Long Weekend! Make It Count ☀️?????

Long Weekend! Make It Count ☀️?????

In Muskoka for the weekend. ☀️???? The weather is so nice. We came up today instead of last night because it was a long week! Finished Stranger Things on Netflix, great show. ?  I hate that empty feeling when you’ve binged something good and then it’s over. ?

We’re at PIE right now waiting for pizza. ?????  There’s a couple locations in Barrie, this is the first in Muskoka. The pizza is SO GOOD. We order a coulple then take some home each time. Cold pizza is my fav breakfast. ?

Saw this sweet Corvette outside. Sean has one from 1982 sitting in our garage. ? This weekend I’m driving a new Cruze from Chevrolet Canada, it’s sweet!

I borrowed a tent from Mountain Equipment Co-op and Emily and I put it together with no sweat. ?☀️??  The last time I put up a tent I think I was her age. Things have gotten easier since then! 

Tonight we’re having fireworks and a fire.  ?? 


Skincare Stuff You’ll Find in My Summer Bag

Skincare Stuff You’ll Find in My Summer Bag

Summer, yay! ?? Hard to believe it’s almost the of July! ?? Have no fear, there’s still plenty of time to soak up the sunshine, read books in the hammock, and have delicious snacks on the dock.

As you know I spend most weekends at the cottage over the summer, this list of skincare stuff isn’t super fancy but it’s a combo of things I was sent to try out (then replaced with my own money) or products I stock up on so there’s one at home and the cottage. I love all things skincare and there are so many other products I want to try. If you’re as passionate about skincare as me, you could become a social marketer. If you don’t know what this is or you’d like to learn more, click here.

This post is sponsored by Boxed Water, is a socially conscious packaged-water company re-thinking the way water is sold, shipped and consumed. For every photo posted of Boxed Water with#ReTree on social, they’ll plant two trees. ?? I love the little box, so cute.

Ok, here we go!

Summer Skincare Stuff I Love

1. WATER – Drink heaps of it. Your skin will thank you. ? Drinking water has some fantastic benefits, it can make your skin look really bright. The Neostrata Enlighten Ultra Brightening Cleanser is a creamy foaming cleanser that also brightens the skin if your skin often looks a little dull. Boxed Water is triple filtered for purity using reverse osmosis, carbon filtration and UV systems and filled in both Michigan & Utah. The entire carton is recyclable and 100% BPA free with 1% of all sales going to reforestation. ? ? ? You can find it at Loblaws or Sobeys in Canada. ?? Keep your skin and immune system healthy by drinking filtered water on the go. Did you know that you can now find and buy water bottles that have their very own filter system already in it? Sites such as Water Filter Way have reviewed some of the best bottles on the market, so be sure to check them out here – (https://waterfilterway.com/best-filtered-water-bottle-reviews/). At least this way you are able to have constant access to clean water so this should give you no excuses.


2. WIPES – Do not leave home without them. Found these ones Yes To. Coconut ones at Shoppers and they’ve got coconut water and kukui nut (from Hawaii) to hydrate your skin. Perfect for removing makeup, wiping hands on long car rides, or god forbid you have to take a wee on your nature hike.

3. SELF-TANNER – I love the sun and having a tan but I don’t wanna have old wrinkly bacon-like skin. I was sent Vita Liberata earlier this year and I absolutely love this stuff. It goes on easy with a mitt, is not streaky, and best of all is not smelly! I order online from Sephora.

4. NIGHT CREAM – No matter how tired you are PUT IT ON EACH NIGHT. I started using this Nivea Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Night Care a couple months ago and it’s super hydrating. I’ll take all the no-wrinkle things I can get at this point. It was sent to test out but I picked up a refill from Shoppers.

5. SUNNIES – The skin around your eyes is super sensitive, you don’t wanna be squinting or having those UVA + UVB rays attacking your eyes. Keep your face looking young and get huge glasses that cover your face.

6. Dermalogica Age Smart Primer Spf 30 – This primer is tinted and perfect for summer when you need coverage but don’t wanna wear a lot of makeup. I’ve been doing stuff with Dermalogica for a few years now and this is a product I always like to get my hands on. [More Dermalogica posts]

7. SUN BLOCK – This Clearly Sheer from Coppertone is new this year and it’s quite nice. There’s a smaller one in a spray bottle that’s perfect for your purse. ALWAYS wear sun block, OK? ?

8. AFTER SUN CARE – I’ve been using this Hawaiian Tropic Silk aloe lotion for years. It’s a saviour if you’ve had a long day in the sun or someone gets a sun burn. lather it on, like slip-slap-slop it all over your tender skin. once it dries, re-apply. You’ll avoid getting read and burnty. ?

This has motivated me to think about other lists I can make… LMK if there’s anything you’d like to know my thoughts on!

Here’s to a wonderful long weekend and LOTS OF SUNSHINE! ?? ? ??


You, You’re a Babe.

You, You’re a Babe.

To be honest, I’m really excited to get my hair done today. I’m going full blonde and cutting it short-short. One of the great things about having short hair is changing it ALL THE TIME.

Before my surgery last month I really wanted to change my look, but when I went to the salon the person doing my hair wasn’t the regular person and they didn’t do the best job or what I wanted. So, it’s not looking too cute right now.

You can’t really tell how not cute because I carefully wear a veil of internet and you can’t see past the screen you are reading this on. ??


I’m going to update this post later with some photos. I hope you’re having a great week. I’m looking forward to being back up at the cottage and floating on the lake.



Had Dinner w/ Montes Wine and Now I Wanna Go to Chile

Had Dinner w/ Montes Wine and Now I Wanna Go to Chile

Wine Wednesday? Perfect time for this story! A couple weeks ago I attended a media dinner with one of the winemakers from Montes Wine. After hosting a tasting and doing a giveaway of the wine earlier this year, it was really neat to hear personal stories about the family business. (I’d tasted a *few* glasses and read so much before the dinner!)

I joined a few bloggers for dinner in a private room at Red’s in the Financial District. We sipped wines from their vast selection while the winemaker told stories about his father and the partners getting started in 1987. A few things stood out about the history of Montes and how they came to be the pioneer producer of premium quality Chilean wine.

One thing I loved is that he was really into skydiving and his father was a pilot. They would fly around the area looking for good soil, the son would jump out of the plane, check the soil, and they’d go from there. Some of their wines are now produced in soil they found together.

He also said they used to have men and women sort the grapes but the men would always get distracted by sports, start talking, and stop working. The women who sort the grapes (by hand) are able to chat and work at the same time with no disruptions. Ha!

montes wine, casie stewart, blogger, canada, chile
Montes Founding Partners

The four founders grew Montes from nothing to now being sold in more than 100 countries. They helped put Chile wine on the map. I would loooooove to visit Chile. The winery looks beautiful and I want to see all the things they’ve done to be sustainable. They use grazing animals (llama and sheep), have responsible waste management, a biodiversity program, and heaps more. ??? I’m secretly hoping they invite me to visit! 

Montes Images by Peter
Montes Images by Peter 


Theres a few different types of Montes Wine avail at the LCBO. BTW did you see they deliver now? WHAT A TIME TO BE ONLINE. 

If you’re reading this in another country there’s a good chance you can find some near you too.

My favs were/are the Montes Alpha Malbec 2012Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon, and the Cherub Rosé.

casiestewart, casie, montes wine, chile, travel, blogger

Putting Your Best Face Forward w/ Dr. Lisa Kellett

Putting Your Best Face Forward w/ Dr. Lisa Kellett

This year I turned 34, I know, hard to believe! I’ve always had a young youthful spirit and boundless energy, think back to the other weekend when I drew all over my bag for the Ford adventure. Mum had a chuckle when I showed her this photo, sometimes I’m still 8 years old.

casie stewart, DIY, backpack, design, travel, camp, camper, camping, tattoos, stay home club, #escapeanddiscover, Ford, NO FUN PRESS

I have been noticing a few flaws in my skin as I’ve aged and while it’s normal, I wanted to take measures to prevent it from getting worse. A few of my friends suggested an austin cosmetic surgeon but a few months ago I was given the opportunity to learn about Emervel, a soft dermal filler for dealing with fine lines and wrinkles. It’s used most for enhancing lips and minimizing the signs of ageing. For a professional procedure, Nurse Bec, at Injectable Effects, can perform dermal filler treatments on clients looking to regain youthful looking skin. It was good timing because I’ve had more chats about ‘enhancing’ beauty at events over the last year than ever. Earlier this year I shared the Emervel Kissability report with info on plumping up your pout.

YouTube Canada gave me some stats about beauty & fashion trends on the rise, three of the top beauty trends are eyelash extensions, eyebrow filler, and lipstick. Canada also ranks 3rd worldwide for ‘lip filler’ which had a big spike last year and continues to grow.

According to dermatologist Dr. Lisa Kellett, “Emervel Lips helps achieve a balanced and harmonious look, and, combined with other products in the Emervel line, can give the face a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Patients are very satisfied with the natural-looking and long-lasting results.”

I made an appt with Dr. Lisa Kellett for a consultation without knowing too much but I was interested in seeing about minimizing smile lines around my mouth (nasolabial folds) and the lines between brows (neuromodulator). I considered the appointment like an interview, I wanted the low down on what people were doing and results.

Dr. Kellett analyzed my face and talked about options. I was relieved to hear she’s a minimalist and likes to go for the ‘refreshed’ look. Basically, nobody would be able to notice exactly what was different but I’d look ‘refreshed’. She said ‘refreshed’ again and as I left that stayed in my mind. After a week I booked an appointment.


no makeup date of appointment, frowning, visible smile lines. I used black & white because I look haggard!

casie stewart, dr. lisa kellett, toronto, filler, emervel
* I’ve been using Miracle10 for about 8 weeks and it’s really helped the redness in my skin go down and clear up my complexion. See before and after of those here.


The morning of my appt at DLK in Yorkville I was kinda nervous. Arrived about 30 min early so I could get a coffee and snack. I got to the office at 8:20 for my 8:30 appointment. Dr. Kellet came in and we chatted about looking ‘refreshed’ and I let her do her thing.

The whole appt took about 30 minutes and it didn’t hurt. The needles they use are very small, less of a prick than an immunization. She did a treatment for my smile lines, and cheeks to enhance natural contour.

One week after: lines from nose to mouth minimized, looking fresh

casie stewart, dr. lisa kellett, toronto, filler, emervel

The treatment for the smile lines will last about 6-12 months. I can 100% understand why 9/10 patients want to have this procedure again. I love it. It’s just enough to make a slight difference and I feel refreshed. If I hadn’t written this post I don’t think anyone would even notice!

When I got home from the appointment Sean popped by the house and looked at me for a second, then said ‘you look pretty‘. It made me feel great. ?

If you’re looking into this type of treatment it’s important to go to a reputable dermatologist/clinic. If someone is offering a discount, think twice before putting that stuff in your face. Dr. Kellett is one of the top in her field in Canada and you can find her at DLK on Avenue Road.

It’s been a couple weeks since my first visit and I’m due for a follow up. I’ll give you an update how that goes. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me via email or send me a DM.

Here’s to putting your best self forward and feeling great about it! 1-casie_yellowheart, love

My Love for Great Glasses

If I was to point out a similarity with my photos over the years it’s that you can usually find a pair of glasses on my face. I love them. There’s about 5,970 results in Google of ‘casiestewart + glasses”.  I’ve amassed a huge collection over the years and part of that is thanks to polette eyewear from France. I’ve been on their global blogger team for almost 2 years now!

casiestewart_ogtwitterA long time ago I used to wear these dark black rimmed glasses, this black & white photo was my Twitter profile from 2008 to about 2011. These glasses reminded me of Andy Warhol and they were my favourite.

It was years before I found another pair I liked just as much (this one from polette) and then I lost them. Well, I ordered them again and I’m happy to have them back. Casual and easy to wear, perfect for everyday. Find the polette Combinasion here. * they are currently sold out! 

My second fav pair of glasses is the e-divergent from polette. I always get compliments on them. Best part? They’re specially tinted to protect your eyes from screen damage. The slight tint will decrease chances of getting a ‘screen headache’ and tired eyes. The frame is also entirely hand polished.

Sean makes fun of them almost every single time I wear them, saying they’re my ‘Drake Glasses’. I don’t care, they’re awesome! And so is Drake, heard this yet?

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My latest sunglasses are quite different from each other but both awesome!

The Magnesia have sun lenses that pop off to make them into glasses. These are badass. They remind me of Dwayne Wayne flip up glasses.

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The Elektra are a more high fashion style that totally reminds me of Lady Gaga.The butterfly shaped frame offers optimum UV400. Fashion & function, honey!

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The polette concept is simple, they wanted to offer customers a great product at a good price, so, they cut out the middleman. Polette was founded in France by a young entrepreneur and most of the glasses are $20-$30.

Find them on Twitter and Instagram at @poletteeyewear!
