Last weekend was May 2-4, Victoria Day long weekend. I went up North with some of my best friends and loves up to our fav place, The Chalet. Since we are approaching Summer and it is usually warmer by now, I found it quite appropriate to rename it the Chalottage; combo Chalet/Cottage. We had an amazingly fantastic time and I created a keepsake for us all to hold on to the memories. Here friends, is my video: Chalottage has now been defined in the UrbanDictionary as the following: Chalottage A place you go in the winter because it’s near a ski resort, ski hill or some type of winter activity AND a place you go in the summer because it is near water or for summer relaxing. part Chalet part Cottage, Chalottage. Winter: Lets go to the Chalottage for skiing this weekend!Summer: Lets go to the Chalottage and go to the beach this weekend! Ex. Collingwood, ON: Ski at Blue Mountain & sun, sand, surf at Wasaga Beach. Source: Casie Stewart, Toronto, ON
Anzac Day is commemorated by Australia and New Zealand on 25 April every year to honour members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. Anzac Day is also celebrated in the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tonga. This is the verse of the ode that is said during the minutes of silence on Anzac Day: They shall grow not old,As we that are left grow old,Age shall not weary them,Nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun,And in the morningWe will remember them. Lest we Forget The Sweet Stuff: ANZAC Biscuits are a snack food most commonly made from the primary ingredients of rolled oats, coconut, and maple syrup/golden syrup.
Being a Kiwi, as great as it is, I enjoyed that VICE featured NZ in their global trend report. However, with all the focus on cities around the world, they managed to put NZ, the COUNTRY, not a city such as Auckland or Wellington, or hell, Palmy either!! Here’s what they said: “It’s slightly disappointing that no one in this majestic land actually looks like Frodo or Xena. Yes, that is all most of us know about New Zealand. Oh, and Flight of the Conchords, which isn’t the funniest thing ever, but it’s a little bit funny once in awhile. Eagle Vs. Shark was pretty good too—like Napoleon Dynamite but with cute accents and kind of sadder. What other good movies were made in New Zealand? Oh yeah, Heavenly Creatures. That’s an old fave. So anyway, instead of mythical creatures and lesbian schoolgirls, what we have here is a bunch of young cool kids being cool in their cool clothes that, we are slowly coming to realize, are the same cool clothes as everywhere else in the world. Globalization blah blah blah. Nevertheless, New Zealanders look like a pretty good time. It’s like new rave never stretched its poisonous tentacles all the way over there or something. NZ girls are good at mix ’n’ match. High-end designer pieces (Yohji Yamamoto Y’s, Zambesi) are carefully thrown together with more “street” items and bits of vintage. (MY FAV!) A simple black-and-white outfit accented with a Chanel purse plus arm tattoos plus pink hair with long bangs plus Docs equals “Let’s do this.” And wait, is that a tattoo of the Little Mermaid on her arm? OK, fine, let’s fucking do this. Everything is black-and-white, and color only occurs in the context of a perfect plaid shirt, which is harder to find than…
Today I picked up the new Vice mag and with more excitement than usual due to the fact that is was the Fashion Issue. As I browsed through the pages, as I always do first I noticed a fw things: New paper – 10% post consumer waste, environmentally friendly, printed in Canada Some raised image on the cover that despite my efforts, I could not distinguish (and neither could my mates!) This, after a quick search, is what I found….. Vice Magazine Changes Everything As Usual [SOURCE]Vice Magazine, which was ironically abandoned by its target audience of dirty trendsetters at the exact moment it became popular, has finally discovered how to sell out IN SECRET. The new issue has an ad for BMW superimposed on the freaking cover itself—but it doesn’t appear until you turn out the lights! As long as you don’t read it in the dark, nobody will know you are bought and owned by corporations just like everything else in this rotten country, dude. This is a brilliant idea that may save the American print media and destroy the editorial/ advertising divide as we know it, and that’s really all we have to say about that. [Media In Canada]