Her life was her movie. Yours can be is yours.

Seeing ‘My Week with Marilyn’ tonight. Looking forward to Michelle Williams as her, I like them both. Thanks to AMy @ Alliance Films for the tix.

Her life is a love story (Marilyn). It’s like a love story with her life and herself with herself and everyone else who plays a role. If you think about life like that you might  will  be more interesting. You’ll have more experiences too.

On the plane home from Costa Rica I watched Jim Carey’s Poppers Penguins and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I love Jim Carey, not so into animal/kid movies but it was cute. Apes was good, I liked it. Cool SF scenes, Franco is a babe and the apes were cool.

After a week in the jungle with real monkeys it was perfect to watch that movie.  Catching up on the Y&R before I go to bed. It’s nice to be home.

This little monkey is back in the concrete jungle …

My life is my movie and, you’re in it! Thank you 


It’s nice to be home but I want to go away again!

connecting to the energy

This looks like the best kinda office to me.

On Skype with Mum at San Juan airport about to board to JFK!


A Comic (but not really funny!)

Started this comic at Tambor regional airport yesterday en route to San Juan, it get’s pretty exciting and and one point I was nervous for my life. It’s done using the ‘Comics’ app on iPad.

I’ll get to the REALLY exciting part today as I’ll be in airports from about 9am till midnight when I return to Canada. I’m hoping for a smooth day of travel and no delays.Wish me luck!

I’ve had the most wonderful time the last week and am looking forward to more travel soon. The last few days I’ve really thought through a couple things about life (omg I’m so deep) and I feel good.

With love from Costa Rica,

we found love… and by we, I mean me and the sea

  • hey there little monkey, you are cutie cute cute
  • Weekend Tune: “Help A Bro Out (M-O-V-E-M-B-E-R)” by The Elwins: We interrupt… http://t.co/D4eDO18D #thisismylife #
  • Photo: last beach day in CR http://t.co/7JhNpVqt #
  • Photo: Mantra. http://t.co/EoPBSyUZ #
  • leaving Costa Rica tomorrow but it appears another trip is in my near, near future! #
  • Welcome to the Jungle: Woke up to this beauty beach view and went for brekky… http://t.co/FtBFThuY #thisismylife #
  • Weekend tune by Kate Killet this week is ALL about MOVEMBER>… http://t.co/Gog92T0f #
  • I’m gonna miss the jungle forrest.
    Back to concrete jungle tomorrow 🙁
    http://t.co/1sPrfv7t http://t.co/DMhvVsuP #
  • having lunch in the jungle http://t.co/3Tn5PM3B #
  • http://t.co/rKUl7iqR http://t.co/gZUwb2vB #
  • There’s Magic in the Air, Pura Vida!: Went on a gorgeous sailing trip this week… http://t.co/3Dr7CZ5u #thisismylife #
  • there are litte monkeys behind me right now, and i mean real monkeys like white faced little furry ones. so cute. #
  • After leaving jungle in Montezuma I went to Liberia but now back in San Jose. #costacasie #puravida #
  • There’s Magic in the Air, Pura Vida!

    Went on a gorgeous sailing trip this week with the owners of Anamaya Resort and friends.

    We drove to the ferry spot and sailed to Tortuga Island one of the most popular & beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. My stay here has been incredibly magical. I have photos and stories but the experience is the most treasured part of it all. Huge thank you to Joseph, Kelsey and Jeff for having me. Anamaya Resort is a slice of heaven.

    If you are looking for a beautiful vacation, come here. You will feel the magic of Montezuma, taste warm breezes of the ocean and see views that will stay forever in your memory.

    With love from Costa Rica,

    Welcome to the Jungle

    Woke up to this beauty beach view and went for brekky yesterday.

    It rained sheets the night before and it was late so instead of heading back up the hill in the rain I got a room at Hotel Les in Montezuma.

    Walked the beach during an insane lightening storm and there was something romantic about the incredible dark sprinkled with flashes of light.

    The squirrels here are pretty cute and this guy had a caramel stripe down his back.

    Went for this crazy drive with a friend through the jungle. I can’t wait to come back here. I want to travel around and see more of the country.

    Flying from Tambor to San José this afternoon before my flight home tomorrow.. I totally feel relaxed, calm, connected to my thoughts and things. I’m thinking about my next destination and know I’ll be flying again soon.

    It’s amazing what a week in a jungle forrest will do to you 🙂