My how time flies. I’m happy to celebrate ten years of CASIE STEWART : THIS IS MY LIFE blog. Since 2005, I’ve been documenting my global adventures in fashion, travel, and technology. I’ve been to Thailand, England, Costa Rica, LA, New York, and more. When I look back it hardly seems real. Thank GOD I’ve got it documented so I can relive all those exciting moments. Thank you for coming along with me. Thinking I’ll do a post with some of my fav moments later this week.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on casiestewart.biz, a brand new hub of work and media accomplishments. I’m really excited for this year and what the next 10 years will be like. If the last five are any indication of awesomeness, I imagine my 20 year blog post will be from the MOON.
Hop on over to CASIE STEWART : THIS IS MY WORK and take a peek at casiestewart.biz.
Thank you again for following along and being part of my life. I’m truly filled with joy when I think about all the relationships I’ve built the last ten years.
With love,
Congratulations… here’s to at least ten more!!!
Happy belated birthday. You’re an icon.