“you wouldn’t know her; but her name is Casie Stewart”
This is my outfit today, feeling kinda Mickey Mouse. Screen printed this dress with my name on it last year, found it in the mounting clothes closet and decided to let it come out and play. Have an after work date with My City Lives to film some of the awesome stuff around my hood from MuchMusic to condo city by the water. There’s lots a neat stuff in that little 1.4 KM (thanks to the Cardio Trainer on my phone I know just how far it is). Somebody tossed this sign up yesterday and I bet it’s JUST the beginning. The G20 is just around the corner from my place at the MTCC. It’s the same weekend as PRIDE and there’s so many security things they need to take care of. Gonna be nuts in my hood when this thing happens. All these world leaders kickin’ it and heaps of raging homo + lezbo’s showing their love for life. Sounds like a fun time if ya ask me. Haha. Got this email the other day. Liked it. Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2010 3:34 pm To: “Casie Stewart” Well I’m not at the “guru” or as I call it “casie stewart” level yet. But funny story; I was at a Charity event a few weeks ago. This girl comes up to me and wants to take a picture of me and the people I was with for her blog. I jokingly tell her “I don’t do blogs” which kind of takes her a back. I tell her I was just joking and that I actually have a good friend who writes a blog and has been very successful with it. She says that’s great and that hers is very new as she is a student at George Brown or Humber…
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