Win a Trip to London w/ Thomas Sabo and Casie Stewart
Earlier this month I went on a luxury trip to London, England with Thomas Sabo. It was my very first time in the UK and I had such an adventure. I wrote about it in four posts here. Do you wanna to go to London too?How about the Brit Awards?How about a shopping spree at Thomas Sabo? As an ambassador for Thomas Sabo, I am inviting YOU to enter to win an awesome and luxurious trip to London, attend the Brit Awards, and go shopping. This will be a trip of a lifetime! It brings together my fav things, fashion, travel, and entertainment. It’s pretty easy to enter, see below for details. Win a luxury trip to London, including tickets for the BRIT AWARDS, VIP tickets for one of the coolest clubs in the city and a valuable jewellery voucher from THOMAS SABO. The trip starts on Wednesday, 20.02.2013. You and your companion will fly to London for three exciting days. In 2012 it was bustling with stars such as Adele, Coldplay, Noel Gallagher and Bruno Mars and the who’s who of the music industry will again be represented in 2013. Shopping at the THOMAS SABO Shop in the King´s Road: there you can use your voucher worth 400 pounds (about 500 EUR) Second Prize Vote & Win! Click your way through the globe, vote for Toronto or create your own city hotspot you think is the perfect location for Glam Ladies and a charismatic rebel. Then, put in your contact details and you’re entered to win. TORONTO WE CAN WIN THIS! VOTE HERE By scrolling the globe to Toronto you’ll find my feature about why Toronto is an amazing hot spot. THOMAS SABO fans have the chance to vote for the perfect REBEL AT HEART / GLAM ‘N SOUL hotspot until January…
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