what are you wearing? i dunno. i just put stuff on.

I wore cute tights today. It was sunny bright outside. Sabrina’s Mum sent these tights from Hawaii. My Mum said she is hoping to send something from NY when they stop there on the big sailing adventure. If anything I hope she picked up something from a second hand store. She’s got great style and always knows good things for my sister and I. MISS YOU MUM. Call me when you get phone or internet. It was quite windy out today as well… I went to an ofice for a meeting and heard “oh look at you” then “you are like a Blossom but in 2010”. I forget that most office settings don’t wear funky outfits with hats and tights and scarves and stuff all different colours. I forgo and I am glad that I forgot. You should forget too. Dress fun and be unique. Working from home, I feel is the best thing for personal stle. Mind you, my room is messier than ever and I find motivation to clean it is nonexistent. Everytime I leave the house I throw together a mish-mash of things and accessories, hats, scarves and jewels galore. Every time I leave the house I am in costume, I am playing a part, I am me. This is my life. You are always someone when you leave the house, you are someone different on Monday morning than you were on Sunday morning (especially if hungover!). Your Friday afternoon self is different from holiday dinner self or your Sunday with Nana self. We are changing all the time. Lets hope it’s always for the better. In other news…myspace is back with a new layout and logo. I spent a couple minutes on mine today but I am not feeling it at all. Myspace is ugly. I…

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how would you describe me in 140 characters?

I’ve been included in an awesome set of photos by my friend & photographer Rannie Turrigan called 140 Characters. The concept is cool, 140 Characters and a bio for each person he shoots. You know Twitter is 140 chars by now right? Please say yes. OMG. I’ve not got a bio up for my pic yet. I found it hard to describe myself? Hmmmm….awesome? Crazy, awesome, charming, beautiful? Haha, see it aint’ that eezzzzz. I reckon it’s easier for someone else to describe you, err drscribe ME. What would you say? The photos will be on display tonight at TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone Hotel. Remember I hosted a couple Tweetgasm’s in August & September pix here.  If you’re around stop by tonight or check them out online at 140characters.ca. There’s a bunch of babes in the photo set!!

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went to the #smirnoffXchange party and all i got was…

SERVED! Big big thanks to Smirnoff Canada for hosting another great event! The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project has been travellin’ around 14 countries (Canada, USA, Great Britain, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Ireland, Lebanon, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and Venezuela). I would LOVE to go to one of the parties outside of Canada. Hellooooo nurse!!! Remember the last Smirnoff party I went to in the summer? It was called Graphic (click to see video) It was the one with the comic book theme? Shiz was off the hizzle. Check out pix from Nightlife Exchange Project on Facebook at Smirnoff Canada. I suggest giving them a ‘like’ if you wanna know about future stuff. My fav was the balloon drop from the ceiling and the music.  We  danced up a storm, threw back drinks and managed to get home before it got too cra-zay. Well, kinda… Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! roma-Roma-ma-ah! ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Katie Stewart + Jenie Stewart = babes Sequin queens ftw! Mood lighting = Rad romance Meeting this dude was crazy. We both said “my name is Casie/Casey” at the SAME TIME. That’s never happened before. My face it so totally ‘like whoa’. Whoa is me. Eva redpath, dancin’ queen! LOVE YOU BACK! Tweeps: handsome Brocklyn, darling Christine Love you sister. Prom is over. The end.

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we are all made of skulls

I will cut you. JUST KIDDING! Love this. haha. Party on Wayne! Dead disco, dead funk, dead rock’n roll! Aw, look at this little Lambchop. Play along. Play dead! Titanic – drunky let the boat sink. Whoops. Dead babies are popular. Yum. So many people for ages… Cute little guy. America’s Next Dead Model

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Friday night I had the pleasure of attending the Greta Constantine SS11 show at 161 Spadina. It was a who’s who of Toronto’s fashion. The clothes were beautiful, Coco Rocha walked the stage and I had a blast with friends. Here are some of the hot shots! For photos of the show check out Lynsie’s blog. She was back stage and on the runway getting some totally amazing shots of the collection. lynsie roberts, fashion photographer/blogger

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they called me a sassy blonde, how about that eh?

“For those who are addicted to instant news and want to be on the cutting edge of trends, blogs are as relevant as newspapers or television bulletins. Bloggers say their writings are immediate, and reflect a certain world view. “I live, I love life, I blog,” says Stewart.” stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/feature

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