
crazy awesome

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Say GOODBYE to Drunken Emails

Say GOODBYE to Drunken Emails

October 07, 2008 — CIO — Gmail, Google’s free consumer e-mail, added a unique new feature to the service yesterday: Mail Goggles, which gives you the ability … View Post
Holla, Ladyhawk Rock from NZ, bro

Holla, Ladyhawk Rock from NZ, bro

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I wanna go.

I wanna go.

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Homer ♥’s Obama

Homer ♥’s Obama

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Totally Kick’in It – Bettykiss Inc. Style

Totally Kick’in It – Bettykiss Inc. Style

Retro inspired and ravishingly beautiful. One of my incredibly talented friends has created something worth blogging about. With her amazing sense of style and … View Post
~ massive connection is about to happen ~

~ massive connection is about to happen ~

see the light, connect to it, wrap your arms around yourself and give you a hug, feel the love, spread your wings, fly, soar, … View Post
The Muzzler

The Muzzler

Kashi Daily Challenge

Kashi Daily Challenge

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Thanks for Sharing ♥

Thanks for Sharing ♥

Q: What’s the background of your unusual name? “In French, LaBeouf means ‘beef,’ but mine is spelled wrong. It should be ‘LaBoeuf.’ My … View Post
The biggest loss ever….

The biggest loss ever….

Lawmakers point fingers as bailout fails Read it for yourself. Get educated. Get informed. WASHINGTON (CNN) — Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill immediately blamed … View Post
No Passing Go – No collecting $700 Billion either!

No Passing Go – No collecting $700 Billion either!

Shit is going down – Like the DOW – Read more here! Bushy’s bailout bill has not passed go in the House for approval. Now … View Post
Don’t Call Me!!

Don’t Call Me!!

You called at dinner time my whole life, but now baby, you won’t be calling me anymore!! As you may or may not … View Post
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Relax…

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Relax…

Just add beach. View Post
Whoopsy Daisy

Whoopsy Daisy

Photo below by: Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department View Post
Vintage is the New Black

Vintage is the New Black

I rented the SATC movie for the weekend and I loved it. It’s a real feel good episode and conclusion to a much … View Post
1992 Fashion = Love & Passion

1992 Fashion = Love & Passion

Last week I picked up this book from a second hand book store on Queen Street. As a child I often spent time sewing … View Post
You Make Even a Tiny Religious Cap Look Sexy

You Make Even a Tiny Religious Cap Look Sexy

I wish you all a Shana TovaA Happy and Healthy New Year full of Light and Blessings and Fulfillment. ♥ “One action – either positive or … View Post


i can’t write todaysomethings wrongi can’t smile today life is a sad songmy heart hurts…so does my footin my shoetoday is … View Post
Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes

When everything is lonely I can be my own best friend Get a coffee and the paper Have my own conversations With the sidewalk … View Post
Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Audrey Hepburn 1929 – 1993 View Post
Huff, Puff

Huff, Puff

Project Manager. View Post
Spending Orgy to Save Wall Street?

Spending Orgy to Save Wall Street?

Mr. Obama countered by seeking to tie Mr. McCain to the economic policies of the Bush White House and its “orgy of spending” and … View Post
Let Them Eat Cake!

Let Them Eat Cake!

Edible Marc Jacobs. Amazing. A dear friend, Roxanne is the best cake maker I have ever, ever seen. This Marc Jacobs bag is really … View Post
No Free Refills? Don’t even think about doing that to me.

No Free Refills? Don’t even think about doing that to me.

Check it out. View Post
A Toast

A Toast

To my girl T, for her Birthday Today’s the day you’re 24 and each day my dear, I love you more.I wish … View Post
No Seaguls – Just Eagles

No Seaguls – Just Eagles

It really does not matter what you have, what you had, want, or what you own. You are whoever you want to be. How … View Post
Map & Quest

Map & Quest

Create that Roadmap, Flip that switch.Focus. Sit down.Distractions become meaningless.Think it through.Write it down andRead it back.Life’s an … View Post