gone with the windows

Nuit Blanche made me really, really miss my camera.  I can’t go on without one any LONGER! This photo is from Torontoist and by fellow top TO blogger,  Andrew Louis. Queen & Spadina was a busy, busy place at 3am when we all came back to my house. Almost everyone we went out with last year was away and the night was much less artistic in their absence. My new room is my favorite place to be right now.  There’s scattered unpacked boxes, electronic equipment and clothes. I’m watching a movie called Leaving Normal from 1992 and having a wonderful Sunday night. I purged a bunch of clothes and have a huge bag of good stuff for Mum to give to these teenage girls she knows my size. I’m snacking on plain puffed wheat Kashi and drinking hot water with fresh cut ginger. The challenge is to remember to drink it before it gets cold. I had a bath too. My oldbathroom had a stand up shower and I feel like I’ve graduated to absolute bliss! I’ve got lots to share this week. So much I had to plan it out, the blog beat’s picking up tempo…

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that was a night and a half, lets do it again!

Whoa. I had the kind of night filled with excitement that less fortunate souls dream of. Kinda feel like I’m still there… I was gonna tidy/pack while watching television at home alone…UNTIL…. I got a message from the famous Shawn Hawaii inquiring about the Sprout Up. Was I attending? I was now. Threw on an outfit. (Mum knit the vest in the 1970’s). Jumped on the trolley and headed to meet Hawaii. First stop, Sprouter SproutUp in Yorkville. If you like being surrounded by smart entrepreneurs and cool people, go next time. You’ll thank me. It’s Oct 14th, second Wednesday. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you. Second stop was the Globe’s Beatles party at the Berkley Church.  The party was fun and we got a killer giftbag with the new Beatles Blueray disk. I also got flowers. Yeah, awesome! We cruised to the Annex for a bite and beer and then took it up a notch in the Distillery district.  Belmont cigarettes was throwing an entertainment industry party. Knew about a zillion people and I still have drink tickets in my purse if you want them. Ran into stylish Ms. Sass from Zucket.com among many other notables including PJ Phil! Belmont has some sexy new skinny cigarettes and I snagged a bunch of packs.  At home I put on my Super Woman costume and danced around. Oh, who , will I be at Twestival on Saturday?? Did you get your tickets for Saturday yet? Sheesh, do it now. I’m paying $5 of your night, use CASIE as your promo code. It’s ON A BOAT! Tonight is TedxTO party at Brasaii and the opening of TIFF. It’s definitely going to be Notable. RSVP here if you haven’t yet. See you on the red carpet! Bring your camera! p.s. Quite Waldo-ish today 🙂

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i wanna go away with you and lay under the stars

Check your email. Where’s that invite to the Prince Perry party on Friday? Can you make the dance show on Saturday? How is it already lunch time. Photo shoot at lunch today with Kelly. Did you remember makeup? OMG, it’s killer hot out too. Check the date, yep, the deadline for the contest that can win you $10,000 is today. Must make video tonight. They asked you to enter, so if you don’t it’s like you don’t want the money. You do. The reports are doubling numbers and now I need to run them again. My tires are low. Go see cute boy after work and get them pumped. It’s another sweltering hot day. I really miss Twitter in the office. It helps keep my mind on track. Like all my stupid/smart and random ideas I have more and more on days like today when I try to get so many things done. Without that they float around in my head road blocking all the things I actually need to get done. My phone is vibrating repeatedly. Why is my site being slow? It’s frustrating. Get  Hair done tomorrow. Stay on task stay on task. Hocus focus. Right now I wanna be in another country with a camera taking your picture. Kelly Krushel took all these photos of me today.  She is a movie still photographer in Toronto. You can check out her work here, see her tumblr here and follow her on Twitter.

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420 consecutive photos one train ride


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some times i don’t feel like it

I walked around for about an hour thinking about my life. I was having realizations and I felt like a crazy person. It was as if I was in a fog. I was having anxiety. Sometimes I freak out. Sometimes I don’t want to be on the internet anymore. Sometimes I don’t know what to do about stuff and sometimes I forget things.  I started freaking about my last minute trip to a foreign country. Panicked. Instant attack. I left the store. I walked down the street back in my own fog again.  I’m nervous about going but then think not going would be silly too. For a bunch of different reasons.  It’s a chance to relax and go some place  cool with bunch of cool old friends. Relax. I’m packing one bag;  one nice outfiit, one dress, one piece bathing suit, one yoga mat. This is the relax retreat. A true mini vacation/airport tour. Vanilla as some may say. I know when I come back Sunday I’ll have had lots of time with self.  I love traveling; airport, airplane, people, waiting, watching, thinking, moving.  I love being in motion.

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turn off your devices

Had pastels and sketch book on me. Waiting on the tarmac in Washington I drew a little bit. I love these bright colors.  Uploaded them to Borderline Artistic with their friends. Stayed up late on new unit. I love my little guy. He works good, really nice to have my very own one. Need a free night so I can organize. I feel so motivated to give my projects some wings. I’ve been working hard and I like it.

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