
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

life in poetic motion

life in poetic motion

took myelf for breakfast. queen west. wellies cause it might rain, brolly too. latte skim, peanut butter toast. cloudy sky, fresh air, bright eyes. … View Post
fox park

fox park

There’s this neat park near my place that I’ve fallen quite in love with. It has sprinklers, an infinity pond, grass, benches, … View Post
they commin’ to a hood near you, geee twenty

they commin’ to a hood near you, geee twenty

Cruised through the forbidden G20 area yesterday. Man, those fences are huge and I can only imagine how annoying it will be in just … View Post
tonight i’m not takin’ no calls, ’cause i’ll be dancin’

tonight i’m not takin’ no calls, ’cause i’ll be dancin’

I had a really fun time last night. Like, reeeeeeeeeally fun.  Stayed late at work tweeting @muchmusic before shipping over to Rivoli to hang … View Post
according to my calculations…

according to my calculations…

Ola! Thursday is upon up and I’m feelin’ great. Popped over to #andomTO with Carly & O’Nizzle last night. Lots of familiar … View Post
wellies, mini, keys, phone, kelly cutrone

wellies, mini, keys, phone, kelly cutrone

Went to the Sailor Jerry thingy last night with Carly. It was ok, not that exciting. Anna took our photo for EXTRA and we … View Post
her boyfriends like a dad, just like a dad

her boyfriends like a dad, just like a dad

THIS PREMIERES TODAY! Gaga called it “a homoerotic military theme”. OOOOH, you know what I love you boy HOT LIKE MEXICO! View Post
stopped having a bad day & started being awesome

stopped having a bad day & started being awesome

I love Twitter for so many reason but one of them is this…FRIENDS! Friends that are always there to cheer you up because … View Post
come on sucker lick my battery

come on sucker lick my battery

I’m tired and I have things to get done and emails to retun but I can’t sleep. I need a break but … View Post
i cheated on you once and i’ll do it again

i cheated on you once and i’ll do it again

Ok, ok I know what you’re thinking and not, it’s not you, it’s me. I cheated on TORONTO by going to … View Post
be authentically yourself. show energy.

be authentically yourself. show energy.

Did you see/hear/read that Oprah is on the hunt and taking names? OMG. Imagine, I mean, imagine how fun it would be … View Post
the internet is a funny place

the internet is a funny place

I was watching Jeopardy like I do pretty much every night I can. I saw this babe with a bowtie named J.R. so … View Post


If you want it, go out and get it, cryin’ out loud! MTV & MSN have an open CASTING CALL to make a new … View Post
you can’t just ask a website why it’s black, y’know?

you can’t just ask a website why it’s black, y’know?

This is me today. Grey hair, glasses, Dr. Martens, tan, smile. I just went to Mc Donalds for lunch.  It was tasty as usual, … View Post
pink hair + dude voice = me post pride

pink hair + dude voice = me post pride

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art attack

art attack

I saw this video and really dig the animation. I’m not sure how to do something like that but I like it. View Post
sun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicle

sun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicle

Spent the night at work tweetin’ away as @mtvcanada and watching the MTV movie Awards. Feelin’ lucky that this is my job, I would … View Post
i’m a french girl

i’m a french girl

dress: H&M boots: Dr. Martins audio: je veux te voir by yelle View Post
railroad, all the live long day

railroad, all the live long day

Woke up and cruised down to the urban umbrella beach to sit in the sun. Been working on stuff/tweeting all afternoon. I’m … View Post
My Supernova

My Supernova

I drew this using Imagination Cubed. I love that site and this song too. Powerman 5000 – Supernova Goes Pop Are you the future or are … View Post
feelin just peachy baby

feelin just peachy baby

Last month I judged the Peach Berserk’s dress design contest and boy was it fun! Wine and cheezies on the counter with dozens … View Post
AND…the mtv movie award for awesomism goes to ME!!

AND…the mtv movie award for awesomism goes to ME!!

Look what I got! Omg omg! I’d like to thank my Mum, Dad & sister Jenie and all my Twitter followers on @casiestewart &… View Post
seeing this makes a little girl like me real happy

seeing this makes a little girl like me real happy

Boys + Bag Pipes + Drum + Summer = OMG Love at first sight Made friends with the dudes and asked if they play parties. They do anything. … View Post
walking wonder wander mind pathway to another world

walking wonder wander mind pathway to another world

I had a dream last night that I got a tattoo sleeve. Problem was I had been drinking and I got it on the … View Post
and when i see you  smile

and when i see you smile

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i love you and i hate you but i will never leave you

i love you and i hate you but i will never leave you

I wanna quit you. Sometimes you make me so mad I could leave you, but it’s impossible. You are bigger than me and … View Post
hard times baby, real hard times…hmm, i met him once.

hard times baby, real hard times…hmm, i met him once.

A couple years ago I had the pleasure of meeting one of the worlds most famous men in the porn industry who goes by … View Post