ON Tuesday I skipped out of work to hit the tents and watch a few WMCFW shows. It’s nice to see everyone there but the fashion has actually been quite underwhelming. I want more energy on the runway, excitement, fashion should be fun and not so serious. I saw socks and sandals on the runway too which I can never seem to wrap my head around. I just won’t!
Your #ootd Is Showing: @WMCFashionWeek edition! Feat: @laurenonizzle @casiestewart @jessdenomme @MyFashAvenue @K_0623 http://t.co/juJofwxhZZ
— Chris Howson (@TheChrisHowson) October 23, 2013
After shows I went with Lauren to the Frank and Oak for Little Burgundy party. It was so fun! They had Parts & Labour catering, PBR, bourbonade, and a campfire outside. Heaps of plaid and beards around too. Saw a bunch of friends there along with some of my crew from Community. I love the Frank & Oak style. Thinking I’ll subscribe for my BF at Christmas (let’s just hope he doesn’t read this!).
So there was that @FrankandOak @LittleBurgundy event with @casiestewart, Axl Rose, @laurenonizzle #FOxLB pic.twitter.com/YYBERTy0jh
— Best of Toronto (@BestOfTorontoTV) October 23, 2013
Check out the Frank & Oak for Little Burgundy collection on their website at frankandoak.com Happy hipstering!
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