
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

i forgot to tell you something.

i forgot to tell you something.

She was delivered this last night.  What should I name her? Hawaii is so secretive, black market baby trade, he won’t tell me … View Post
notable’s chilean wine tasting @ the spoke club

notable’s chilean wine tasting @ the spoke club

Hey girl wha you doin? Thanks for having me & friends Julian. Looking forward to the launch of I’m Jon Crowley. … View Post
yesterday on twitter, this happened:

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

dance break. # like you mean it. #blog # bike season, babe season, bixi toronto #blog # … View Post
marilyn denis royal wedding show at CTV

marilyn denis royal wedding show at CTV

This lady was my fav part.  So happy, waving flag. Her smiling right at me. It was a pretty big deal. (For some people!) … View Post
like you mean it.

like you mean it.

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bike season, babe season, bixi toronto

bike season, babe season, bixi toronto

Noticed this big guy the other evening. Recognized him from Montreal. He is BIXI. BIXI: Toronto’s public bike system. It’s the bike … View Post
what a beautiful wedding.

what a beautiful wedding.

I love her. Stunning dress. Iconic fashion momnent right here. Very Grace Kelly. I love him Prince William. Pippa, the brother. Prince Harry. Ahem … View Post
she does the city royal high tea at windsor arms

she does the city royal high tea at windsor arms

Special guests. Goodies. Lauren, Raymi, Anna Windows 7 presentation (didn’t pay much attention, was busy talking shop aka internet) Photos. Blogging. Meta. Food at … View Post
oh, you mean you are feeling grumpy? well that stops now.

oh, you mean you are feeling grumpy? well that stops now.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#twerk RT @laurenonizzle: The #blondetourage does high tea 🙂 @raymitheminx #w7royaltea # tea party @windsorarms w/ @raymitheminx @erinbury @hipurbangirl @laurenonizzle thanks @… View Post
fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie)

fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie)

Mum got these at a garage sale when I was a kid. We’ve had them forever. I can hardly believe I still fit … View Post
they brighten my room

they brighten my room

Got my hair done yesterday. I go to Darren Kwik Studio on Queen Street right across from Bicyclette near trinity Bellwoods. Y’know, right … View Post
the good ol’ irish goodbye

the good ol’ irish goodbye

Getting pretty good at it. Pulled another last night before the  Notable Chilean Wine tasting was over. Keri is hilarious. Are you following her? … View Post
yesterday on twitter, this happened:

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

My fav wine @notabletv #notablechileanwines Castillero del Diablo # Photo: Stylish boy in wellies. # Heard … View Post
“i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted.

“i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted.

This coffee was nice. Atelier on King latte art, I like you. The rain is no reason to get down. Or bored. Only boring … View Post
boys with beards

boys with beards

Guys & gals, get ready. Came across this last night via Kevin Naulls, handsome Assoc. Editor of and one of the beards in … View Post
yesterday on twitter, this happened:

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

this is so damn hot “@kevinjn: The photos to accompany the video (just saw it – via @TheHudsonsBayCo)” # My rain day … View Post
the royal wedding live on @youtube

the royal wedding live on @youtube

I can’t deny for even one second how excited I am about the Royal Wedding. I know it’s cheezy and I’m … View Post
where can i get one of these shirts?

where can i get one of these shirts?

I need one. Like now. I can think of a number of reasons why it would be great for me to have one of … View Post
pick up a copy of TCHAD quarterly this week

pick up a copy of TCHAD quarterly this week

Your girl is in there. TCHAD founder George Sully & the team names this very blog as one of their favs. Here’s a sneak … View Post
somebody cover this bunny in chocolate! ♥

somebody cover this bunny in chocolate! ♥

Happy Easter, long weekend & Sunday Funday. I don’t really celebrate but I AM celebrating myself  today by cleaning my room and going … View Post
photoset: spring hits toronto, down by the lake

photoset: spring hits toronto, down by the lake

Love this dress. Boots Jenie got second hand then gave to me. LOVE YOU! Beautiful. This is how you know it it Spring. Isn’… View Post
the hailwood tights – green & blacks

the hailwood tights – green & blacks

I get asked about these tights often. Adrian Hailwood gave them to me last year at NZ Fashion Week. I love them! This is … View Post
saturday magazine review: holt renfrew spring 2011

saturday magazine review: holt renfrew spring 2011

It was all foggy like this when I woke up. So, I read a magazine. Slept with the Holt Renfrew Spring style guide and … View Post
stay up to see the dawn in the colors of bennetton?

stay up to see the dawn in the colors of bennetton?

Look left, straight out, yep that’s the ocean, Cape Cod. Trafficked some sand home. It’s real crystally, like round stones almost. Art-Dramatic … View Post
spring mixer @ Harry Rosen Inc

spring mixer @ Harry Rosen Inc

Attended a Spring shopping party at Harry Rosen the other night. There was a band, live radio broadcast & free drinks. Julio and I … View Post
yesterday on twitter, this happened:

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I seriously have the coolest Mum. Watched a vid of her in Bahamas on the houseboat. Despite her wishes, I will youtube 🙂 # i wouldn'… View Post