Devil in the Blue Dress

Have a huge meeting today. Looking forward to it. It’s one of those all day ones and I’m presenting. I love presenting. Waiting to print so made a GIF! You can’t tell the wonder of my red lipstick here but it’s great (essence). Dress is Ted Baker, jewellery Thomas Sabo. It’s almost the weeeeeeeekend! Hope you have a totally awesome day! Love you 🙂 <3 CASIE

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12:12, 12/12/12, make a wish!

I remember back in high school my math teacher would always inform us if there was a day that had a unique number significance. That stayed with my and today is one of those days! Today, Dec. 12, 2012 is an auspicious day and there’s no real term for these days because they are so rare but the next time the day, month and year all match will be Jan. 1, 2101. So today at 12:12, 12/12/12, make a wish! I curled my hair as a test for Friday’s show and added some colour. Love! Also updated to the new WordPress and it’s pretty! Have an awesome day 🙂 <3 CASIE

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You think YOU have #FirstWorldProblems? Think again.

We are all guilty of it, taking things for granted because of the amazing lives we have and forgetting that millions of people in the world have much less than we do. About a year ago, my Mum returned from a one year sailing expedition to the Bahamas. They spent and entire year living on the boat sailing to the Bahamas from Ontario and back. One of the things I remember Mum saying once she returned to work, despite missing her sailing life, was “But CASIE, we have FRESH RUNNING WATER!“. I always remind myself of that moment when I’m about to complain that my XBOX isn’t connecting to the TV, or my wifi going down, or a chipped nail, or my iPhone app crashing, or when they don’t have my fav soup at the coffee shop that day. These aren’t REAL problems! My friends at Me to We are all about living the change and making the world a better place. Craig Kielburger and his brother Marc has written a book called My Grandma Follows Me on Twitter: And Other First World Problems We’re Lucky to Have. Below are some of excerpts from the book: Me to We have an awesome collection of gifts for the holidays. Check out the Artisans collection for jewellery made by women in Africa. There’s a TON of stocking stuffers with IMPACT. Don’t just give meaningless gifts this season, give gifts that help spread positive messages. For You from Me to We I have a few books that I would love to put a note in and send to you for the holidays. Leave a comment with your worst FirstWorldProblems or Tweet me. I’ll pick winners by the end of the week so I can send them off to you in the mail. Tweet to @CasieStewart Happy Holidays from…

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3D Printing Obsessed: Hot Pop Factory

Got this surprise in the mail the other day from Hot Pop Factory. 3D printing is growing in popularity and availability and I totally love it. There’s this one really neat photobooth where you can 3D print little action figures! Saw some 3D printing at the Wired Pop-Up shop in London, UK last week. [View the story “Hot Pop Factory Does 3D Printed Jewellery!” on Storify] Hot Pop Factory Does 3D Printed Jewellery! Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sun, Dec 09 2012 17:02:40 They are 3D printing in here wired. So many cool robots and stuff. @ Wired Pop-up Store STEWART 3D Printing At The @Wired Pop-up In #London Cool STEWART I have such a heart on for 3D printing. Santa?CASIE STEWART RT @Eve_Leung: So amazing – 3d printer in action @hotpopfactory POP Factory Beautiful jewellery made by @hotpopfactory with their incredibly cool 3D printer. Roney Hot Pop Factory – 3D Printed JewelryHot Pop Factory’s first collection of 3D Printed jewelry, Stratigraphia, uses emerging technologies to create intimate adornments for the…

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This $75 La Senza Gift Card has Your Name on It!

I alsolutely love the holidays, lights glitter, action, love in the air, family, and fun. Today I went to Dufferin Mall and whoa what a CRAZY place. It was full of families shopping, Christmas music, and deals! I took advantage of the massive sale happening at La Senza and got a few goodies for people on my list, and of course myself! My friends at La Senza have graciously given a $75 gift card for YOU, my loyal and loving blog readers this holiday season. I will send it to you in the mail with a holiday card to you can treat yourself or stack up on stocking stuffers for your loved ones. I got a THIS gorgeous red set from the Red Hot Collection during TIFF (see here). Not too long ago I got a set from the SHOW OFF Collection which is still available in store. There’s a bunch of Christmas themed treats for you bad Santas out there too.  Wanna win? Tweet me AND La Senza with that’s on YOUR wish list for the holidays. Clicking this lil’ button will open a window for you to Tweet us. If you don’t have Twitter, leave a comment on this post below and I’ll count you in. Tweet to @casiestewart All Tweets will be published in and a winner chosen at random. Love you heaps and looking forward to your tweets. THIS GIFT CARD HAS YOUR NAME ON IT BABY!  Love, CASIE <3    

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And recharge…

Remember how I said I was exhausted? Went to bed at 7pm last night. Feeling pretty good this morning and looking forward to being back at the office tomorrow. Starting the day with a relaxing soak at the Sky Lounge, one of my fav things about living here. Back was hurting a bit so should feel better after this. Will be wearing my Lazy Pants all day. Listening to A Very She and Him Christmas album on Rdio and have the place to myself. I love this time of year! Enjoy the day! ♥ CASIE

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