Speaking | The Audio from my SXSW Talk is Now Online

LISTEN TO IT HERE: Psychology of Narcissism & How It Affects Brands I listened to it last night, I think you will like it. I make a couple jokes half way through and the discussion really gets going there. I mention a few brands and we all get some info from Dr. Jacob Small and clinical psychotherapist from New York. It’s about an hour with the final Q&A. Let me know what you think. I’m doing a similar talk about psychology, narcissism and brands in July at NXNE. To attend it get a NXNE pass HERE before they go up in price on April 13th. Not exactly sure the day I’m be speaking at NXNE. I’m on more than one panel and there is a TON of great speakers & panels in both music & interactive. I’ll be giving some tickets away closer to the date. This is of the questions we discuss in the panel and I’d love to know your thoughts on the subject. Do you think the internet breeds narcissism?  

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I have my designs on you.

Had a couple photoshoots last week. Kate & I were shot by Matt Shore down by the lake. I was shot by Adrian Fiebig. Can we say professional?! I also went to Wrongbar, chalked my hair blue and put my nose ring back in. It was a busy week! <3 CASIE

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Penny Drive!

This is Will. Will is amazing. Watch his story. He’s having an impromptu Penny Drive for his 75km Ride for Heart June 3rd in Toronto. I would love you to help me ‘show your roll’ and donate to Will’s Ride for Heart. I dare you to watch this any not cry. I’m off to High Park to support a friend in the Harry Rosed run for prostate cancer. It’s beautiful & sunny out. Enjoy the day. Bon weekend! <3 CASIE

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Was at really beautiful studio yesterday having my photo taken by the talented Adrian Fiebig. I’d love to live in an old building with one of these elevators. My aunt Robyn used to lived in this really neat building in Maine with one and I’ve loved them ever since. I absolutely love having my makeup done. Elena is excellent! Had a meeting this morning about an upcoming fashion project. It’s gonna be a fun one, I can’t wait to share it with you. More work to be done. Enjoy the day, it’s beautiful out! Long weekend & sunshine ahead! <3 CASIE

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The Young & the Restless Influential

Went to The Hoxton last night for launch of Parts & Labour Catering. Everyone & their blog was there. Look, two of your most favourite blonde blogging buddies together again. Brown Barbie is a really good date. Ever had a bacon wrapped date? Yeah it was so good. I needed a bigger fork to shovel this tasty poutine into my mouth. I didn’t make it to the taco station but I heard they were tasty. I must have missed the large meat table, one of my fav things at P&L parties. I’m Grimes. #oblivion #digin #hoxton Apr 5, 2012 | Source: Keek.com Some ding dong tried to say Raymi and I are not friends. Why do people do this? I don’t get it. Don’t talk smack, just deal with it. My dress from Bicyclette was a statement piece. Souvenir from the night, signature P&L hat. Thanks for a fun time old friends! <3 CASIE

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I heard Tuesday is the most stressful day of the week?

It’s always been one of my favourites. I’ve been working from standing desk every Monday and I’ve found it to really increase my productivity. I’m working with a bunch of new people in exciting projects. I’ve just joined the Board of Directors for a new fashion brand 3F, who has a store at Yonge & Dundas. More on that in the coming weeks… Made my fav lunch today, Campbells Tomato Soup with rye toast. Something about it makes me feel right at home. Mum used to make it for me all the time. Barbie and I turned out living room into a jewellery studio last night. We were much more successful at mess making than starting a new line of anything. We won’t be quitting our day jobs anytime soon. I made this necklace that includes some pieces of old things I had in these many bins. I wanted to make something with keys on it after seeing a few on Pinterest and as SOOON AS I was done. I got an email from Stolen Girlsfriends Club (my fav NZ designers) and they had a similar necklace that just came out. You could say I’m quite on trend 😉 Concierge rung me to let me know I received a fancy looking package from KitKat. Lucky me! It’s actually really cute & full of things to de-stress myself; chocolate, stress ball, tea, iTunes card, note pad and some really good smelling tobacco oil.  The ‘Take-a-Break’ kit came to inform me about National Stress Awareness Month. KitKat is giving away all kinds of money & prizes on their FB page at facebook.com/kitkat. Getting a prize of $100K would CERTAINLY alleviate an stress I have. For now, I’ll take the snacks. Thanks guys! Off to a meeting next door then back home to dive into this chocolate & tea. Have an awesome day! <3…

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