Day 491: Dinner at Sabai Sabai in Yorkville

Had the afternoon off work and went to Yorkville for an appointment at D Luxe Lab. It was so nice to be out! I wore new boots from L’Intervalle boots and my fav green dress. After I met up with Marie (aka @Karmacake) at The Pilot for a LONG overdue catch-up. We’ve known each other for a decade and never really sat down to chat. I was going to head home but then Natalie offered to take me for dinner at Sabai Sabai in Yorkville. They serve incredible food from Northern Thailand & Laos. I haven’t had a meal that good in ages! Two of the owners, Seng & Jason treated us to amazing cocktails, food, wine, and lots of laughs. It was a bit chilly on the patio but we were having such a good time it didn’t bother us. We had deep-fried garlic shrimp, khao soi, and sausages. It’s located at Yonge Bloor and I highly recommend it! Here’s to a good weekend!

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Day 488: I Went to the Mall

After a month I was finally able to visit an Apple Store, I went to the mall! I had a return and would you believe I couldn’t do an exchange by phone or mail, I had to wait until restrictions changed and I could visit a store in person. Made a shopping appt on Monday night on the website and only waited about 2 min once I got there. I had great service and laughed quite a bit with the employee who helped me. I was legit so excited I put on a dress, jewellery, touched up my hair & makeup, made an event of it. Had dinner at Saku Sushi on the patio while I waited for sean to finish work. Michelle came and joined me and it turned into a double date when her bf & Sean arrived. The food there is so good, highly recommend it, and they always have nice cold Sapporo. I got a gold iPhone 12 Pro and am very excited to play with the camera. Ages since I’ve had a new phone! I got Apple Care but I’m not taking this precious thing out of the house until I have a case. Ordered a tempered glass screen protector and mirror case. ?

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Day 487: Summer Rain

We decided to spend an extra day at the cottage to avoid long weekend traffic. Took sean out on the wakeboard at lunch and soaked up some sunshine. I find it a bit hard to work from the cottage so Sean let me usehis office setup and it made everything better. We know it was going to rain so took the boat out of the water in the evening and as we were getting back to the cottage it started POURING. We both got soaked but I didn’t mind, something magical about a warm summer downpour. Always loved this song, it this came out in 2000 when I graduted high school & started college, Summer Rain by Carl Thomas. Not sure when I’ll be back up north this month. Looking forward to being at the house, catching up on blog posts I’ve missed the last little while, and focusing on work. Will be nice to see friends and ride my bike around too. Sending sunshine your way. hope things are looking up!

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Day 484: Treat Yourself – Bespoke Facial at Youth MediSpa

With restrictions opening up we’re finally allowed to access more personal care services. I was so excited to go back to Youth MediSpa for their bespoke facial treatment. My last visit there was in July 2020 (Day 122) for a little Botox touchup. After months of being at home, I’ve really started taking good care of my skin but some things can’t be fixed with a good cream or face mask. This year I turned 39 and some skin concerns I have are signs of aging, sun damage, redness, and hydration. I was keen to get the bespoke facial from Youth MediSpa because it’s catered for each person and their skin needs.

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Day 461: Working Outside

Spent most of the day working outside and it was so nice! We had perfect weekend weather and it felt great to get my hands in the dirt and pull some weeds. We watered all the plants, took some stuff to the dump, and I cleaned up a set of steps. Took Sean out on the wakeboard and then spent a few hours reading my book. I’m currently halfway through That Summer by Jennifer Weiner. I read her previous book, Big Summer, a couple of months ago, both good!

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Day 458: Sick Day 3

The good news is I don’t have Covid, bad news, still sick. I was worried it might be strep throat so made an appt to see a doctor. They did a rapid test to determine it’s not strep but a viral infection (?). I’m not 100% sure if this is connected to the vaccine but after looking at all the possible side effects of the Pfizer vaccine, it looks like it. The doctor said to keep resting and drink lots of fluids. I am really hoping I feel better, being sick is the worst. Thankfully my work is lovely and said to take the time I need. Here’s to hoping I wake up feeling better tomorrow.

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