The Art of Touch, Baby!

Hi from CES in Vegas! I’m sitting in the live audience of What’s Trending in the Venetian Ballroom right now. Some of my friends at Microsoft knew I would be here and wanted to share some gadgets with you guys. Before I left home Microsoft gave me a fancy soft touch mouse. I have it to Barbie cause she just got a new computer with Windows 7.

Microsoft wants to let you know about The Art of Touch Contest going on with the chance to win sweet prizepacks every week from Dec 5 – February 26.  You have to create a piece of art on the website

I have two of the Microsoft Touch Mouse valued at $79.95 for YOU! Leave a comment before tomorrow when I leave CES and I will random pick two winners.


Viva Las Casie






I reckon three days in Vegas is too long. I’m over it. Spent most of last night going to lame parties and taking taxis. The coolest thing is that we found the ‘secret pizza’ place in the Cosmo and had a pizza party. It is hidden behind a sushi place and outside of it is a pool table with gorgeous vintage furniture. I drank PBR and played with my iPhone while the others played pool. There were a bunch of celebrities at one of the parties but I really don’t care. That chandelier is the worlds largest Swarovski. It’s beautiful and spans three stories with stairs and an elevator.

I had a great sleep and today I’m planning to walk the strip and check out the sights. I would love to see Chris Angel!


The Virtual Mirror for Styling Your Face

Your face is extremely important to you and if you have/like to wear glasses you wanna have ones that make you feel good. Mum used to always say “looking good is feeling good” and its so true.

My favourite vintage waldo-ish glasses are really scratched so when ClearlyContacts asked if I wanted a new pair I was IN! They have this cool new feature that’s a virtual mirror for trying on glasses. I played around with it today and it makes the online shopping process WAY easier. Check me out gif styling & shopping at Whole Foods earlier today:

4rqabo on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Clearly Contacts is offering a promotion tomorrow to all first time customers starting at 9am (EST) and the first 10,000 glasses ordered are free. YES FREE! Promotion doesn’t include sunglasses. To get your free pair visit them on Facebook or click on photo below.

I decided on a new pair of nerd glasses and black Ray Bans (so excited for these!). There’s a good chance they’ll be waiting for me when I get home from Vegas. STOKED.


I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.

This is where I live for the next few days. Luxor pyramid. can you believe I (randomly) had an Egyptian cab driver drop me off who wish me well in a language I didn’t understand. You should see how it lights up at night. Disco pyramid!


I’ve heard the expression ‘only in Vegas’ a bunch since arriving less than 24 hours ago. I get it now. What a crazy place. Driving the strip last night was surreal after seeing it in movies and on tv my whole life. Hello, hello is anybody out there?

Today I’m working from this massive Whole Foods market where they sell everything from booze to Toms and every single type of food. I made myself some pho which was really good but I put in WAY too many onions.


Last night I met my friends at the Bellagio where we went to a party at The Bank then Hyde then Spearmint Rhino. Super fun. We had security and a driver, things I could totally get used to. The DJ was THE one and only DJ Jazzy Jeff and bubbles were falling from the ceiling. At one point I think the smoke set off the fire alarm and the whole place spent about 3 minutes with no music.

I wonder how people that live here 24/7/365.25 days of the year handle it? I guess you get used to it.

In other news I have a photoshoot on Friday and am doing something on TV back home on Monday. Scooting back to hotel now to change shoes and go to YouTube party. Ran into Twitter friend/fan Alex Kinsela from home at a party last night and he invited me to today’s Mashable party. We have never met and we finally do in Vegas. Crazy. I guess anything can happen here!

Remember you are never going to be younger than you are right now, so enjoy it! Do something fun 🙂


* title is a quote by the great Oscar Wilde

Daily Twitter News for 2012-01-11

I’m having the time of my life. ILU Vegas!


