they called me a sassy blonde, how about that eh?

“For those who are addicted to instant news and want to be on the cutting edge of trends, blogs are as relevant as newspapers or television bulletins. Bloggers say their writings are immediate, and reflect a certain world view. “I live, I love life, I blog,” says Stewart.”

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be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

I’m going to San Francisco next week!

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cute article on – DEREK DRESSES CASIE is New Zealand’s home of fashion online. On the last day of New Zealand Fashion Week, Derek Fabulous and I went shopping with the Editor of Thread Megan Robinson and it was a RIOT (as you will see). Please note I am wearing a Foursquare shirt. I’m so styling, nerdy and cool at the same time, haha. Read the article here, it’s really cute (all the pix link to it as well). Follow Derek on Twitter & @threadNZ for style from NY & NZ. I laughed so hard when Derek put this on his face. He was like, totally serious. DEREK I MISS YOU DAH’LING! “Grabbing a frilled tulle skirt, Derek used it to whip Casie as he held onto the reins of her leather waistcoat.” This was my fav outfit: “Casie in a 40s swimsuit, leopard jacket and red velvet hat.” No pants baby. Gaga this one’s for you! PAWS UP!

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doesn’t it make sense to have the time of your life?

Hi! I’m in San Fran at the airport waiting for my flight home to TO. I miss you TO, can’t wait to see that tower. I was super anxious this morning/yesterday whatever time it was when I left NZ. Joanne and I dropped Nana off at the airport with Isabelle (her darling daughter) then it was my turn to go. I had like four hours until my flight so I snooped around, got one of those chair massages. Left my biz card at the computer station. Threw back a beer or three and painted my nails. Chatted a lovely couple, my parents age, who were off to Rangitonga with about thirty friends. He had a ukulele and they have a sail boat too like Mum. I love airports. They are calling my plane now. See you in Canada homeslice!

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leave all your love and your longing behind you can’t carry it with you if you want to survive

Walked down to the ocean in Beach Haven, tide was out. So beautiful. I miss being near the ocean. When I lived in Bondi (Australia) I used to visit the water each day, lay in the sand, stare at the sky. I was really happy there, I’m happy now too. I climbed on the childrens boat, laxed on a bench, lazed in the sun. The flowers here are very beautiful. I have heaps of photos fronm the past week. People here have quite lovely gardens. Nana & Grandad always had a really nice garden. He had passion fruit trees , flowers and vegetables. I carved my name in a tree there too. Love you Grandad, miss you. Chilled out with Nana today. This is on my cousins lawn. Their house is great. I’ve been lucky this trip to stay at really nice places. I enjoyed staying with Kms the other day. His place felt kinda like my old house on Broadview in TO; artsy and musical with character. Nice fro babe. Walked into downtown Beach Haven, there’s about five shops, three takeaways, a dairy and a cafe with a foursquare checkin. I have a meeting at the cafe in the morning and will feel like my trip is complete if I can steal that Mayorship. GAME, SET, MISSION. Beer o’clock and diner making time.  Got an extra suitcase today so I can bring home all my goodies. Love it here but ready to come home. Lots of exciting things on the horizon. love & light my friends xo

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sunshine green grass fresh air open mind

Good morning from the North Shore in Auckland! Quite lovely and suberbish here. A good break from the past week of red carpets and cameras. Hanging with my cuz Jo, her baby Isabella and my Nana today. Its been sooooo long since I’ve seen them. Only my immediate family (mum, dad, sis) live in Canada, the rest are all here. How cute is her pup? Love him. Craving a meat pie so walking to the dairy! Hehe. I really wish we had kiwi meat pies at home. I love Vegimite. Hope you are having an awesome day. I ship out tomo on Air NZ stopping in SF then home Wed. I miss you Toronto xo

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