This post was written by my Mum while she was living on their boat in The Bahamas!
Plastic, we all use it everyday but do we really think about where it goes when it lands in our rivers and oceans? To see mans intrusion of plastic clutter, washed up fishing nets and lost shoes on these beautiful beaches of the Atlantic Coast is very sad.
We explored the Atlantic Ocean beach of Cambridge Cay which is part of The Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park, the first land and sea park in the world.
The park covers 176 square miles beginning at Wax Cay Cut in the North and Stretching southward some 22 miles to Conch Cut and extending out approximately 4 nautical miles on either side of the cays.
It is a no-take zone by both land and sea-nothing living or dead, can be removed from the park. The park can only be reached by boat. To have the opportunity to visit this park is amazing.
Miss you, love Mum.