brand of the day: puma

Check out this total radness Puma thought up. So smart. The bag is made from cornstarch and is 100% biodegradable so it will completely decompose within a three month period. This will save 192 tons of plastic and 293 tons of paper every year AND means their bags won’t be in a landfill for 100 years like all the others. Not that’s innovation! This could be a game changer.

Puma is a totally smart & cool brand. Remember earlier this year when I was the Puma Social-ite? We prepped for the party with this Poutine Promo video. Winter jackets ewww.

Don’t know what a Puma Social After Hours Athlete is? This will explain it all for you.

Here’s the Toronto party. It was legendary. Had so many people thank us for putting this together. The Puma After Hours Athlete campaign runs all year.

Let’s hope we can put together a summer jam cause that party was out of this WORLD!

When last call calls, don’t answer. Have an awesome day.

welcome to the races

I would like to take this for a drive please, boys.

Ladies Day at the races. Ok not really, We had fun though.


X4ipE8 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Keri played a Playbook. This guy was Facebooking. Nice outfit, great hat.

The sign in the back POWER-PLAYA. Smiles all around.

Canadian hot shot driver Paul Tracy in blue. His website needs a makeover. Look at that stack of photos to autograph. The line was hours to get to him.

So many people waiting. The front of the line winds around again further than you can see. Crazy. There was no sign of Danika Patrick. I wish.

Who would you wait that long for? I can’t think of anyone.

Something else I saw today is this posted by Tony.  A guy named Erik Shveima draws the LA Times, everyday.

you missed this yesterday

  • giving myself a hallpass. haha #
  • so hot eh “@laurenonizzle: Plain white tees over lean, toned bodies. It’s a good look, boys. Marlon Brando had it right.” #
  • “@KeriBlog: That’s enough sun for today. Back to the internet now.” what she said. #
  • What’s In a Name: Google+ Is Your Plus One – #
  • Vrooom! (@ Direct Energy Centre) [pic]: #
  • My girl, Danica Patrick is revved up for Honda Indy #Toronto via @globeandmail #
  • Dr.Penfield…fire alarm. #
  • Imma get some planking in at @hondacanada Indy today. I wanna plank a race car and Danika Patrick. #
  • Stock this week had a one day crash after lower activity in trading but bounced back. #
  • I have lots of questions today. I’m inspired. #
  • Can you link twitter & G+? If so, are you? Why or why not? #
  • I should be outside enjoying the sun but I wanna be in my computer editing. #nerdproblems #
  • #bloggers have you added +1 yet? are you planning on it? #
  • Morning! Stayed up late fiddling around w/ blog. New header. Whatcha think? #
  • Holy HOFF-sicle, batman. Lick! (@YouTube #

This too!

hey i got a new dance for you all called the soulja boy

team canada

inspiration is everywhere, open your eyes

Stayed up late making changes to blog. I’m not done yet, it takes forever. A blog is a continuous work in progress, always evolving. I’m ready for it to get a makeover. Not too much change, more in function than design. Talk nerdy to me baby.

It’s funny, people often think I spend ALL my time out & about on the town attending media events and having fun. Let me be honest with you, I spend heaps of time at home on my computer, alone. Part of me is very introverted and I place huge value on my time alone. In order to have heaps of energy to share, you gotta charge your batteries.

Hung out with KMS in NZ on Skype for a bit. I love Skype, good way to charge up seeing old friends. I was shocked at his huge beard! Massive! Not alowed to shave cause he has a modelling gig on Monday. He just did an international ad for Samsung & his new tracks are about to drop in Australia soon. Keep up the good work, love you.

Skype convo gifs are so cute omg.

Last year, no beard, less fro. We hung out while I was in Auckland for NZ Fashion Week.  Chillin’ on Ponsonby Road post Stolen Girlfriends Club show.  I had awesome two tone pink/black nails that day.  The whole trip was so fun. I miss NZ.

Saw this on Google+ via Alana Joy. Are you on G+? Add me here. I have invites if you want.

Pretty much the story of my life, except the pad of paper is a computer. Got asked today “Where do you find inspiration for blogging?”. I find inspiration everywhere. I could sit at my computer (and have) for hours (ages) and tell stories, write about pop culture, review tech sites and products. Sometimes I just grab my camera, put on something cute and hit the streets with no plan. You never know what you might see or who you will meet. This is also why it is important to dress cute. 😉

Top pic was taken by Suzy Lamont & beside me is none other than the lovely Keri. Today we’re going to the Honda Indy. My friends at Honda Canada graciously gave me Gold passes for the weekend. I love racing. Wonder what I’m gonna wear?

Bon weekend!