attention: wearing pants is highly unacceptable.
Ok so, next Sunday Improv Toronto is putting on the Annual No Pants subway ride. I’ve never done it. I’m gonna go. Anyone wanna come with me? In 2009 Jenie & did the Sunbay Dance Party it was SO FUN. Me dancing: Jenie doing single ladies & the whole massive party happening: Requirements For Participation in No Pants Sunway Ride Are: 1) Willing to take pants off on subway 2) Able to keep a straight face about it Details: When: Sunday, January 9th at 3:00 PM, Sharp! (Over by around 6:00) Where: Meet at the giant horseman statue in the middle of Queens Park Bring: A backpack and a metropass/tokens Wear: Normal winter clothes and underwear (please wear acceptible underwear. Don’t embarrASS yourself!) This event is being run by Improv In Toronto if you want more deets see here. If you are ballsy or crazy enough to join me LEAVE A COMMENT OK!!
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