Ben referred to me as “famed blogger Casie Stewart”.  Head explode! Name was spelled “Casey” for a second at the start but said they will make sure it’s fixed next time. There WILL be a next time. SM Expert FTW.

I love TV and the internet. Watch it here on CTV: Social media & the Royals.

today in blog news – i updated!

I updated to the new WordPress 3.2. The way it looks when I type before I publish is a bit different, I hear there are a few other new things too. It’s more like writing a document now. I feel like a reporter.

I am reporting life of/on/in the internet.

eTalk called me a Social Media Expert last night.  No argument.  I’m happy with how it went. Will post soon for Mum & anyone else outside Canada or doesn’t have TV.  The host Ben referred to me as “Stewart” and after calling me “famed blogger” they put my site on screen National TV. HI CANADA!

I was using webOS on a new HP tablet. A bunch of people were them at an HP Blogger event last night.  I am still using iPad. My friend the CellGuru thinks I’ll learn to love HP’s TouchPad better. I dunno, we’ll see.

Y’all know Andy is my iPad boyfriend.  One of the reasons I love him is because he has so many apps. We have heaps of fun together on Flipboard, Twitter, signing Autographs, watching Netflix, playing games. I can’t see myself without him and I don’t know if I’m ready to date anyone else.

I’m planning to clean my desk this weekend. I do not like having a messy work area. It clouds my head trapping my thoughts from getting through my fingers to the screen.

I’ve been saving these gifts to treat myself.

These need to be dealt with.

These need to be played with.

Tonight I’m heading to the Spoke Club for Mark’s fall preview. Picked out some really great items from Mark’s last year before I went to NZFW. Impressed with how well they’ve washed, worn & stood up to my busy lifestyle.

Remember: You are younger today than you will ever be again so make the most of it and do something worth remembering.



Made this video for Dad a in 2009. I watched practice from the fence. I love the sound of those cars. Had longer hair then too. Do you ever read the archives?

This weekend I am super stoked to be checking out the HONDA INDY. Friday is FREE DAY and anyone can go. If you’ve never been or want an excuse to leave work early, you’re welcome.

There’s also a Tweetup on Saturday.

The charming & good looking (;)) team at Honda Canada gave me a pair of GOLD passes for the weekend including Paddock Passes for extra awesome access. Keri & I are gonna go make make some vids.

Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend.

P.S. Today I found out that in 2000 LiLo played a character named CASEY STUART in Life-Size with Tyra Banks. Uh, that’s totes my name toooooo guys. OMGAAAAAAAAAHHHH.


in CASE you didn’t know.

What if they call me a “Social Media Expert”? UPDATE: They did.

So, Rockstars don’t call themselves ‘Rockstars’ but it’s cool cause everyone else calls them, which is what makes them rockstars. Say Rockstar one more time in that sentence haha. Do you know a ‘real’ Social Media Expert, am I one? I have heaps of Tweets/Blog/Posterous/Facebook/Skype/Flickr/Blogger/Google+/YouTube and more but that term is usually associated with douchebags. I’m not a douchebag.

Catch me on eTalk tonight for the Royal Tour coverage (starts at 7pm on CTV). Got to tape in the studio, I was standing in front of that eTalk sign above. Didn’t get a photo of us shooting. Doh. I used to work at CTV behind the scenes so was a pretty rad to be back today in front of the camera. Saw a bunch of old colleagues and was dressed to impress.  Wore high shoes, nicely tailored dress, hair up, bow, red lipstick. Zing!

I hope I come across smart and cool. I really hope I don’t look bad. (It’s nerve wracking ok!!) I’ll be at an event this evening so I won’t see it until I get home. I’m not sure how long it will be either.

My segment is about the big role social media is playing in Will & Kate’s visit, the photo one of our MP’s posted of them (below) and the Royal Tour app. The Royal Tour App is one of the most popular in Canada right now.

The Blue Man Group were also there this morning. I touched a BLUE MAN! They use blue oil paint and it is very messy. I had some on my finger. One of the BMG guys was pretty cute, well, for a Blue guy. 😛

I love being in front of the camera. I really want to be on TV. Look what they did to C. Perez, Senior Producer. He got Blue Man’d! BMG has a new show coming to Toronto so that segment will be on later this month.

Got it on PVR. Fingers crossed I did good. Aaaaaaaah. Tweet me if you see it!