Mark’s Reintroduces Online Shopping

Over the past year I’ve become close with the Mark’s brand but I’ve been familiar with it my entire life. I remember going to the store in my home town  with Mum as kid. I’m pretty sure it’s still there. It’s awesome to see how this Canadian retailer has transformed from what I knew as only work clothes to all kinds of things I now mix into my fashioney wardrobe.

Mark’s new e-commerce site launched on November 2. I’ve recently joined the online shopping craze and love it. There’s something about getting clothes in the mail that makes me oh so happy. This is exciting for them since their previous transactional e-commerce site was removed in April in order to create a better user experience, particularly in ensuring absolute accuracy in pricing, style numbers, etc. Mark’s has taken its previous site with an updated design and improved checkout experience. They also added a ratings and review section to get feedback.

“This site is a testament to the great products we sell and a direct reflection of the quality and innovation that Mark’s has come to represent,” said Kristine Arcand, Online Business Manager for Mark’s. “Customers will find an easy online shopping experience with products that are delivered right to your door, free of delivery and handling charges within 10 business days… how smart is that?”  Tres smart.

Last year for holiday I posted a bunch of my favourite things and one of them is the Denver Hayes super soft cardigan. I’ve lived in it for the last year. The Mark’s FW 2011 Lookbook features a few different version of my treasured favourite. Mum, you are probably gonna get one for Christmas, so, act surprised ok.

In  celebration of the launch of their new e-commerce site, Mark’s is offering free shipping until the end of the year. How great is that? You don’t have to leave the house OR pay shipping!

* My other Mark’s posts/contests can be seen here, here, and here.



Take all your problems and rip ’em apart.

When you find an old song you for got then you remember it. So good. Love this one by the White Stripes, Little Acorns. I paused the Y&R so I could listen. Was googling for a girl in a wing suit because the wind suit kinda looks like the CN Tower Edge walk suit and today Mastercard hooked me up with the experience to make it happen in the Spring. I’ve been tweeting I wanna do the Edgewalk since it was invented, last tweet was Oct. 4. The vault was full of vouchers and there was a grand prize of a $10,000 card with a trip to NY or London. I would love to go to New York or London or anywhere.

Countdown gif, hehe.

Mastercard Vault #unlockTO

Base jumping is terrifying & fascinating. I have  bungy  and skydive in line before I try that one.  I found this one crazy/awesome girl, Géraldine Fasnacht, who does mind-blowing wing suit flying. This video get’s intense at  :40 and then my heart drops.

After watching this I got lost in a wingsuit girl TIMEWARP of the the internet. I’ll need to get someone to shoot from by balcony when I do the walk on he Tower.  I can get pretty close with the new lens Olympus sent over.  Omg next week I am going surfing. This week is very chill compared to the last few months. I planned it that way. I want to feel relaxed when I leave for vacation.

In one week I will be here. It does’t seem real yet but I’m trying to imagine. 🙂

* Little acorns, one at a time.  Storing up nuts for the winter. 

i think i’m ready to move on with someone new #mobile

Construction season. Looking forward to winter, as much as I don’t like being cold, I love staying inside where it’s warm and working on things. A blog makeover is coming. If you have any suggestions in design or functionality, LMK. (Mum, that’s “met me know”)

This weekend I started testing out a new phone, HTC Status. I’ve had one HTC before but I’ve been hooked on Motorola Androids for the last year at least. This new HTC unit has a front facing camera (yay) but no flash (boo). It has a full keyboard and looks like a Blackberry but the touch screen is a bit small. The DEFY I had previous was sturdy and had a good camera but sometimes it would be slow & freeze when typing. Of all the Androids I’ve tried, the Motorola Milestone was my fav. We were such good friends.

Things that are most imoprtant to me in a phone are good camera, flash, easy to type, Google sync contacts, email accounts, favourite apps (WordPress, Twitter etc). Nice to have are front facing camera, video editing and dual core processor. I could never go back to blackberry. Cue this song, nice mix. When she was great, I thought she was great.

I was cutting up some broccoli for snack just now and sliced a sharp knife into my right hand middle finger by accident. It’s not that bad but there’s a bit of blood and I’m short one resource when typing. I’ve been thinking heaps about iPhone lately. I can’t stop thinking about it to be honest.

I think I’m ready to move on with someone new and that someone is an iPhone. I’m having a hard time holdingback my feelings.  It’s so natural. ♥ 

the loft has some what of an alice in wonderland feeling

 Lauren & I started out at the Loft 404 on Saturday for My City Lives  “One Night in Toronto“. Love that space. Thanks Genna! Have you been there? It’s an “urban oasis”. Reminds me a bit of my Auntie Robyn’s old place somewhere near Ponsonby Road in Auckland, New Zealand.

Loved the photo booth in the old elevator. See part pix on My City Lives FB.

Hadn’t taken my camera out to a party for a week so I brang her along for the night.

Did a brief sting at Wrongbar.

Then back again!

This shot  is for you Dad. Car inside as a table kinda decoration wall mount.

Amira you are RAD  🙂

I played a little tune on the piano and we left to climb through King Street and catch a cab West. We made the walk fabulous before finishing up the night.

Emma you looked fabulous.

King West on Saturday night is so douchey and crazy. Cop everywhere. No taxis.

UwoOxc on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

I usually avoid but this time was unavoidable.

No shoes, no shame. Been there, it sucks.

Ross is back. We missed him.

Lauren blogged some photos on her bloggy here.

a slice of paradise in your own backyard

Had a lovely afternoon in the sun today. Picked up a new paid of Doc’s at the Dr. Martens Store (I’m the Mayor!). I gad a gift certificate from the team to get a any pair I saw at the Fall preview back in July. I got black polished laredo Serena’s, last size 6 they had. Lucky me!  Stopped by Quicksilver and got a pair of board shorts & a matching top for my surf trip to Costa Rica next week. So excited to surf. Visited the lovely  ladies at Get Outside  for a new pair of plain black Havaianas (trashed my old ones at the end of summer). Got may nails done on my way home. I love the hand massage you get. I wonder if I could just go in for hand massage? Is that weird? I’d say it was because I spend all day on the computer. Read my book in the balcony sun for a bit and am about to clean my room. Lauren is coming by before the My City Lives “That Night in Toronto” party and I’d like if my room didn’t look like hoarders.

Hope you’re having an awesome day. Get some sun on your face!

This is where we’re going tonight! Cheers to the Biz Media for making & My City Loves for sharing 🙂

Weekend Tune: “Katy On A Mission” by Katy B

Weekend! Weekend! Yay! Weekend!

For this week’s weekend tune I’ve pulled out a favourite recent hit of mine. Katy B’s “Katy On A Mission” came out last summer and became a huge UK hit. One year later and I still think it’s a great jam. Perfect for a Saturday night getting ready to go out.

xo Kate