I know it’s not going to, but you should live out each day to the fullest cause one day it will end for y0u. If the world was ending, What would you wear? What would you do? This is your chance. You are in this game. You are in this movie. The movie is your life, And it’s live on the internet. Wear your best. Fine jewels. Nice socks. Grab your stuff and face the day like the world could end. Now do that everyday. I hope time travel and teleporting come soon. It’s a game. It’s a beginning. This is your life. <3 CASIE

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Alicia Keys Rocks Canadian Designed Eyewear – AND THE WINNER IS….

I’ve posted about Clearly Contacts a few times over the last two years and built a pretty good relationship with them. Remember summer Sixties Summer Love, Ray Bans, and once I interviewed Canadian eyewear designer Derek Cardigan. Today, I got am email from PR that Alicia Keys is wearing Derek’s glasses in her new video! In support of Canadian talent I give props to Derek Cardigan AND Clearly Contacts is giving you a pair of these exact glasses. Deets on how to enter below! See Alicia Keys looking like a babe in these glasses…. Now see yourself in these glasses looking fabulous… How do I win? You know the drillio, tweet me and Clearly Contacts by clicking below. If you do it right away you have a better chance of winning. I would like to get your order in before Friday so you get them next week! The glasses retail for $89 and can are style ‘Derek Cardigan 7017 Shadow‘.  See his entire collection here and upload a photo to try them on without leaving your house couch.  I have a couple pairs and got Mum a sweet pair with polarized lenses last summer. You will be happy, trust me. Tweet to Win here Tweet to @casiestewart Clearly Contacts has awesome prices and is constantly offering great deals. They published a winter style guide if you want one more item to add to your wish list. Looking forward to picking a WINNER! I love the holidays and giving things away. Yippeee! Much love, CASIE <3 [View the story “And the @clearlycontacts winner is…” on Storify] And the @clearlycontacts winner is… Storified by CASIE STEWART · Thu, Dec 20 2012 05:43:26 @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win the new Alicia Keys glasses by Derek Cardigan! Pick me! #happyholidaysCarly-Anne Fairlie @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win…

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On My Favs List: Swarovski Bass Buds

These are my new fav headphones. I got these  blinged out BassBuds about a month ago from FuelMyBlog and I’ve been using them every single day.  Product Specs: Ultra distortion-free bass and crisp treble Noise Isolation: Immerse in the music 9mm Dynamic Speakers with Neodynium Magnet Earphone Housing is made with high grade aluminium Swarovski Crystals are embedded in the back of the aluminium sound chamber Sound waves emitted in the sound chamber are specifically tuned and directed towards the front chamber housing entering the ear canal with optimal bass and balance in treble Speaker diaphragm is composed of PET materials and the diaphragm patterns are uniquely designed to maximize the performance of the micro speaker with minimal distortion Micro Filter for extra audio purity Wide Frequency Response Source: bassbuds.co.uk via Bass on Pinterest Bassbuds are shipped (from UK) and if you want to order a pair use the voucher code BB75247 to save $30.00. Get ’em here! Have an awesome day! CASIE  

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I found ten cents yesterday. This is my two cents.

I love Instagram. It made me think different. More creative. That’s why I like it. I found new, inspiring people and I like to see their photos. See how they look at life, through their lens, through a different filter.  I have been publishing for about a decade and have thousands of photos on the Internet. I’ve had my smile photo used in a Facebook ad (total surprise!), a photo of me as a bot (read that story here), and  TBH I don’t really mind if my fav bar wants to share my photos beside a Molson ad or on a billboard. A LOT of awesome things have happened from me sharing freely. If you want to own everything, write a blog. If you want to create, make great things and share them. I feel like Internet years are dog years. I’ve been meeting young bloggers more lately and I feel Internet old. I’m up for a Lifetime Achievement Award for christs sake! (Thanks for the Nom guys!) I’ve found myself saying “back in the old days of blogging/social/2.0 things were/it was like [ insert something with no rules, regs, or privacy concerns]. BTW, OOTD on that old Instagram of Queen West is Overgram single photo edit x4, with Diptic collage. It’s more about what you are doing than where you are sharing it. Ok bye. Have a great day.

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Update: ALEXISONFIRE winners chosen! Thanks @BacardiCanada!

Heya! Who wants to go to see Alexisonfire on Dec. 29th with me? I have THREE PAIRS of tickets from Bacardi Canada. This tour is their LAST tour ever and it’s 100% sold out. Location: Sound Academy, 11 Polson St., Toronto, ON M5A 1A4 Date: December 29th, 2012 Tickets will be delivered. Wanna go? Here’s how to Enter 1) Follow me on Twittter  (you should be already duh) Follow @casiestewart 2) Follow BacardiCanada on Twitter  Follow @bacardicanada 3) Tweet us some holiday cheer! Or click below to tweet a special message to me. You must include #bacardiAOF. Props if you send photos of your fav Bacardi cocktail and tag us on Instagram! If you don’t have Twitter, leave an awesome comment. OK GO! Tweet to @casiestewart And the #BacardiAOF Ticket winners are @matthewstasoff @luckyjodi @michaelnus! Please DM address! sfy.co/nCjf #storify #bacardiaof — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) December 20, 2012

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Have an awesome day!


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