THIS: Summer Tech Accessories & Apps

A brand new ep. of my show on Coral came out today. This week I’m sharing some of my fav gadgets for playing in the park and summer chilling. We had a big week for the channel passing 1,000 subscribers. Make sure you are one of them by visiting Things in the Show: House of Marley Headphones Belkin iPhone Charger Incipio OffGrid Battery Pack from Capsule Speaker from Multi device solar charger Rdio music streaming – Follow my tunes & playlists on

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Take Me Away!

I’m escaping for the day! Ford is treating a bunch of media to a day long adventure that includes lunch at the Arta Gallery in the Distillery District, some driving in a Ford Escape, rock climbing, and dinner. We’re venturing to Rattle Snake Point to rock climbing and for a hike. Nature FTW! I’m really into adventure sports lately (see skydive). Last time I went rock climbing with the City of Cambridge Mayor & city council in high school I somehow got a bloody nose and ended up ambulancing to the hospital. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen! This is gonna be me: Check out this video of me at the Ford Innovation conference in Michigan last month talking about green technology. I’m not dressed and need to be there in 30 minutes. Damn you Internet for being so awesome and full of interesting things to distract me. Hopefully  that is you reading this blog right now when you are supposed to be doing something else. Ok, now more importantly, rock climbing, hiking, dinner, and an art gallery, what the heck does one wear? Follow along today’s adventure on Twitter @casiestewart or the hashtag #FordEscape. My tweets have been a lot of First World Problems today and you might like them. I’m feelin’ sassy. SAVE THE PLANET!

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Media Dinner at Alimento Fine Food Emporium

The other day I was invited to an intimate Italian dinner for media at Alimento Fine Foods on King at Bathurst. I live right around the corder but wasn’t sure what was going on there. It looked kinda intimidating in there TBH. Inside is a huge selection of groceries, mostly imported from Italy & around Europe. There’s heaps of gluten free pasta options, and a massive selection of meats & cheese. There’s a great dining area and bar. We ate a ton of amazing food and drank lots of wine. It was wonderful. I suggest you check it out. Find Aliemento on Twitter at @alimentofoods or at I seriously loved the lasagna, I had two pieces. The owner had the chef bring me out another piece! I was kinda embarrassed but I didn’t even care. GAGA GARFIELD STRIKES AGAIN!  Thanks to Ryan Emberley for the photos and this great shot of Pay Chen and me. Follow her, she’s awesome. See all photos from the night at Salute!  

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Media Preview: X-Men: Gordon Smith Exhibit at TIFF Bell Lightbox

[insert Jaws music]  It’s coming! TIFF is a super exciting time of year for the city of Toronto. So many international people, celebrities, films, events, and business deals. I’ve got a few things in my calendar already as it’s less than 25 days away. Today I went to the media preview of the X-Men: Gordon Smith Exhibit at TIFF Bell Lightbox. It was so cool! I’m a big X-Men fan despite not talking about comics that much. Tried to get a good 360 for y’all to see the exhibit but it was dark and there are restrictions on what you can photograph. Looks like this but bigger. If you click on the photo it will take you to 360 website for an interactive view. Gordon Smith is an Ontario native and thirty-year veteran in the film industry who has worked on some MAYJAH films (X-Men, Platoon, Natural Born Killers) . His Imdb is stacked. Mine will get crazy one day I hope! The contact lenses, so much variety. Skin of Mystique uses silicone prosthetics that could be applied directly to the skin. Has a life-like texture. It took 12 hours for each shooting day and four makeup artists to glue them onto Rebecca Romijn’s skin, then apply paint, powder, and makeup. This is the pattern. Nightcrawler had plaster moulds and they used computer graphics paired with real actors wearing 3D silicone prosthetics to make the characters life-like. The scarification on his skin, which represents his sins used Maori moko tattoo as inspiration. I always knew I had a special connection to this movie. Maori are native New Zealanders and Gordon Smith is Canadian. Anna Paquin who plays Rogue is  Kiwi/Canadian like me too! I love Wolverine. Such a babe. They used plastic blades for most the movie but these are actual metal and…

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You’re Part of It, We’re In This Together

Yesterday I treated myself to a nice brekky at the Drake Hotel before afternoon meetings, SummerWorks, and a media dinner. I was feeling meh and a dining experience for one always makes me feel better. I’m working on some new things to launch at in September. This space hasn’t changed much since it started in 2005 and I feel that it needs to grow along with how I have. It all started as “people, places, things & thoughts, in attempt to keep more memories” and it’s an amazing memory bank for me but I feel it could be better. I’d love your thoughts on things you would like to see me do, write about, or cover. Some ideas from around my head and the Internet are: Monday Inspiration Memory lane – stories of meeting people IRL Contests App/Product reviews New music Travel Tuesday WIWT (what I wore today) – my outfits Blogger interviews more videos Hat & collar from H&M I just went to this totally RAD media preview of the X-Men exhibit at TIFF and have a really fun SummerWorks theatre show to tell you about. I’ll be writing all day and trying to keep mute as I’m fighting a cough. I have little to no voice at the moment so don’t bother calling me, Tweet! I hope your corner of the Internet is full of sunshine 🙂

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Life is Like a Blog of Chocolates

You never know what you’re gonna get. You start a blog, you write, you post, you share. If you are interested in blogging that’s a good place to start. And, if you’re prepared when opportunity presents itself, you’re lucky. I’ve grown so much over the past seven years writing this blog and I’m extremely grateful for all the awesome it’s brought into my life. This is my sister Jenny 😉 Mum rung me from the boat this morning and they’ve sailed into Canada after being away for about a month. I can’t wait to see her. She’s so inspiring. Living out a childhood dream today casting kids for a commercial. I always wanted to to this. TBH it’s not that glamorous! Getting kids on camera and judging them as they act out part of the scene. I was pretty nervous at first but after a few, it’s easy. Having gone to heaps of auditions is helpful. Got this last night 🙂 If you are around & about Queen West pop by the Great Hall & get a SummerWorks programme. GO TO SOMETHING! Most stuff is free and you will be glad you did. Get cultured! There’s a gallery across from Dog & Bear at Dovercourt where Nina Arsenault has a piece of performance art. It’s super interesting. She is a great writer. Jenie and I went by there on Friday. I’m gonna pass by again on my way home. I wrote about Nina’s Live Art piece on the SummerWorks blog here. Hope you’re having an awesome day!  

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