Fully epic.

This shot of awesome comes to you from the lovely Louisa & She Does The City. Remember that awesome Journey concert last week? See her post & more photos from that epic night here. This photo kills me. We had an awesome time, THANKS AMEX! “AMEX rounds up Toronto bloggers to put manners aside and rock out at a VIP Journey concert experience.” – She Does The City

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a world of pure imagination with willy, kelly, mila

Hello Willy Wonka. Wanna go to the chocolate factory? Yes please. Take me there… I love this style.

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stella block party was a stellar block party, blog party.

Welcome to the party. Please drink responsibly. The lights were  my love of the night. More of this please. So pretty. These shots are so tumblrey or hipster bride. If you are reading this and getting married (I know there’s a few!) and don’t know Hipster Bride yet, well, be thankful you are reading this now. It’s full of inspiration. This one is cool. Beautiful clear sky & bright moon tonight. I love this city. Reminded me a bit of the supermoon, that night was special. Bit of a stalk party, cameras everywhere. I bet they make a wicked video from the night. Saw a couple videographers capturing moments in time. Look at that sky & view, so nice. Loved people walking by wondering what the heck this ‘pop up party’ was. Lights and music were in everyones eyes & ears. You couldn’t miss it. There was a lineup the entire night. You‘re alright but I’m here, darling, to enjoy the party. Now THIS is cool. Never seen one of these before… Say, wha? What’s a beer pumper? Oh yes, this is a beer pumper my friends. Trexxx on the TAPS! OMG YES! (Ok, wasn’t actually working but still cool.) Want that truck to put out MY fire ifyaknowhatimean. Had a bunch of peeps I’ve never met IRL who read my blog come say HI. HI GUYS, nice meeting you! Truly great meeting people who read/love this blog and no it’s not creepy/weird when you say “Hi, my name is ____ and I read your blog/follow you Twitter/FB.” (Google+ would be kinda creepy though to be honest. Ha. Seriously.) Always say HI, I love it. There were a ton of babes on the block. Seriously, babes everywhere. Nice one Keri for winning the contest & getting to host the party downtown.…

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This video is funny. Thanks Kate for sharing. You’ll be seeing more of her around these parts in the coming weeks. I’m off to the Stella Block party tonight with the girls. Gonna be a blast and it’s right around the corner. Woo hoo. Have an awesome night!

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you missed this yesterday

Shoulder icing. # Saturday brunch reco? I know some of you are experts on this! # iPhone 5 Could Be Revealed September #rumor http://on.mash.to/nN6o9l # I like it. RT @mashable: Twitter Adds Subtle New Feature – http://on.mash.to/p4QwAD # Photojojo Lens Shot Glass set, so cool! http://t.co/UVlVI37 # Fresh croissants! (@ Sobey’s) http://4sq.com/mUU0RF # Conference call. # RE: You did an awesome job! http://disq.us/2zsfzz # Hipster girls, shake yo a$$ http://t.co/yno5dLM # At what point will you feel you’ve accomplished something? When I’m dead & my funeral is selling seats. (@kreayshawn) http://t.co/sDydtbM # next time you are IN @raymitheminx http://t.co/ebSbQnv # yep @Zelartworks @TheEllenShow I got mad dance skills. http://t.co/Uxj7Kks # I’m dating Waldo. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/wu_35x_ilb4?a) # I know. I will. RT @flashpunk You should do more videos # Photoset: › Dita von Teese’s wedding dress was custom designed by Vivienne Westwood, made from seventeen… http://tumblr.com/xmj41x4dzt # michelleforan: http://t.co/iE8QAto # RE: @laurenonizzle yeah duder, dinner was so damn good. We had mega VIP. You would have loved it. Amex for the win! http://t.co/C1TUu9L # Shot by @KellyKruschel in Liberty Village, 2009. http://t.co/13vEjwE # Everest? http://t.co/Kg7TOpq or Lita? http://t.co/UTRXSoJ @jgrdnr @bettykissstyle? # BaBaBa BaBaBa BaBaBa! via @DJKidTronic (@YouTube http://youtu.be/wOMe-8Tf1Y0?a) # RE: @thinkcontra Love that girl. We just did a shoot for PinkMafia yo https://casiestewart.com/kreayshawn-photoshoot-f… http://disq.us/2zupxh # hashtag overhaul for Stella party tomorrow. get’er done #stellarparty http://twitpic.com/64y3ix # The difference between first & third world problems News.com.au http://t.co/dJOYJqk #firstworldproblems # this song is so lovely. someone awesome fall for me please. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/TWx5OX9Vqgk?a) # #LOVE http://disq.us/2zv0af # TIFF info & Fall Previews get me so excited. Dear Life, ILU. xoxo CASIE # New meme FTW! RT @GosiaAntkowski Move over owling & planking, “horsemaning” new trend : people posing as if beheaded http://t.co/y0SRyiy # me too babe! RT @kristenannehill Working on my happy dance. #goodthings…

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omg, all the hipster girls, throw your hands in the air.

I dunno if you ready fo’ this… Might wanna press play before we get it goin. I know you like that gangsta rap. BTW Hipster Girls, new song love Lil B. Ginger Spice, Ginger Spice, hustle hard since Fisher Price. Sporty Spice, Sporty Spice, hustle hard for forty nights. What up GRIL. Barbershop boyeeeeee. Anna Von in the window, O’Nizzle got a coffee.  Custom Converse from the Marcus Troy suite at BHD gifting lounge. Kreayshawn for the WIN! I love dressing up and photoshoots. Click here to see the full post and MORE pix on PinkMafia. Happy Friday my friends!

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