
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

in memory of a great one: swayze

in memory of a great one: swayze

I love Patrick Swayze and still swoon over him every time I watch Ghost, Dirty Dancing or carry a watermelon. He battled hard with … View Post
hello hollywood glamour!

hello hollywood glamour!

The night was warm as over four hundred fine people walked the red carpet boarding the yacht. Toronto is full of do-gooders and together … View Post
check that one of the list.

check that one of the list.

My first sport bike ride ever. The best part is the outfit. Full story here. View Post
broke back floor whack suprise attack

broke back floor whack suprise attack

I had a great time at the Notable party. Red carpet, interviews, familiar faces, drinks, good music. After that I went to another party … View Post
that was a night and a half, lets do it again!

that was a night and a half, lets do it again!

Whoa. I had the kind of night filled with excitement that less fortunate souls dream of. Kinda feel like I’m still there… I … View Post
attention, ladies and gentlemen of the internet…

attention, ladies and gentlemen of the internet…

Toronto is a city full constant excitement. I get messages once in a while saying it seems like TO is the city for me … View Post


on wednesday morning it will be 9 seconds past 9 mins past 9 o’clock on the 9th of the 9th 09. there are 9 letters in wednesday and … View Post
circling round the buildings like really big eagles

circling round the buildings like really big eagles

The jets start flying again, its the last time I will hear them for about 36o days. Ate some chips. Oreos. Watching Confessions of  … View Post
celebrate your economic & social achievements!!

celebrate your economic & social achievements!!

She’s such little darling that Sabrina, after her hair was done she put on a nice dress and went for a stroll.She … View Post
you never met a M.F. quite like me

you never met a M.F. quite like me

I wanted to go see Kid Rock over the Killers cause I love his wild-whisky-drinking-country-singing-long-hair-badass style. He was wearing a leather shirt with rhinestones … View Post
the last weekend for parties before school

the last weekend for parties before school

Good afternoon and welcome to the Annual BBQ. We would like to thank you for coming,  have  yourself a great time! Oh hai there, … View Post
the accent, the languge and how she says ‘status’

the accent, the languge and how she says ‘status’

attention everyone who uses facebook, take a lesson from Bangs & a Bun writer Muireann Carey-Campbell. Facebook Fatigue from Muireann Carey-Campbell on Vimeo. View Post
it’s is more fun with moustachio

it’s is more fun with moustachio

This time of year is great. I can feel change in the air. I followed my own advice and read my book outside on … View Post
some kind of wonderful

some kind of wonderful

I can feel my allergies kicking in, been sneezing. The ride in was a fight against the wind pulling my muscles with every push. … View Post
turn upside down and shake the creative salt

turn upside down and shake the creative salt

This is my favorite quote of the day: “There’s a lot to be said for not giving two flying fuck’s Mr. Darwin.” … View Post
i will not be paid in butter chicken or fancy lunch

i will not be paid in butter chicken or fancy lunch

It’s a good day. Sun on my face, wind in my hair. The air is cool yet fresh. I feel good. On my … View Post
when i put them on it’s business time

when i put them on it’s business time

The little girl beside me is Irish and with her parents. She’s staring outside the window preying with every breath to capture a … View Post
woke up thinking it smells like back to school

woke up thinking it smells like back to school

Part 1 Woke up thinking I don’t want to share what I think/feel today. I’m gonna tell a story, not sure what … View Post
because when it’s quiet the only sound is the voice in my head

because when it’s quiet the only sound is the voice in my head

Rain today. Calming, refreshing, inspiring. I wear earphones to block out the noise. No noise. Silence helps me connect my thoughts. Creative thoughts. Creative … View Post


it went like this: Beans says: i stumbled upon it last week but tahnee has actually been using it amazing! … View Post
and before i knew it she was all grown up

and before i knew it she was all grown up

This is the face of a happy girl. wardrobe malfunction today, HR’s gonna kill me on photos were taken by Kelly. ♥ View Post
it was so weird at the time, i couldn’t stop myself

it was so weird at the time, i couldn’t stop myself

i’m not sure what happened but it did. i light went on. it was a few things that lead me there. creative people … View Post
the sun is at just the right angle over the moon

the sun is at just the right angle over the moon

Good morning. Not hung over at all. Whoa, craziest guy. Red beard, so weird. I think he was upset I took his photo. Probably … View Post
it’s like a chose your own adventure book for real

it’s like a chose your own adventure book for real

Cool storm last night. Didn’t last long but it was great; energetic, powerful, heavy, beautiful.  Drove around in it.  Got wet. Loved it … View Post
it’s the little things that matter most

it’s the little things that matter most

Thank You Sprouter! from my heart I met Sarah Prevette and Erin Bury early this year when I volunteered to be on the team … View Post
you can’t keep me from my boyfriend…the internet

you can’t keep me from my boyfriend…the internet

Shocker last night from Rogers. Told me I maxed out on my internet usage and now they’re charging me per GB.  For me, … View Post
it’s nice to know there’s still romance out there

it’s nice to know there’s still romance out there

It was so warm out last night. We ordered take-away Terroni and got some wine to sit in Bellwoods.  We watched people and lazed … View Post