barry manalow rocks the eighties

Tonight, I watched Will & Grace and it was the episode when Will is in line for tickets the one night show of Barry’s Christmas Special. Grace gets mad when she sees that her mum ditched Hanukkah shopping to hang out with Jack. Karen finds comfort with the Fanilows in line for tickets. ET Canada was happy to have Mr. Manilow on their program this evening also. He is releasing a new album “The Greatest Songs of the Eighties,” due November 25 on Arista. It’s just amazing how youthful and soft his face looks. I browsed through some photos of Barry and maybe I found one way to stay looking young and have a pretty voice, a dried flowered bud of the Cannabis Sativa plant. It has visible THC crystals, which indicate high potency.

blue snowflakes star falling

Elvis singing Blue Christmas. I love it.
Soon as I hear “I’ll have blue, Christmas, without you”,
my heart melts for The King.
He does this little smirk.
It’s fantastic. Just watch him.

Beautiful People.

Tonight watched Beautiful People on Slice. If you don’t know what Beautiful People is you may not have been on the Internet for the last year and probably should see a doctor. Right now.
Beautiful People (BP) is an exclusive agency for meeting other people, except it only lets in the pretty ones. No boring and no ugly ones either. It’s beauties meeting beauties. The members vote and if you’re hot enough, then you can join. If not, you get a message that says “the beautiful people don’t think you are attractive enough“. I suggest you take a look at it for fun. I find it interesting however not surprising that a business like this exists this and Slice broadcasts it right into my very own room.

There was a commercial for Botox during the break and it emphasized the importance of “freedom of expression”. This, I am also thankful for, the expression that is, not the Botox. An actress from Toronto got rejected by Beautiful People (BP) and found inspiration in that to get plastic surgery all over her face. They told her that she looked tired and sunken and she needs some work done. Of course, cosmetic surgery can help you achieve this. Lotus Medical offer their clients the chance to ‘regain your youthful appearance’ through their cosmetic procedures that include tummy tuck, fillers and liposculpture among many more. To be honest with you I am actually all in favor of changing your appearance if it makes you happy. A good friend of mine has had a few procedures done by the best plastic surgeon chicago has to offer and this has made a huge difference to her confidence. Ultimately, if you are considering plastic surgery it is vital that you do your research so that you can find a reputable surgeon.

Her inspiration inspired me and I drew on my face but I don’t want to change it.

The two blokes who started the company said: “PR is the cornerstone of their business”. They like the media and guerrilla marketing because it is cheap & effective and gets lots of attention. They like lots of attention. They like to get people talking. They like to cross borders and make you stretch what you think is normal. They like to shake your mind a bit. They like to get you moving.
The Beautiful People boys did a fine number by projecting a message on the side of one of our downtown buildings. It lasted two hours before the cops shut it down but it lasted much longer once the media grabbed it.

I think to myself, have we lost it? The economy is not doing so well. People are all walking around like The Sims, looking the same in the face, wearing the same clothes, going to the same places, seeing the same people. Boring. Boring Boring.

There are a couple people who I find quite interesting because I see them doing something different. White Rabbit, Jon Dube and Optiadmedia; its all creative inspiration of different mediums.

The time has come for the rising of the arts and those who are Borderline Artistic will no longer be hiding.

Oh winter, why dry?

This time of year is always the worst for dry skin.

A few weeks back I received a Burt’s Bees survival filled with Burt’s bees products for me to test out. I have been using the Milk & Honey Body lotion the most. I keep it in my purse or at the office. It really leaves your skin feeling hydrated, absorbs quickly, and is not greasy.

The lotion is specially formulated for normal to dry skin and includes “Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, formulated to leave rough, flaky skin soft and smooth, naturally. ”

I recommend you give it a try this winter. Take care of your skin & take care of yourself!!

Event has been Cancelled

Dance Glass has been canceled by the organizers.
Aahh well. I’ll be dancing tonight no matter what!!

Plans tonight? Feeling Jazzy?

Doors pen at 8pm @ Alleycatz

Hm. Mr. Tapeminatti, who are you?

I received a comment from an anonymous reader…

I think Mr. Tapeminatti, who ever he is, has picked up on my interest in his business and is now playing a little game with me. Seems like he/they/whoever, may have ghost written me and now I am intrigued! I further explore the world of this unique media that I see all over downtown. The thing I really enjoy is the mystery behind it all. It’s my favorite type of marketing, the ‘roach-bait’ style.

A marketing message delivered by an actor posing as a regular person with the intention of having that message passed along to many others….

“Anonymous said…

nice thought
know you not
full story got

know more than before
but still no score
learning evermore

the more you seek
the more you see
Tapeminatti is
come Unity

Tapeminatti does provide these services but is not limited to them.”

My friend Daniel is a very inspiring individual.

Daniel Patricio is a 20 year old Ryerson University student and a Hospice of Peel volunteer for the past two years. Daniel approached Hospice and said he would like to contribute in a bigger way.

Daniel is raising funds to put Christmas dinner on the table and provide for families affected by terminal illness and their kids. He is asking for $10 which will go directly for Hospice of Peel. If you know of anyone who is in a facility such as a Hospice Cincinnati (or one closer to where you live), you know that they are in the best hands possible to help care for them, regardless of what they’re going through. Just like with anyone, of course you’d want the best for them.

Many of these families divert most of their valuable time, energy and finances to fighting illness which causes them to forget to cherish their last moments with their loved ones. In these precious last moments, we would like to give families the chance to embrace these last days as memorable ones.

I am a big believer in giving and that it truly is it’s own gift. Take a few minutes to donate to a good cause and shine some light on your day by helping out someone else. Feel free to tell me your stories of giving. I love sharing the positive vibes ?

Do it today!

Holiday time means….STUFF FOR YOU!

In December I am going to be giving away this lovely Givenchy Organza gift set from my friends at Givenchy. I’m in the process of setting up a contest and using my creativity to sort out the details. I’d love to know if you have any ideas!

In Givenchyʼs 2008 Holiday Collection, the Organza set comes with a 50mL spray, 75mL silky body veil and a 75mL shower gel. The gift set is available exclusively at The Bay and the suggested retail price is $ 80. What a great gift!

i’m following

art is for the making

balcony cigarette coat

give me some sunscreen

I have loved this song and listen to it about once a week. I find that Baz Lurhman’s simple thoughts keep my simple thoughts aligned with what I believe. It is veryunpretentious, almost a monologue, and I encourage you to listen and watch. I love to listen to it on my ipod and lay in the grass, leaves, or snow and close my eyes to let my mind wander. It is when I do this, I feel connected to myself and the universe. I know that I can achieve what I believe.

Baz Luhrman – Sunscreen (Original)

Remember when Smith Jarred dropped his pants?

How happy the audience was with the performance?
The show was moving and creatively expressive.
It was flowing with emotion and bursting with exuberance.
I felt this way recently.
I was moved. I was inspired. I wanted to dance.

I recently attended show that was graced with American Apparel and bare skin. Sex. Identity. Kettle one. Sweat. Violence. Strength. Dancers moving to elegant sounds and screaming heartfelt emotion. There was pain and love and seeds of anger. It was fierce and touching. It was poignant and personal.
The show ‘BloodLetting and Other Things’ is choreographed by Tony Chong and performed by Dancemakers and the Centre for Creation.

To introduce their exciting 2008/2009 season, Dancemakers and the Centre for Creation, host “DanceGlass” a unique launch event and fundraiser. The event will be on November 26, 2008 beginning at 7pm The Kitchen, 1186 Queen Street West.Call 416-367-1800 or email Marie for tickets or more info. Support the arts community and contemporary dance. I know you all watch DWTS and SYTYCD. This is your chance to take part in an event that supports those type of dancers.

Do it Daily!!

I’ve been participating in Daily Challenge since the idea first came online and developed a community. I believe strongly in the power of positive thought and know from experience that thoughts really do become things if you believe in them!

I have submitted a challenge for you to sign up on, if you have not already, and tell me why you think Daily Challenge is a great idea?

Lets spread the word and get more people to

Entrepreneurs Unite!

My friends at BizLaunch recently asked some of their entrepreneurs to complete a short questionnaire about their own business and offer small business advice to their network. I’ve included an excerpt from my interview. You can read it in its entirety by following the links to the BizLaunch blog where you will find a collection of advice and information from Canadian small business entrepreneurs.

Tell us Your Story

1. Who are you and what business did you start?

Casie Stewart, Toronto ,

2. Why did you start your own business?

I started a publishing company and published my first book at 14, an anthology of poetry and prose. I’ve always been a writer and with the many resources available online, I thought a website & blog was a good step.

3. What has been your biggest challenge so far?

My biggest challenge is finding the time between my full time day job and the venture.

Click here to read the rest!

miss ya mitch

You know, you can’t please all the people all the time… and last night, all those people were at my show.
Mitch Hedberg

Mitch Hedberd was my favorite comedian. He died late in the evening on March 29, 2005. Due to stage fright and anxiety, he often performed with his glasses on, head down, hair in his face, and sometimes closed his eyes as not to make eye contact. Mitch was known for pointing out when he didn’t deliver a joke right and often nodded his head saying “all right.” It was often quite funny when he didn’t get the reaction he expected and would say something like “That joke’s better than you acted” or “That joke was dumb, I am aware of that.” He’s funny. I wish he was making jokes still. Luckily, he still makes me laugh every time I watch.

guess who’s now following me on twitter?

My homeboy Barry Obama!!

Once I got this I sent him a message. I wonder is he, or his ‘Twitter updater” will message me back. That would be a dream. Maybe Barack Obama updates his own Twitter and he really is made up of all the wonderful that I think he is. I’ll stick with that positive mindset.

for my grandad ♥

i love and miss you
your spirit
will live forever
in my writing
you inspired me
and continue to
and i am thankful
for your love ♥

a little spray chalk on the sidewalk

i know what tapeminatti is now.

I spotted a photograph by Chris Wood and it was of a young gentleman spray painting Tapeminatti on a downtown sidewalk. I discovered that Tapeminatti is the place to go if you want to get your poster or message plastered all over the city.

My favorite thing that they do is sidewalk stenciling. It is done on any public property using only water-soluble spray chalk. It is most frequently done outside clubs or on busy streets in the downtown core. It’s cool because they use chalk which is water soluble and can be used on walls or over existing posters. I reckon it makes for a very cool effect and unique campaign. I envision my name plastered and painted across the whole city….

The services offered are street postering, event flyering and retail campaigns. On the website there is a variety of media including music and heaps of interesting videos and documentaries.

There is an illuminati connection in the documentaries. It is interesting because Tapeminatti prefers to keep a bit secret too.

I enjoy mystery. I like to find clues.

chicken wheelbarrow painting

i know of a poem
that involves these things

william wrote it well
painted a portrait

so picturesque
it opens

the imagination
drives the poet

do you know it?

– handwritten

I Saw a Peacock, with a fiery tail

These following are to be understood in two ways.

I Saw a Peacock, with a fiery tail,
I saw a Blazing Comet, drop down hail,
I saw a Cloud, with Ivy circled round,
I saw a sturdy Oak, creep on the ground,
I saw a Pismire, swallow up a Whale,
I saw a raging Sea, brim full of Ale,
I saw a Venice Glass, Sixteen foot deep,
I saw a well, full of mens tears that weep,
I saw their eyes, all in a flame of fire,
I saw a House, as big as the Moon and higher,
I saw the Sun, even in the midst of night,
I saw the man, that saw this wondrous sight.

canada smokes europe!

Received my update from the Economist on the hottest stories and there was something a bit interesting today…

Turns out there is alot of pot smoking going on in Europe. After all, I have seen a lot of cannabis related branded products. I learned “cannabis use in Europe remains high by historical standards, according to a new report on drug use from the EU’s drug-monitoring arm. Around a quarter of all Europeans aged between 15 and 64, or some 72m people, have tried cannabis. Meanwhile, more and more people in the US are going to a west wendover dispensary and other locales, in stark contrast to their EU counterparts. The Dutch are not the keenest spliff smokers in Europe, despite lenient laws: the Danes, French and Britons are most likely to have puffed on a joint at some point in their lives. The highest levels of usage are reported among people between the ages of 15 and 24.” I think that in Canada we might just smoke then in this category. Being that it is legal in most Canadian provinces, residents are able to consume their cannabis is many different ways, such as through these dab pens sold at
From what I hear, we smoke alot of pot, so I did some research. Turns out, I am right. I’m always learning about the latest cannabis products and there are so many on the market at the minute. My friend recently got a cannabis subscription box from and she loves it. It seems like everyone I know is smoking cannabis at the minute!

CBC reports from the UN, “Canadians use marijuana at four times the world average, making Canada the leader of the industrialized world in cannabis consumption, a recent United Nations report found.

The 2007 World Drug Report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime says that 16.8 per cent of Canadians aged 15 to 64 smoked marijuana or used another cannabis product in 2006. The world average is 3.8 per cent.”

late night pizza poppers

N: hey did i tell u what happened on Saturday?

Case: no!

Case: do tell

N: so i walk into pizza pizza.. same guy is there.. and he goes “alone tonight? that’s a shocker.. no chicken wings tonight??” lololol

Case: lololol

Case: omg hilarious

Case: he knows you

Case: and us

Case: love it

N: lol yuupppp

Case: thats hot

Something suspicious…

This is not a free cruise. I just got a call from a +0000000000000 number, whoever called me knew my number and name. They offered me this cruise in Florida for 2 days if I answered some questions. I know this game. I played it before. They do not include port charges or government takes. I’ve read about the cruise line before also. It is sub par and two star. If they call you, don’t waste your time. Unless, you and a friend are in Florida and have a few days to waste along with about $300.

NOW Obama!!

Two of my best friends Tahnee & Aga grace the pages of NOW! Magazine this week. They were in Dundas Square last week celebrating the wonderful Presidential victory of Mr. Barack Obama.

The caption reads:
who: Barack Obama supporters
where: Dundas Square
when: Tuesday, November 4, 11 pm
what: Celebrating Obama’s historic victory in the U.S. presidential election.
More coverage, page 16.
Photo By Sam Javanrouh

This photo, on Tahnee’s FB is worth at least a thousand words. That’s my girl!

be nice to yourself this week

mem lamed ayin
Removing Negative Thoughts

By scanning these letters right to left you connect to the spiritual energy of this name. The meditation is linked to the photo and you can also experience it by connecting here.

A little spiritual tune up from Yehuda:

The month of Scorpio is the perfect time to be reminded of this. We tend to be extra hard on ourselves under the influence of this energy. But at the same time, there is always a little poison in the vaccine. Meaning, if we can learn to be nice to ourselves, even when we are in the throes of self-hatred, we can inoculate ourselves against that inner critic for the rest of the year.

Be nice to yourself this week. You have so many gifts from the Creator that were given to you so you could share them with others. The more you are patient and tolerant of your shortcomings and failures, the more your gifts will come out.

And the more your gifts come out, the better you will feel. Be well. Enjoy your week!

All the best, Yehuda Berg