such a classy lassie wants to get FREAKY.

I first mentioned Freaker a couple months back after seeing this video on Kickstarter. They were lookin’ for donations to kick start their company Freaker USA. Aaaaaaaaaand, they did it! Over $60,000!

What impressed me the most was their company culture, Zach’s story and the lingo they used to talk about Freaker. Freakin’ awesome. That’s Zach with the mega beard!  These kids know how to have fun.

This is how Freaker was born…

Today I got a freaky Freaker package in the mail from the Freaker Team. Loved getting a hand written note. Have a jacket to match my new Freaker too 🙂 THANK YOU! ILU ♥

pardon me while I burst into flames. seriously.

Mega swoonfest took place last night. I didn’t even take photos of myself or Sammy. ALL BRANDON. He is so good. Great voice, tall skinny, long hair, rocker, tattoos. I’ve been a band fan since high school and last night was my first time seeing them live.

This is Incubus pr0n. #swoon

We were super close. Thank you to my friend Brandon in LA who manages the Incubus Foundation for hooking us up with tickets. They put on a really great show. We had a blast.

Shirt open…

Shirt OFF.

So good.

His voice, so good.


The video was really well done.

you missed this yesterday

  • Eye see youuuu @Eyeborg 😉 #
  • New. #
  • friends in Boston just lost power. #irene #
  • hi #
  • Going to Incubus w/ Sammy & Ross tonight at Molson Amp. #
  • he also has a weekly feature where he shows you all the youtube videos youve already seen #
  • Last chance to say what YOU would do w/ $250,000 on my blog for chance to win CHOCOLATE! Enter MEOW -> #
  • Mum called to day the boat survived #Irene it's in Virginia. Yay! #
  • sometimes it's hard, y'know… #casietv #
  • I don't remember Incubus songs…better refresh before tonight's show. I wonder who is opening? Do they have new songs I should know? #
  • Hey new followers, HIIIIIIIII! What are you doing? #
  • Lookin' forward to September Board Meeting w/ @LongboardLiving #
  • i'm ready for more international travel. let's make that happen. #
  • That Afraid of the Dark movie scares me, I'm clearly afraid of the dark or Katy Holmes. #
  • Urgh, just remembered my bike is at Guverment. Duh. Took a taxi home. #dudewheresmybike #
  • looking into going back to NZ for a few months next year. mum said nana isn't doing so well and i have a new baby cousin. #
  • i need more time. #
  • Incubus w/ Sammy 🙂 (@ Molson Canadian Amphitheatre w/ @dvln @rochlatinsky) #
  • Five rows in, floor seats. omg Brandon. So hot. #incubus #
  • In love. #
  • The hotness of Brandon Boyd can not be explained. Blog tomorrow will be #Incubus pr0n. #

Weekend Tune: “Cheers (Drink To That)” by Rihanna

Sometimes we all just need a good pop song. Sometimes a pop song just does the trick. And this dear internet amigos, is one of those songs. RiRi just does it up right. She even samples some Avril Lavigne, and I’m going to be honest – I  am not the biggest Avril fan! But in this song? Yeah, I can dig it.

Can I go on tour? This video makes me wanna go on tour. It just looks like the best kind of fun. Guess I’ll send out some roadie resumes.

In the meantime? Let’s soak up those last bits of summer sun and fun. So cheers to the freakin’ weekend! And I’ll drink to that!

xo Kate

always have a dream that is longer than a lifetime

Thought of you when I saw this Mum.

Orange hearts painted outside Roy Thompson Hall.

Orange tie.


Everyone was ringing their bike bells for Jack. I Rang mine heaps too.

I love how he inspired positivity in so many people. Has anyone in Canada had an impact like this before?

I loved the old photos and seeing things people made for him. Few cans of orange crush too.

Drum practice at N.P.Square.

Huge clap when his daughter talked about his fashion sense in the early years. The funeral was beautiful. Music, singing, kind words.

You were awesome Jack Layton. Your spirit will live on in me and so many people. Your funeral was touching. (I balled my eyes out to be honest.) Biked all over with Keri looking at the chalk and reading messages people wrote you. Everyone clapped and sang at your funeral. Tears, smiles and lots of love. You made the world a better place. I will do my best too. Thank you

* title is a Jack quote 🙂

we are all young at art

PLayed dressup in my closet last night and cleaned my room nice.

Last night Barbie & Sean went to the Prom (Fake Prom).

Walked a bit in Christie Pitts after I returned the car yesterday. So pretty.

Thanks Tristan for the car, you legend.

Heading to Roy Thompson right now for the Jack Layton memorial funeral.