gold LION tell me where the light is

Have an appt Monday AM at the Apple store downtown to get my first Mac computer. I can’t believe the time has come, I’m switching teams. What do they say…”once you go Mac you never go back“? Oh new boyfriend, what will I name you? 🙂 Experts: What are some things I should know? I know heaps of you are Mac lovers, I’d love to hear your expertise. Mac virgin here. In other exciting news, found a few old friends from 12secondsTV friends on Keek. Remember how much I loved 12s? (RIP) I had about 400 videos, made them almost daily for over a year.  Can’t wait for iMovie.  Huzzzaahhhhh!     

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das awesome.

I’m a rad driver. Have grown to love driving since I’ve been doing it more lately (Toyota Matrix, Chevy Cruize, Ford Fusion). My fav one today was the Tijuan. VW driving blogger blonde. OUTTA THE WAY BUDDY, MAMA’S COMIN’! haha No seriously though, ripped corners mega hard. Crushed the brakes, tested them good. Liked having a pro driver in the passenger seat too. Track driving is fun, I like testing high performance things. Keri is a good driver. She has a VW and it’s featured in her show The Canadian Explorer. Starting to quite enjoy the Olympus PEN camera. Took some getting used to. When I get better I’d like to try some difference lenses.  Fancy, huh. Wear good shoes for optimal driving performance & cuteness. Speaking of cuteness… Thanks for a fun afternoon VW!

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GO AHEAD: this is your life.

You know who I love? @Telus & @Motorola_ca, that’s who. # Photo: Pure hotness. Sammy, Australian. # Photo: only once. # 300+ photos last night from @GoJaunt event. Whoa mama. Camera happy. All shot w/ @OlympusCan PEN. # 14 Ways to Create a Memorable Business Card [PICS] – # 36 sec video message from me 🙂 # VW driving tour! # Oslo Bombing Video Is a Facebook Scam, Infecting 1 User Per Second: via @mashable # Hampton’s Hipster’s via @newyorker #hampsters # There will never be a perfect social network by @BradMcCarty on @TNWsocialmedia # Gluten-free Mecca opens in North Toronto via @blogTO # Nice old cars & latte art: Toronto through the lens of Grey van der Meer # Omg @mrssharonnewman you are an idiot. Shirtless Nick scene next ep. #yandr # “@cherrysberries: Just received this rather awesome error message from Facebook.” never seen that before. # i was like a race car driver on the VW speed track today. mad fast & turning corners. i feel like i should have worn a helmet. # Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Gold Lion #spotify # Loving @spotify. Used my @Klout code when I was in Boston last weekend and I’M IN CANADA. #smartkid # “you fit into me like a hook into an eye a fish hook an open eye” – You Fit Into Me Margaret Atwood (via… # crazy awesome storm. sheets of rain. #toronto # Photo: Alice – teacup and saucer. hmmyeswellmaybe # been noticing more spammers lately. # using HTC Ledgend right now and touch typing is so SLOW compared to @Motorola_CA DEFY. # remembering #

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“ It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly. ” Anatole France

Was introduced to Merkley on Flickr yesterday. His photos are awesome! Gonna try & get some good ones like this at the hotel tonight. So far exciting day. Hope yours is too.   Oh, by the way. Guess what I’m getting next week… A NEW BOYFRIEND!  He’s gonna make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world. Our blind date is Monday at 10:30am. Practically an arranged marriage cause I know I’m going to love him. * got title from Forbes Magazine after this article about Klout from their CEO. Good read!

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something really special (about my bed)

Got something really, really neat in the mail yesterday. Any guesses? A cape? A toga outfit? Nope… Au Lit Fine Linens sent me 100% Egyptian Cotton Linens with MY NAME ON THEM! Did I ever have a great sleep last night. In August they have a White Sale: UP TO 50% OFF entire store! Downtown stores are: Au Lit Fine Linens: 2049 Yonge Street, Toronto Au Lit Outlet: 2045 Yonge Street, Toronto (Great deals) LIV by Au Lit: 418 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto (Home & Fashion) In other news… These are the old Docs I took back the other day. See the eyes on the front are not attached to the actual shoe? Docs don’t wear out that often but (if you have been reading this blog for a while) you know I am hard on things. I put everything through the “Casie Stewart: this is my life” test which is heaps of use and lots of wear. I’m REALLY great at testing products, especially electronics & clothes. (HINTY HINT) The things about Docs is they last forever. The shop on Queen Street kindly replaced my pair with a shiny new set of boots. When Fall rolls around I’ll be rockin’ them with that sexy leather jacket I picked up from Holts during the Crystal Light Challenge.   Tonight I’m staying at the SOHO Hotel with a friend courtesy of and tomorrow Keri and I are doing the Volkswagen Driving Tour. I’m gonna zip around in a TDI. Vroooooooooooooooom.  Gonna be a great weekend! Happy FRIDAY!       * Dr. Martens didn’t ask me to write this. I just LOVE THEM! ALWAYS WILL XOXO    

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my favourite vintage shop brings all the ladies

My fav vintage shop is CTS at Queen & Spadina. I’m the Foursquare Mayor (nerd) and that’s also where The Australian works. Yesterday was a very special day. I rolled up there to deliver an ice cream cone and the boys were just about to have a photoshoot. No shoes. So Australian, ha! Cool stuff here. Good on ya. Must have a hat! Hi lovely. Too funny. The vintage stuff is on the back. Don’t buy it all, I need some! J.K. the store gets new stuff all the time. Enjoy the day. Stay cool out there!

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