The thing that really is blowing my mind is… #japan
I closed my blinds last night and got to thinking about Japan. In bed with iPad & Android, I looked outside, the lake was calm. I said goodnight to Twitter. I don’t usually do that, I often leave like an irish goodbye. I said goodbye because I love my friends and in the back of my head I know that so many people in Japan woke up Friday morning and never got a chance to say goodbye. They woke up to their houses and lives right fucked up. I can only imagine that happening. There is no word to explain how is makes me feel when I watch those videos over and over. It’s like a movie but it’s not a movie, its real. The world trade centre, that was real. We all remember that day. I remember lots of other stuff in my life but that WTC stands out as something totally monumental, like Japan. I will never get any of these images out of my head. The water rushing over the city, the planes crashing into the buildings. Yes, one distaster was man made and one natural but to me, they are the biggest I’ve ever seen. The thing that really is blowing my mind is the severity, scale and consequences of it all. How the hell do you fix a first world nation that’s been shaken, stirred and radiated? Japan was pretty much run through the dishwasher. There’s going to be a massive ripple affect on society from this. Japan is home to vehicles and electronics that WE love. It is the third largest national economy in the world after US and China in GDP & purchasing power parity (aka PPP if you forgot). I read on that Cannon, Sony, Panasonic, Toyota, Honda, Sapporo have all suspended production. I…
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