Casual Sunday, Content Conductor

Limitless, the movie, the you seen it? Bradley Cooper takes a drug that allows him to use ALL of his human brain. He goes crazy. I’d go crazy. I don’t really go to the gym but I work out my brain. Imagine you could use your whole brain. I love science news.

“to that mystery is the contention that humans “only” employ 10 percent of their brain. If only regular folk could tap that other 90 percent, they too could become savants who remember π to the twenty-thousandth decimal place or perhaps even have telekinetic powers.” Scientific American, 2008

I’m working brain triple time today. Backing up my entire Macbook, making it new again. Keri would be proud! Dell Ultrabook is good. iPhone is a such an incredible device for making things.


I’m watching Edie Segdwick in Ciao! Manhattan on Netflix. Welcome to THE FUTURE. I wonder what her blog would be like if she was here? Maybe like this, talking to herself.

Then I replaced it Rum Diary. Johnny Depp as Hunter S. Thompson.Last night a friend and I made mojitos with mint from my OWN garden. Oh yeah. Thanks Mum for bringing back my green thumb.


I read a great article about the making of the movie and Johnny Depp’s Rum Diary promise. It talks about them being at Hotel Nacional in Cuba. I stayed there. Been to Puerto Rico where it’s filmed too.  Somebody get me a mojito.

Good quotes. The babe girl in the video has a turtle covered in Swarovski. Are big turtles good pets?  I wanna live at the beach, again.

Oh God, why did she have to happen? HA! The fashion in this movie is amazing. Happy Sunday!


The Weekend: Beer Bacon Balcony Breakfast

This lettuce is from my garden!



Relaxing day, catching up on sleep. Feels good!





EVENTS: Post Party Meltdown – MMVA, NXNE

Latest ep of my show on @CoralTV. I’ve been more active on YouTube since working with the Coral team. Viddy will load right into YouTube which makes things super fast & easy. From all the conferences I’ve been to this year, it’s clear that the future is in video. TV on the Internet FTW.  LMK what you think! Big ups to Shannon Lit who shoots/edits THIS.

I love my Lita’s! Ordered those shoes from Nasty Gal. Wish I had them in every colour/pattern/material. Super high but comfy to wear. I walked for hours in them this weekend.

Photos from Carla’s Instagram. I love these Global Warming Tees from Gingerich Group. I got one that says ‘Peace Be With You‘. I’m wearing it in next CoralTV episode of THIS.

Caught an awesome set of old school & new school hip hop covers at The Ballroom by Down With Webster after they won a few MMVA awards.  CONGRATS AGAIN TO 1188 FILMS FOR WINNING TOO.

Rock version of Drake’s motto. I love this track. I did a lip dub on Viddy the other week. 

Instagrammy photos from the weekend made with Flipagram I blogged yesterday.


My YouTube channel has a few updates and we’re over 120,000 views now. Subscribe to it! You don’t wanna miss a thing. Aerosmith FTW. I just drank an iced tea, I forgot how refreshing it was.

Enjoy the day. Drink lots of water!


Feel well. I have no energy. No energy but that to work here with my computer and iPhone. (Which actually takes quite a bit of energy TBH.) I would like to sleep for days but that is not an option. Send love <3

BTW iMovie for iPhone is pretty neat! Happy SUMMER.

TECH: Take a look, It’s in a book, A Reading Rainbow!

I’m so glad digital kids get to experience Reading Rainbow. OHHHHH YES.


I like wizards & fairies, princes & princesses, and pirates. Right now, just like I did as a kid. I actually like all these things. Ocean adventures? Travel? Things that go? Yes, yes and yes.


I first visited the genius academy. Obviously! The app picks books for you (the kid) based on selections then the books come aliiiiiiiive! There’s video fieldtrips, easter eggs, and games.  I grew up in the library and spent every summer in the Summer Reading Club. I LOVED RR.


I really should read more books now.

But I read the whole internet every day?  It’s like a thousand books. 🙂

LeVar was on Jimmy Fallon last night. Jimmy did a cover of the Reading Rainbow song as The Doors once. I chatted with LeVar in 2008 at a dinner I did some work with Women’s Post in honor of  Winnie Mandela. I can’t find any photos or links but it happened! There is on Women’s Post link but it’s got a warning on it. He was super cool &   high energy! We bonded!

From Mashable: Reading Rainbow is Back

Their app makes good business sense. Many children who grew up watching the television show now have children within the app’s target age range of 3 to 9 — giving Reading Rainbow a clear nostalgic edge over other children’s books in the App Store.

But the project is also a sincere attempt to encourage reading. Its digital enhancements of children’s books look more like the subtle, story-building interactivity of pop-up books than distracting bells and whistles.

Where the app most departs from its television roots is in the virtual world outside of its books. Each story, for instance, comes with games and puzzles. Kids design their own virtual backpacks, can track the minutes they’ve read from a dashboard and receive digital stickers as rewards for finishing new titles.

The strategy is the same as it was when Reading Rainbow was a TV show. By meeting young people in a new medium, the brand hopes they’ll pick up an old one.

I can go anywhere. I can do anything! So can you.