Kate attends The Greatest Make-up Event Ever
Today I braved the rainy rain and marched down to Yonge and Dundas Square for The Body Shop and Virgin Mobile’s Greatest Make-up Event Ever. Celebrity Make-Up Artist, Chase Aston did a little demo and talked about the new Body Shop “Extra Virgin” products. They’re “Extra Virgin” because they contain fair-trade extra virgin olive oil. Cool right? Here’s Chase Aston and his pretty make-up models. After the demo Chase even gave me a mini make-over! Guess how I felt? I love me some mineral powder. So many pretty shades. There was rows upon rows of make-up artists giving some Virgin members make-overs. So much fun! Look at my goodies and fancy name tag. Thanks Body Shop Canada and Virgin Mobile Canada. I can’t wait to try all this out! xo Kate
View Postwould you like to come for a sail? yes, yes i would.
Went sailing on Lake Ontario yesterday with a friend. It was great. Felt like a mini-vacation. Meet Bandit. I love this city, so damn pretty. Cue Mickey Avalon, So Rich, So Pretty. I can only imagine how lovely it was for Mum on her sailing trip. I absolutely love, love, love sailing. Nothing like being on the water. It was just windy enough to get a little speed. This one reminds me of you Mum. Blogged most of this from a taxi on my Macbook Air using Telus mobile 3G wifi en route to the Telus Centre for TEDxToronto. WHOA. THE FUTURE is friendly!!
View PostIf you see this can you screen shot & send please?
This is a screenshot of the new HTC campaign you might see on sports, entertainment & lifestyle sites across Canada. Thing is, you might see it, you might not, I might not. If you do, could you pretty please screen cap and send to me or link in the comments. I will send you something very secial in the mail (snail) if you do. Thank you & Happy Friday. More updates later today rushing out the door to TedXToronto right now. Catch the live stream bat live.tedxtoronto.com. 🙂 Thanks Jonny Bunning for this!
View PostSpace, Google, Something Strange in the Neighbs
Tonight O’Nizzle and I are hosting a show with some astronomers for SPACE. Pretty stoked. Not too sure what we’re gonna be doing but I’m into it. Plus, we have to go to Hamilton! Mega adventure! Last night I went to a party hosted by GOOGLE and The Rapture played. It was pretty rad. Lots of nerdy babes. Heaps of business people. Was totally surprised none of the ‘social media’ peeps were there. Met some rad peeps. Tomorrow is TEDxToronto and I’m attending in person as a delegate. Really looking forward to being inspired and seeing/meeting other delegates. Check out this speaker vid by The Biz Media featuring someone you’ve seen here before, Mr. David Miller: Saw this on a walk yesterday… the balance of marriage? What are we saying here, wife, kids, party girl taking you out on the town? Hmmm. Watching the Facebook F8 Keynote right now. Are you watching it? It’s kinda crazy how Facebook wants us to feellike it is our ‘home’ for all our online stuff. I’m all for sharing but it kinda freaks me out. They’re releasing ‘Timeline’ so we can create & cultivate the stories of our lives. Watch it here if you’re into it. Zuckerberg is a strange guy I bet. The new FB allows you to add a big photo at the top of your page kinda like a blog. Very blog like actually. Get ready for backlash!!
View PostBabe Alert: OAFL Grand Final Saturday!
On Saturday Sammy’s footy team, the High Park Demons, are playing the OAFL finals and I’m wondering if you wanna come? Check out the team! Babes. They’re also having an afterparty at South of Temperance Saturday night and you’re welcome to come celebrate (or console) the boys after a long day of good ol’ Australian Rules Football. Deets on FB right here! LMK if you wanna join the fun! 🙂
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