believe you can fly? i do. i can. i did. you can.
Yesterday I had my first official Jukari class with Carla at King West Fitness. Such beautiful gym. I’ve wanted to workout (in general but) at this gym for years. Very happy they’ve invited me in. Thanks guys! I can kick way higher than this but it’s not so easy with camera in your hand to balance and not look silly. Trust me. I practice. These are shoes for Jukari and great for indoor workouts. Reebok Canada hooked me up. They’re REALLY light and the mesh on the top/sides is like AC for your feet. Carla (or the teacher) yells “hup hup” and you go back & jump high or kick etc. It’s really fun. This is me in action. We are running in circles & doing half moons here. Off the ground! Frog leap. FLYING! My Monday class is advanced Jukari for dancers. I needed something harder than my first class. Basically, I really wanna work hard & sweat. To be honest, my body is hurting today in arms, abs, legs, shoulders. It’s a full body workout. Can’t wait to feel it tomorrow 🙂 Last time I was at King West Fitness for the launch of Jukari was there & made this video. You can see bits of me, I’m on the far left during the class. Tina asked Julie about the benefits etc. of Jukari. Post workout we used this thinger that is for Trigger Point Therapy. You roll your back legs etc on it. It hurts but feels good. Y’know, the good hurt (burn). I have some free passes so if you wanna try Jukari let me know!
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