
crazy awesome

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A blog is a best friend you find within yourself.

A blog is a best friend you find within yourself.

I’ve been thinking, about making changes.  I’m always making changes. I wanna wear high heels again. I wanna change my blog. I … View Post
and then she tamed monsters with her disco stick

and then she tamed monsters with her disco stick

Gaga Law. Love it: (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MA MA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² = Bad Romance I’ve got the house to myself for the … View Post
TGIF: girls who like boys who like girls that do

TGIF: girls who like boys who like girls that do

I know that following the previous post with this post is……..whatever. Everyone needs a little entertainment  in their day! Twitter Last night I … View Post
she let out all the evils except one: hope

she let out all the evils except one: hope

I recently got asked on Formspring “what can I do to help someone in Haiti?”. Well… I can do lots. I’m working heaps … View Post
hump day: fashion forward and puking rainbows

hump day: fashion forward and puking rainbows

I’ve been really busy at work lately.  It’s fun for me. Today, I had an awesome gathering at my desk about blog … View Post
social media school of thought. process.

social media school of thought. process.

I’ve shared my internet/social media skills with a bunch of people over the last year but now it’s  becoming more official. … View Post
this time last year i…

this time last year i…

asked the universe for a new camera. saw andy warhol. had a different russian hat. still had my beloved red wellies. told you a … View Post
happy birthday sister, i ♥ you very much

happy birthday sister, i ♥ you very much

I remember the day 24 years ago when you were born. You were so little and cute. I loved you from the moment I laid … View Post
you captcha my interest, you make me smile

you captcha my interest, you make me smile

We all come across them. I used to write them down and make poems with the mismatched words. I wish I cold find that … View Post
unique mix of elegance & spontaneity

unique mix of elegance & spontaneity

The package arrived safe and sound in Hillzy’s hands on Friday. I sent her a handwritten note on big colorful paper with some … View Post
TGIF: this is shit i like

TGIF: this is shit i like

Here’s my Friday roundup of good shit I’ve found around the interwebs. I’ve had a busy ass week of long days … View Post
master disaster: help haiti. hearts on fire.

master disaster: help haiti. hearts on fire.

This morning I took a different approach to getting things done.  No stressing.  I’ve already checked a few things off my life list. … View Post
tattoo your name across my chest

tattoo your name across my chest

I’ve been so busy today, the thing is, I’m not complaining, I love it… I’m doing exactly what i want to … View Post
toronto life on the wild side

toronto life on the wild side

If you subscribe to Toronto Life magazine, I arrived in your mail box last night. I’ve not seen it yet but it’s … View Post
volcanic sexuality wrapped in a childlike innocence

volcanic sexuality wrapped in a childlike innocence

Some recent questions I answered on formspring: Are you trying to be an insufferable cliche as a means to an end (in terms of … View Post
i have movie induced narcolepsy

i have movie induced narcolepsy

I fell asleep during Avatar last week. I fell asleep during Sherlock Holmes last night. It happens…I can’t help it. I get … View Post

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TGIF: 2010 First Week Edition

TGIF: 2010 First Week Edition

This is me at work today & rocking my favorite sweater, that yes, is my own vintage circa 1988. Twitter Over the holidays I had … View Post
the vibrator finally died

the vibrator finally died

Remember last year when I got that big box of vibrating Mascaras? I’ll never forget that day… Well, the vibrator for it finally … View Post
what do you wanna be when you grow up?

what do you wanna be when you grow up?

I remember being young and sitting in front of the mirror, talking to myself telling myself stories. Mum said I used to do it … View Post
techvibes: uniting the tech community

techvibes: uniting the tech community

Oh, look who it is…ME! Click the image to go straight to the article. If you read it, would be nice of you … View Post
do before you die? i wanna live. long and hard.

do before you die? i wanna live. long and hard.

Couple things on my list: Wind a beauty pageant Bikini contest serve at a soup kitchen on Christmas day go to NYC skydive bungee … View Post
that’s a creative way of looking at it. nice hire.

that’s a creative way of looking at it. nice hire.

I used to live and hang out in Queen West. The Hipsterville of Toronto. I met lots of hipsters from all over the globe, … View Post
something you always wanted to ask? go ahead.

something you always wanted to ask? go ahead. View Post
tallest building in the world opens: highest club

tallest building in the world opens: highest club

It’s great to be back at work. Emails & meetings about social media and checking Twitter, Google, Internet and Facebook (TGIF) for the … View Post
countless ways social media will change in 2010 ..canada and the olympics?

countless ways social media will change in 2010

..canada and the olympics?

I wish I never got tired. I could soak up stuff around the internet for hours and hours. I’m addicted to learning, reading, … View Post
advanced twitter search

advanced twitter search

If you don’t know what you’re search for, it’s hard to find it. Depends what you’re searching but twitter search … View Post