Its All About Me is nominated for COMMFFEST MADA AWARD! Winner will be revealed Sept 15 7.30-9.30pm. See the film: http://t.co/wMJwI3nn9x
— It’s All About ME (@allaboutmemovie) September 10, 2013
On Saturday the theatre below is going to be filled with people tuned in to watch my first ever feature as a non-extra on the big screen. I’ve been in TV and movies before but this documentary is the first time I’m in a real film festival. It’s nominated for an award too!
Planning to get my nails done, a fresh shave on my head, and a new tattoo on Friday for the 13th. (I know Mum reading this will be happy cringing to hear that! ha. LOVE YOU MUM)
There are a limited number of tickets available and you can get one here. Watch the trailer below and follow @allaboutmemovie on Twitter. We shot this just over a year ago and it actually seems like forever. I have pink hair and refuse to read the comments. Gahhh.
Ok, now I’m a little nervous.
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