Got something really, really neat in the mail yesterday. Any guesses? A cape? A toga outfit? Nope… Au Lit Fine Linens sent me 100% Egyptian Cotton Linens with MY NAME ON THEM! Did I ever have a great sleep last night. In August they have a White Sale: UP TO 50% OFF entire store! Downtown stores are: Au Lit Fine Linens: 2049 Yonge Street, Toronto Au Lit Outlet: 2045 Yonge Street, Toronto (Great deals) LIV by Au Lit: 418 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto (Home & Fashion) In other news… These are the old Docs I took back the other day. See the eyes on the front are not attached to the actual shoe? Docs don’t wear out that often but (if you have been reading this blog for a while) you know I am hard on things. I put everything through the “Casie Stewart: this is my life” test which is heaps of use and lots of wear. I’m REALLY great at testing products, especially electronics & clothes. (HINTY HINT) The things about Docs is they last forever. The shop on Queen Street kindly replaced my pair with a shiny new set of boots. When Fall rolls around I’ll be rockin’ them with that sexy leather jacket I picked up from Holts during the Crystal Light Challenge. Tonight I’m staying at the SOHO Hotel with a friend courtesy of and tomorrow Keri and I are doing the Volkswagen Driving Tour. I’m gonna zip around in a TDI. Vroooooooooooooooom. Gonna be a great weekend! Happy FRIDAY! * Dr. Martens didn’t ask me to write this. I just LOVE THEM! ALWAYS WILL XOXO
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