
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Instagram vs. Your 360º Life

Instagram vs. Your 360º Life

Ahhh. Hellooooo February! I felt good to write all that down yesterday. Remember Instagram is only one angle on a 360º life. There’s … View Post
Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk

Three events today. Ignore…. 33 Facebook notifications. Too many unread emails. Twitter notifications. Instagram notifications. Unread messages. It’s overwhelming. Then add on [that you’… View Post
Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

Hellooooooo! Hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was pretty quiet and it started with me not feeling so great on Friday. I spent … View Post
Keeping the Romance ❤️ Dinner Date @ Wildfire Steakhouse

Keeping the Romance ❤️ Dinner Date @ Wildfire Steakhouse

Last weekend Sean and I were invited to Wildfire Steakhouse to test out their Winterlicious Menu and it was incredible. We hadn’t’ had … View Post
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

Years ago when I worked with Virgin America I helped them launch service in Dallas Texas. It’s a really cool thing when a … View Post
Face  2018 w/ Great Skin

Face 2018 w/ Great Skin

Over the last couple months, I’ve been tuned into my skin and what makes it look beautiful. I’ve found drinking heaps … View Post
New Year New You!? Same Me!

New Year New You!? Same Me!

I mean new me kinda because you’re like,  you’re always changing. Right? Maybe you’re looking to make some changes in … View Post
Tramping in New Zealand

Tramping in New Zealand

OK, I know what you are thinking and I THOUGHT THE SAME THING. When I arrived in NZ we picked up the rental car … View Post
It’s A Great Time to Make Changes & Clean Out That Closet!

It’s A Great Time to Make Changes & Clean Out That Closet!

I love being on vacation and I love coming home. I really like the start of the year for trying new things and organizing … View Post
Rest in Peace, Betty

Rest in Peace, Betty

Last night when the plane landed I received a text saying that nana had passed away. Mum and I left SF and I guess … View Post
Settling Back Into Work Mode

Settling Back Into Work Mode

This week I have two Mondays. I woke up about 7am Monday in Auckland, NZ and flew to San Francisco in the afternoon. Then … View Post
JUST HOLD ON WE’RE GOING HOME: live blog from 35,000ft!

JUST HOLD ON WE’RE GOING HOME: live blog from 35,000ft!

Helloo! I’m on United flight 916 from Auckland, New Zealand to San Francisco, California. Mum and I are watching Battle of the Sexes movie … View Post
The air here smells like manuka honey and the sea.

The air here smells like manuka honey and the sea.

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On  The Road Again: Palmerston North to Lake Taupo

On The Road Again: Palmerston North to Lake Taupo

I spent most of today in the car on a 3hr road trip from Palmerston North to Taupo. Woke up feeling a bit groggy … View Post
Being Human on The Internet #TEDx

Being Human on The Internet #TEDx

This my TEDx Talk from late 2015 where I speak about innovation and social media. The theme of TEDx Western was The Human Condition. I … View Post
The Best Fish & Chips Come Wrapped in Paper

The Best Fish & Chips Come Wrapped in Paper

The last couple days have been so incredibly lovely. We’ve been staying with Catherine and having so many laughs. The first day we … View Post
Hi from Palmerston North, aka Palmy!

Hi from Palmerston North, aka Palmy!

Well my friends! It’s been almost 10 days since I’ve been away and it feels like forever! I had a nice time over … View Post
Happy New Year from Coromandel, New Zealand!

Happy New Year from Coromandel, New Zealand!

G’day from down under! Haven’t had great wifi the last couple days and it’s actually been quite lovely! We’ve got … View Post
Land of the Long White Cloud

Land of the Long White Cloud

Some photos from our first full day here in Auckland. We went to the beach, the mall, had a meat pie, and a nice … View Post
This is the Best Travel Accessory EVER.

This is the Best Travel Accessory EVER.

Mum and I arrived in New Zealand earlier this week and the flight was pretty great. I was a little nervous about driving in … View Post
2018: Do What You Love, Do It Now

2018: Do What You Love, Do It Now

Don’t waste time. Don’t stay in a job you hate or a love you don’t have. Do what you love. Do … View Post
Paris in the Springtime?

Paris in the Springtime?

I’m nervous/excited today and that’s my favourite feeling in the world.  The feeling you get before something big happens, before you … View Post
I’ve Got No Roots, But My Home Was Never on the Ground

I’ve Got No Roots, But My Home Was Never on the Ground

People often think short hair is low maintenance, it’s not. I  mean it’s quick in the morning on a daily basis but … View Post


Follow your dreams. Don’t give up. Believe in yourself. You can do it. Push through. Work hard. Be nice. Don’t give up. … View Post
Need New Headshots? No Problemo!

Need New Headshots? No Problemo!

Last weekend on my way home from New Orleans I popped into the Iris Photobooth at the MSY Airport. I’d seen these booths … View Post
Don’t Let Opposition from Mediocre Minds Hold You Back

Don’t Let Opposition from Mediocre Minds Hold You Back

I’ve always loved this quote and on my first draft of this post, the title was ‘That idea is stupid’ because those words … View Post


I’m so excited for this month. I love doing Christmas things like baking and getting the tree with Sean and Emily. I love … View Post