More over clouds, Little Miss is here.

Ew, this rain is gross. I saw it might be rainy for a few days so I went into my pile of photos from Costa Rica to warm things up a little.  Enjoy!

Nulayer’s New Apps

 On Thursday Sam & I met up with Lauren at Thrush Holmes Empire Gallery for the launch of two apps from Toronto based dev company Nulayer. Nulayer, was called the “App Kings” on the cover of Toronto Life’s 2011 Money Issue, and they were celebrating the launch of two new apps (Toronto Star and TheScore).

One of the things I love about the company is the tag line “we build software with our bare hands“. Thanks for the invite Esther, always nice to see you!


Sam is wearing waxed Nudies & vintage from CTS. I’m wearing AA black scoop neck & re-modelled vintage from F As In Frank, Queen West, Hamilton watch, Secret FW 2011 blue tights.


PHOTO CRED:  chocolate bar + photo of Esther & I by Joel Di Giacomo, Sam & I by Jannick Laurent, the rest, my iPhone


you missed this yesterday

  • Found it! Unopened and ready to play. So many new/good songs. #kinect #dancecentral #
  • Found so many good things when I cleaned my room: Burger/beer/gas/jukari/gift cards #
  • Photo: First competition ballet solo, age 9, The Clown (Taken with instagram) #
  • Morning #
  • It's amazing how great of a sleep you can have when your bed isn't 60% clothes! #
  • Photo: Casie’s Cameras #
  • i ordered a pair or barbie doll hand earrings #
  • URGHHHHH RT @melissagrelo: Confirmed from City Hall: property tax increase by 2.5% in 2012. #
  • Have you seen this yet? I posted last week. So good. RT @AdFreak: The gay-marriage spot that has Australia talking. #
  • Look out world here I come….: It’s been just over a week since I had brekky… #thisismylife #
  • dang thats a long do #
  • yall are gonna have mad heart attacks, let's talk about bacon a little more ok? #
  • RT @TechCrunch: How To Get A Job At A Startup If You Have No Skills by @justinkan #
  • Whoa! Trying this! RT @TechCrunch: New Siri Hack Will Start Your Car If You Ask Nicely by @chrisvelazco #
  • Team #
  • Work date w/ @katekillet. (@ SPoT Coffee w/ 3 others) [pic]: #
  • New #DODOCASE for Andy #
  • Urban lumberjackie #
  • need a makeup artist for a shoot Wednesday. i know i have a friend who is one but i can't remember right now! #
  • what's a good gift for Dad's 60th tomorrow? #
  • Suggestions on where (online) to make a nice PDF press kit for download? #
  • see that last tweet? ya 200%! interested in getting into holiday gift guide/contests email 😉 #
  • "Visitors referred by a fashion magazine or blogger drive a 200% higher conversion rate than visitors driven by… #
  • Kate and I are cooking up some seriously delicious plans for 2012. #cryptictweet #
  • i went a little crazy on the online shopping this weekend. i kinda forget what i ordered. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO CASIE. #
  • At the bank – #CIBC 360! #
  • Well, I decided to go for it. #
  • Next week Playa del Carmen, the Mayan Riviera and then down south to Tulum. #
  • RE: Done. Booked it. #
  • Video: @katekillet:This is your new favourite song. You’re welcome. #
  • Project Overview for Proposed Collaboration? yes, please. #
  • yay @mileycyrus! #
  • #Toronto @Movember Gala is FRIDAY! Dec. 2 @ #Movember #MoPartyoftheYear #
  • do the wiggle now #
  • Heading to #INFOBAHN w/ @katekillet to see @MissVOCAB @JusRandy for cocktail hour. #work #
  • Mo Gala Friday! Support them Bro's with teh MOs! #
  • Office dress code manual feat @katekillet. #work #
  • Are these new rails? #kingwest #
  • Me loves @zlistcom & @mickeyave!!! Cant wait to party with them this Wednesday @CobraNightclub!!! #Toronto quot; #
  • Good balloon idea @missvocab 😉 #infobahn #
  • fashion food “@trendhunter: The average woman will eat 4 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime. #Fashion

In CASE you didn’t know, Kate has a blog too.

Have you checked Kate’s blog It’s full of tasty blog snacks w/ musical flavour. She’s the Queen of Music at who started as an intern in March and is now my PA who helps with all kinds of things.


Kate and I met when we both worked for MuchMusic & MTV Canada then I snagged her to work with me! She covers events I can’t attend, joins me to snap pix and helps me accomplish a super-human amount of tasks in a day (like today). She also has good style.

Kate picks & posts the weekly tune here each Friday (Weekend tunes). She’s all up on what’s new & cool in music (hence why I hired her) but if you have something so hip not even the hipsters know about it, send her a Tweet.  If you see Kate at an event say HI! You will love her.

Toady she introduced me to the Florence cover of Take Care by Drake & Riri. So good. THANK YOU!

Toronto Fashion Week: LABEL S/S 2012

The LABEL spring/summer 2012 showing happened in the studio, and was definitely a breath of fresh air and the perfect collection for spring. The palette was very neutral, with whites, grays, lavenders, pinks, hints of teal, and some black.

Every single piece that walked down the small runway I would wear in a heartbeat, and a similar consensus formed with the people around me: any girl could wear these clothes and be effortlessly chic!

All the designs and cuts were beautiful, and could be easily dressed up or down with the right accessories. The models showed off cute organic statement necklaces; geometric wooden blocks, wooden cuffs. The whole show was very natural and fresh.

Tree branches marked the runway and models stood on rock pedestals after their walk. At some point through the show I was just envisioning myself strolling alongside a river bank, wearing all the pieces!

The movement and lightness of the whole collection was just so spot on, kudos to Shawna Robinson and Natalie Sydoruk! My favourites include the V-back LBD (the sheer and fringe were a wonderful surprise), the two-toned bodysuit-lavender maxi ensemble, and the pink drawstring dress with cut-out shoulders.

x Carrie

Look out world here I come….

It’s been just over a week since I had brekky with this little guy in Montezuma, Costa Rica. I had an amazing trip filled with great people, random adventures and stepping off the beaten path. Been chatting Bruce, CEO & founder of G Adventuresthe last couple days about entering his contest to be the face of G Adventures. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to be part of the G Adventures Team. Check out this little ditty featuring the G Adventures team all over the world.

I’m gonna make my vid about my awesome trip to Costa Rica but, since I got back I’ve been thinking about what to do and where to go next. I’ve been invited to a friends beach side house in Cancun to visit Mayan Ruins and have an adventure. I’d be leaving next week for about five days…hmmmmm. Naturally, Mum gave me a bunch of reasons why I should chill but it’s a good price and I’m thinking about it quite seriously.

Take a look at some pix of where I would be… what would you do?

I think I should just go. I’d deciding today. I want to explore. I AM NOT A TOURIST!