I Can Do Anything. I Can.

I wrote this years ago and just found it and that’s why I love having a blog. I don’t think I’ll ever stop blogging. It’s been 10 years. I’ve written so many things. I can hardly believe so much has happened in that time. I think bloggers have to love their blogs. You spend so much time there, blogging. It’s a collection of stories and photos. Happiness, reminders, lessons, friendships. Trips around the world and my old hometown. I’m going to blog forever.  It’s the best thing I thing I’ve ever done. <3 CASIE

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Distracted Driving is a Modern Problem

Last week I mentioned the OneTap app in a post along with the importance of NOT texting while driving. If you have an Android phone, download this app right now. Think of the olden days when people drove around without distraction of a mobile phone, then think about now…so many distractions. Even the smallest things like a sputter from your car can cause distractions! If your car is very loud and splutters all the time, you might want to soundproof your car. It will stop distractions from your car that the OneTap can’t prevent as well as making conversations inside the car much easier. Now, soundproofing your car doesn’t have to be expensive either, as long as you get it from the right place. OneTap is an app that keeps drivers focussed on the road. I know updates can be distracting (my phone is buzzing all day!) but there’s no text, email, tweet, or status update worth risking your life. Looking at these texting and driving statistics should be enough to make you realise this, as there are a shocking number of accidents that happen as a result of it, and I’m sure those involved would turn back time in an instant and put their phone away before turning on their engine. All kinds of small distractions can be so easily avoided. When you look away from the road it’s like driving blind and an accident can happen in a split second, which could end badly for everyone involved, it might end with you being charged with something like vehicular homicide and requiring the help of someone like these criminal attorneys to take on your case. Key features of OneTap App • Prevent distractions from calls, texts and alerts • Activate manually, or let it detect when you’re driving and…

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End Distracted Driving with #JustOneTap

I’m not gonna to lie, I’ve texted while driving. Even worse, been stuck in traffic and taken photos. I’m sorry, it’s not ok and we are all guilty of it. I’ve made a point to put my phone out of reach or on the passenger seat. I know that if I get caught that I could get in trouble and have to attend an online traffic school or worse, get into an accident. That is something I’m sure no one wants. I know I don’t. Distracted driving is one of the main causes of accidents and if you’ve been involved in once recently you should contact an Accident claims specialist. There are plenty of lawyers out there that you can use, so you won’t struggle to find the right one for you. If you are unsure about who to use, then it might be a good idea to check out a law firm like lamber goodnow to give you a better idea of what sort of law firm you should use. Distracted driving is a HUGE PROBLEM and a Canadian-owned, Calgary-based startup has an app for that. AppColony has developed OneTap, a brand-new, free app for Android phones ( IOS version coming soon!) designed to help end distracted driving in Canada. They surveyed Canadians and found some statistics we can’t ignore. OneTap automatically senses when a user is driving and blocks out unnecessary distractions, while allowing you to stay connected. Even though you can just contact someone like this springfield il car accident attorney if you do get into a crash, it’s obviously better to avoid it altogether, not just to help decrease your own stress levels but also in case someone gets hurt. This tech is a brilliant potential solution to this ongoing issue. For more information on the…

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#TBT Thailand: Panoramic Views of Somewhere Warmer Than Here

Came across these photos on my phone and forgot I even took them. I love how panoramic photos capture a time and place. Fond memories. These were all taken on my trip to Thailand just over a year ago with Contiki Canada. They took 17 of Canada’s top content creators on the trip of a lifetime. We had so much fun. these photos were taken in Bangkok, Chaing Mai, Koh Tao, and Koh Samui. Go back in time and relive my trip in posts tagged Thailand. I would absolutely love to be somewhere warm right now but have too much going on to drop it all and get away. So, instead I’ve cranked the heat and dehumidifier and am sharing  travel photos. Enjoy! With love, CASIE

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There’s No Need For Cable, LONG LIVE INTERNET TV!

OK, so yesterday we got cable and I’m pretty excited that I can PVR Young and The Restless. (Yes I still watch it. If you follow me on Twitter you’ll know I have conversations about the show with a particular group every now and then! I’m homesick, watching yesterday’s show right now actually.) Getting cable seemed SO exciting but it turned out to be disappointing. The 200 channels we were given were 200 of the crappiest most basic channels! Yes, HD is nice but we already had a few good channels with a $30 HD antenna. We could watch Jeopardy, news, and the other shows I like including NCIS, CSI, Y&R. However, the most important thing here is, ALL THE SHOWS I LOVE ARE ON THE INTERNET. Internet TV is where it’s at! The only reason we took the package deal was that it made Internet cheaper and faster. Clearly the most important thing to us. Can’t wait to binge House of Cards on the 27th. Last night my bf said “Let’s watch something on Netflix, and pretend we never had cable. It was better that way.” If only we had a hdmi converter back then, as there would have been a lot more shows we could have watched. Now that we consume a lot of TV shows and films online, using something like an HDMI converter does come in handy. The cable guy also switched the HDMI cable for the Apple TV so we had to reconnect it. THANKS! Oh, and they also gave us a landline (look it up) with a new (gasp) 647 number. We don’t even own phones to plugin to it. Who needs a landline? It was 10+ years when I had one and I lived with my Mum back them. So, I profess and…

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Give Your Facebook Page a Checkup!

Do you know about the Likealyzer? It’s a free service from Meltwater (social analytics) that pulls in data from your Facebook page. I’ve not been using my Facebook page much the last year but it’s a GREAT resource. This tool with help you know more about what posts your followers like and how to grow your audience .Just thought I’d share this tidbit with you! Make sure you LIKE my Facebook page while you’re Facebooking. Find me Facebook.com/casiestewart.blog. <3 CASIE  

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