Follow your heart, use your head.

Woke up feeling pretty inspired today. The chill in the air reminds me winter is around the corner but instead of being down, I though about all the time I’ll spend inside working on new ideas and projects. Winter is hibernation time. Lots of planning new ideas & projects for Spring/Summer.The Einstein photos is from the Incubus show I went to recently, Brandon on drum in the front.

 Been trying to decide which Docs to get with a gift certificate I have and after seeing this girl, I think I’ve decided. Docs shoes for the win. Will be able to wear them all year and they look cute with socks/tights.

Having a BBQ at Mum’s for dinner tonight. Super excited to see her. Sent her flowers yeaterday and the sound in her voice when she thanked me for them was absolutely priceless. When she was away for a year, there were so many times she didn’t have Skype so we weren’t able to chat. The fact that I can ring her at work now is something I cherish very much. Planning to escape north of the city on Sunday for a cottagey getaway.

This week I learned something pretty cool. Did you know that filling out those annoying captchas actually is helping to digitize old books and newspapers. Check out this video when you have a few minutes. I love the internet. Thanks Sheldon & Dan for sharing on Google+.

Sending out positive vibes and wishing you an awesome day 🙂

Festival Music House! MOD Club! TIFF!


Wednesday night was the third and final night of the TIFF Festival Music House. Casie posted about the second night earlier (here) and last night I moseyed over to the MOD Club to party it up and take some photos of the oh so amazing bands! Pictured above and below? Parlovr! They’re from Montreal and dreamy. They whip their hair around and are super funny. I want to go on a road trip with them. We’d go to lots of funny tacky tourist traps and diners, then write fast songs to dance to about it all after!


Next up was Hey Rosetta! from Halifax. Their album Seeds is up for this year’s Polaris Music Prize! They’re amazing live, and one of my favourites! You for sure should check them out.



Woohoo! Following was The Rural Alberta Advantage! So fun so fun so fun!




The Arkells brought the fantastic night of music to a close.


So much awesome. Thanks Art & Crafts and Rock-it Promotions for putting on this crazy shindig!

Well I feel just like a child

It’s Over.

The last week has been a whirlwind of crazy awesome. I love Toronto International FIlm Fest. So many people, parties and places. Kate took heaps of photos at Festival Music House last night and will post tomorrow.  I’m about to leave town for a few days to recharge my batteries. Very necessary after a week of non-stop events. I’m looking forward to trees and lake and very few humans. What did you like most about TIFF? I loved meeting Clive Owen at Strombo’s party. Was out for cigs with Aussie actor Geoffrey Rush from The Kings Speech at Mod Club last night too.

You will never be younger than you are today, do something fabulous!

Love you xo

Sheepdogs and Lights at Mod Club

Awesome time last night at the Festival Music House. Having it at The Mod Club is so much better for the music compared to last year’s event at Roosevelt Room. See all posts from last year’s event here.

Lots of music industry peeps & execs were there. We caught Lights and The Sheepdogs.  Mum, next time there’s a Sheepdoggy show I am taking you.

These good pix from are from RockIt on Flickr. I didn’t take my camera (again).

Heard Lights just got engaged. Congrats sista. Remember that time she did a shout out to me and all my “internet amazingness“. Props to her for being so adorable. I think she’s great.

I wore these down a$$ tiger tights Secret sent me. Rarrrrrrrr!

For a girl who hardly ever wears pants, a shipment of tights like this really kick starts the winter wardrobe. This year for Fall/Winter they have lots of texture (light rib, cable rib), colour blocking and animal print. I practically screamed when I opened the package. THANK YOU SECRET!

Sammy & I are heading back to Mod Cub for the final night of Festival Music House. If you see me, say hi!

They’re very tall & muscley, eh bro?



This is my Dad and his brothers playing rugby in NZ. LOVE YOU DAD!

you missed this yesterday

we will all be history one day

Diet Coke TIFF Stay Extraordinary Gala at The Hoxton

Picked up this hat from Fashion Crimes for last night’s Diet Coke event. This was the social media party of TIFF. Everyone and their blog was there. Read about it on The Grid.  Lots of Tweets and Facebook happening on scene and heaps of familiar faces.  Was nice to meet a few peeps for the first time who enjoy my blog & Tweets. HI GUYS!

The Diet Coke team did a great job of turning the Hoxton into a Gala-like venue. Thanks for the pic @DietCoke I didn’t take my camera but Raymi posted a heap of photos here. Will add Coke’s photos once they’re live. Have an awesome day 🙂


George Strombo’s TIFF Takeover at The Hazelton

Cue Katy Perry TGIF cause last Friday night Keri, Lauren and I had an awesome time at The Hazelton and I’d do it allllllllll again.Red carpet love from your three fav blondes 🙂

There were thousands of people gathered around watching. I wore a top from Bicyclette, American Apparel Late Night Disco Shorts and Jeffrey Campbell pixie wedges with Zebra nails & matching purse. Most of these next photos are from Keri’s blog, check it here. I didn’t take camera.

I spy Julian & I met CLIVE OWEN. I love him. My fav role he played was in Closer with Natalie, Julia and Jude. He was beautiful and charming in person, just like in my dreams. Mega swoon. Bono, Jason Reitman, Gerard Butler, Juliette Lewis, Jon Hamm and heaps more celebs were there too.

Thanks for another great party George. CBC Live tweeted that we were there along with all the celebs. How cool is that Mum?!

Finally met Amber Mac. Her name comes up all the time, she said the same, although we had never met in person before. Super nice girl. Been following her for years. Sarah Was super cute and said “ahhh my fav bloggers all together”. Her post is here.

More blonde blogging babes! Lynsie is covering Fashion Week in London. Congrats girl!

Kris was my fav meet of the evening. I was certain he was Chris Martin from Coldplay but he is an actor on Tudors who is also a Pentathlon, riding and fencing champion. Mega catch there.

For sure my fav party of the whole Toronto Film Festival. It was great to see all kinda of people I hardly see on the regular. Thanks Strombo & CBC for doing it up again this year.  You were a good date too Keri 🙂

we are all made of stars

Starting Monday I’m in a national advertising campaign with HTC! They’ve chosen to feature me in a new campaign that will  run for 14 weeks on lifestyle and entertainment sites across Canada.

I’ve been working with Say Media for a few months. Have you ever noticed the video ads in my sidebar? That’s them. I’m their leading lifestyle blogger in Canada. SAY is a rad company based out of San Francisco who works with the internet’s leading voices including Seth Goden and Brian Clark (@copyblogger).  Check ’em out below 🙂

TedXToronto: September 23, 2011

I’m happy to my acceptance as a Delegate for  TedXToronto on September 23! I attended last  year and it was quite riveting. For details on how you can take part in the conference go here. There’s a few speakers this year I know personally so I’m really looking forward to being there. Not sure who the hosts are.

These are two of my favourite videos from the speaker vids created by my friends at The Biz Media. First up is Movember co-founder Adam Garone and second Rob Spence. Reckon you’ll find them quite moving 🙂

Dropped off a bday present for Emma at Sammy’s work today and have had this song stuck in my head. It’s real pretty. Give a listen, you will like it too. Tonight is the Diet Coke TIFF party. Two more nights of TIFF before it’s over! Gah. Mega tiring. Gonna take a city break and go visit Mum this weekend.

Raggamuffin is a freedomfighter

Good morning, good morning and how are you today? Mum used to sing that to me when I was little. Hoping I can go visit her this week. It’s Monday and I’m feeling great. Woke up early and been working from bed. Sent a couple invoices confirmed a few meetings and am ready for a stellar day.

Off to pick up my new business cards. Kate starts working with me at the office today. I officially have a PA, follow her on Twitter here.

Remember, you are younger today than you will be again, make the most of it! <3 CASIE

Love this Jam – Selah Sue. So good.

TIFF Social Media Lodge and Gifting Lounge

Friday I attended the TIFF Social Media Lodge & gifting lounge at FSTOP on King street. Lots of great people and products. Thank you to event hosts Chrissy @ Vocab Communications, Gordon @ Social Lodge, Jeff @ Real TV Films and George @ TCHAD.

all dolled up and somewhere to go

Took Kate to meet my girls at Doll Bar Inc today. I wanted to get her some flowers. Plucked mine last night Black Swan style.  Lucky for me, they just got a sample of in this rad hot pink Kevin Murphy hair makeup an hour before we showed up. Washes out when you shampoo and goes on like paint. I’ll be rockin’ it tonight at Strombo’s TIFF party at the Hazelton.

Funky haircut is done by Darren Kwik Studio  inspired by Zambesi New Zealand.

omg mum guess who i met today? #tiff11 #yandr

Tonya Lee Williams aka Dr. Olivia B. Winters from Young & the Restless. Watching the Y&R right now 🙂

Hey Skywalker!


fQnuod on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Weekend Tune: “Love Is a Dirty Word” by Jason Collett

Attention Torontonians who like good music and good times!  Tonight Jason Collett and Zeus are playing a free show at Yonge and Dundas Square! The show kicks off around 8pm, so all you festival folk will still be able to TIFF it up after! Oh so perfect yes? Now let’s get to the music video…

I’m so excited you guys! Jason Collett is so dreamy. This one time I was having brunch at Aunties and Uncles, and HE WAS ALSO THERE! I could barely focus on my bacon-y breakfast sandwich. Truth.

Also? Zeus! Did you spot them jamming out in the background? Did you know that they’re Jason Collett’s backing band? Have you heard their amazing Genesis cover? Have I mentioned how excited I am already?

I’m so excited. Happy weekend everyone!

xo Kate


My Lomography Shots: First round Second round

Lots of cameras made into art. Liked these ones.

Have another roll in development right now. Planning to shoot Monday’s Diet Coke party with B&W film with the Sprocket Rocket. I am imagining beautiful artistic photos, please join me in that thought. It’s like, hard to take analogue photos man. Digital kid vs Analogue lifestyle for the win.  Thanks for the invite 🙂

‎”no one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep.”


* Venus posted the title on FB. Liked it. <3


Ay Caramba!

It’s def going to be an ay-yay-yay! kind of day. NFL season kicks off, President Obama’s kicks off a major jobs speech to a special joint session of Congress, and it’s also the kickoff of Toronto International Film Festival.

We be kicking off with a TIFF related theme for each segment.

Casie Study – We chat with Gordon Vasquez of who is in town from LA to shoot interviews and Jeff Musson of the Dynamite Network. Jeff and Gordon partnered during SXSW and are partnering again on a TIFF mobile app. We chat about their businesses and their TIFF partnership. Who knows who might pop in…..

Demo Camp – How do you #shakethat? Not that …lol… Handshakes! That’s the first impression someone gets when they meet you. And it’s key to play @ TIFF. We’ll show you how to #shakethat without #ruiningthat celeb jeb, interview, business meeting or date.

Check In – Tell us what celeb you’ve met during TIFF or any film fest.

* We’re not going live but we are going. Excited to show share our first episode with you. 

Swarovski’s TIFF Fashion Suite @ the Four Seasons

I was invited by Swarovski to the Swarovski Fashion Suite at the Four Seasons. We got to preview the FW 2011/2012 “Wings of Paradise” collection. So Beautiful. I might borrow something to wear to a TIFF party this week. EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!

Keri was invited too.

We had a private tour of the crystals including the Daniel Swarovski Catwalk Collection. This is the one and only appearance in Canada. I would love love love love love to wear one of these pieces. They’re all one of a kinda and not for sale either.

Thank you to the team for the lovely gift. Way to a nerd girls heart, Swarovski USB pendant. LOVE!

In return, a very special gif(t) for my friend Allison at Edelman ♥. Thank you for inviting me 🙂

UX4ZIH on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Toronto International Film Fest: Tastemakers Lounge

When celebrities come to town for TIFF they get invited to lounges to see & receive new & exciting products. Media get invites too. It’s a way for companies to get their products in the hands of stars and journalists. The Tastemakers Lounge is hosted by RockIt and they do an excellent job of bringing together brands & people. I took my PA Kate for the experience it and too take photos.

New glasses from FYSH. Thanks Team!

I picked out new glasses from FYSH NATION last year too. This is me rockin’ them w/ Morgan Ross at Strombo’s TIFF party.

Next it was time to pick out bracelets and charms from PANDORA.

Kate  took home a few goodies too.

Kate chose macrame black leather and I picked sterling silver. See all the styles here.

I chose a wee little birdy. Twitter <3

Planning to have some serious game nights this winter cause Mattel has hooked me up with rad games. I picked up and ANGRY BIRDS sling shot! REAL ANGRY BIRDS! I played it at their Mattel Game Night over the summer. It’s fun.

Was given this gorgeous silk eyemask from Cilque and OH MY GOD I slept with it last night. My eyes were in the clouds and I had an amazing sleep. I’m dying for a set of Cilque sheets and robe to match.

Made friends with team Sharpie. I carry Sharpie’s with me all the time and had one in my purse to proove it.

Then Kate and I raided the drawers. Got limited edition 80’s glam colours too!

Told the team how I always start out with Sharpie for tattoo ideas. I drew this bracelet tatt on my left arm on with two different green Sharpie’s for about three years before I got it. If you draw something cool you can upload it to the Sharpie site here.

Got this styling yellow hat from Nathaniel Cole. I paired it with a lumberjack black & red and those boots I got yesterday, Canadian Tuxedo ready to rock. It’s soft & warm and as a hat lover, can’t wait to bring this baby out.

Always a pleasure to see the team at RockIt. Thank you for inviting me 🙂

BTW have you seen my boyfriend around?

Gubler is all over in the ALDO ads and god damn, I love him.

He IS dreams. I really liked his long hair. You don’t know him?  He plays Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds and he also hangs out with Terry Richardson. Mega swoonfest. I wonder if HE comes for TIFF? Now there’s someone I’d like to hang out with!



Remember when I interviewed Kreayshawn & we did that awesome shoot for Pink Mafia? Well, she’s in town tomorrow night for TIFF at Roosevelt Room. My boyz at Z-List got it all hooked up. For info and all that sizzzz nizz check the invite on FB.

You can kiss the ring, but you can never touch the crown. BOOM.


you missed this yesterday





I missed wearing tights. These badboys are my most fav. Designer Adrian Hailwood gifted them to me at NZFW last year.

Change of seasons, woo hoo!
