#pumasocial: march 10, 2011 @Burroughes #toronto

Last week Toronto was host to the first PUMA Social Club in Canada at the Burroughes Building on Queen Street. It was THE place to be. So many cool peeps and hot babes. Check out this rad vid produced by 1188 Films for Puma with a blonde you will recognize. I love this campaign, I feel it really goes along with my lifestyle. I celebrate more victories at the bar than I do at the gym. See a couple more familiar faces in the vid? A bunch you have seen here over the years if you look real close. Thing is, PUMA pioneers ‘Sportlifestyle’ and has built a their brand on FUN.  I thnk I’m kinda like that too. Hey look, my sis riding a giant moose w/ R’Bull. The whole top floor of the Burroughs was full of people playing games like checkers, operation, ping pong, table hockey, air hockey. Lotsa late night revelry, live bands and DJs. Hellooooo again friend. This track is for ma boy Nate Dogg who passed away last night at 41 to a stroke. REGULATE! After-hour athletes are babes. I had a couple pose with me for fun. For more info about the campaign in Canada or the world see the press release here. This is Sean the producer telling me I am AWESOME. Thanks for the gig. Love you. And remember, some marathons end At 6am. One more thing, could you please take one second to vote for Shawn Hawaii in the BMW contest? No email, no signup just vote. It will mean the world to him.  I’d do it for you! VOTE here NOW. P.S

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

YES WE CAN. http://goo.gl/fb/Nxx5K #blog # Omg Global called me “KC” but spelled CASSIE. Gah. # today i registered a new domain, company and twitter account. makes me happy 🙂 will share in the next few weeks! # if i ever lose my memory i think i will like reading my blog from the very start. # good thing i got TWO bags of Doritos cuz’ i just ate half of one whole bag. # PCP Party tonight! http://twitpic.com/49tfr9 # Das pretty watermelon. Nice one @sobeys! http://twitpic.com/49tajd # OMG AMAZING! RT @torontofc: Hey @casiestewart #TFC Player Matt Stinson has a little message for you –> http://youtu.be/3CdqKCVKJBo #TFCLive # Photo: › Chris Benz F/W 2011 http://tumblr.com/xmj1s7be2q # Photo: omg this looks fun http://tumblr.com/xmj1s70egg # can someone take me to Prom at the ROM, imma good date. # eh, BRO! http://post.ly/1kjK2 # this is pretty neat. I agree w/ Oglivy 🙂 (YouTube http://youtu.be/0gpZxTE0Z0I?a) # grenade is trending – is that cuz’ @sn00ki? # tomorrow on the blog i am lauching a program where you get $$ instead of just a contest or crap 😉 #staytuned # how long does it take to validate a MX record when setting up godaddy email? anyone? # you tell ’em @TheTVJunkie, hear that @IFCtv! #itgetsbetter # i absolutely love planning events, especially charity ones! # omg just realized i didn’t watch yesterday’s #yandr been twerkin’ so hard! # hope i don’t look like Li Lohan on camera, just realized this new last-minute-had-to-run-to-shoppers bronzer is well, BRONZE. # Still tweeting on camera. Hi friends. # Global news is filming me as I type this for tonights news regarding #japanquakeTO # location location location #japanquakeTO # omg just found out a friend was on the subway platform when the earthquake hit, 10 hours to walk back to the…

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Oh how I love you Obama, let me start counting the ways with this very photo. Meanshile, other parts of the world, things like this are happening. The National Post has been putting up some phenominally mind blowing photos. Take a gander here. Save the DATE ladies & gentlemen, JapanQuakeTO is happening on March 31, 2011. We have set up japanquaketo.ca where you can find all the info and get tickets  (most likley) tomorrow. P.S. Yes that was meon Global news in the 6 hour, they said my name right, spelled it wrong and the hashtag is actually #japanquakeTO. 😛

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never stop fighting.

Hello friends! Feels kinda Springy today, not that I’ve been outside or anything. Erin Leydon shot this of me in the summer. Amazing how the change in time, season, daylight really effects us humans. Oh science, you. CONFETTI! I have a confetti popper in my room and I so bady wanna pop it off the balcony one of these days. I will. Has to be sunny & a little windy to get what I’m looking for. Maybe I’ll save it for summer. I feel it getting closer… These photos are from tumblr, have you checked it before? It’s called OH CASIE and it’s mostly photos of pretty girls and stuff > tumblr.casiestewart.com I felt like a little Gwen today. I love her. I have all the Harajuku Girl parfums. I totally adored when she used to parade around with these harajuku babes. I’d love to do that too, naturally. Her outfits make me so happy, SUPA KAWAII. And these two, where do we even start, Gavin, such a babe. This hair makes me happy. Mine is growing on the top, slowly. I would so get extentions so I could have Gewn hair. So great. Remember waaaaaaaay back in like 2009 when I was obsessed with Aggy? I wrote about Aggy Style, her singing, and this one time she was all bruised up. Clearly I have a think for blondes with hair like me, haha. Haven’t seen her around much anymore. Wonder if she is still doing runway? She’s cute as ever still. Caught this recent snapshop on tumblr too. The Puma video is finshed and should be uploaded to their youtube anytime. JapanQuakeTO is coming together also. The site for that should be live later this afternoon.  I’ll share it all when it’s ready. Hope you have an awesome day!…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Sleeping with my clothes tonight 🙂 I love them, and you. #night # i ate all the chocolate fingers, cadbury. # translation is hard to read http://cnn.co.jp # i want to go bungy jumping. # A calculator is only as fast as it’s operator. # show me your teeth! #livefeed #gaga #smile #retainer http://dailybooth.com/u/8e7p9 # and the wieners winners are….@jedgar & jarvisemerald! http://goo.gl/fb/6bM2h #blog # #pumasocial vid will be up tomorrow, checkin’ their youtube channel, looks pretty neat. like the header http://youtube.com/user/puma # ‘brazen’ is a word I do NOT like. # whaaaa? #HelpJapan is a promoted tweet? PROMOTED BY WHO? # i’m glad i don’t have a twin. that would be TOO MUCH CASIE. # being the uglier twin is like pretty much, the worst. # also, he is the uglier twin. #bachelor # The #Bachelor loser is not good enough for that cute blonde one, he should pick brown hair. # who just typed BONG instead of BLOG. i think i know what mama needs. uh….blog coming right up 😉 # what browser do you use WP in and do you notice a difference? #blogger # #jeopardy time! # today i learned all about nuclear reactors. #

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and the wieners winners are….@jedgar & jarvisemerald!

Joining me for St.Party’s Day on Thursday will be the ever so lovely and fun John Edgar. Look out J.Edgar, we gon’ be drinkin green beer all night long (Lionel Ritchie). Congrats on being the Freestyle Friday winner! You can look for me & Raymi. Hopefrully I’ll be wearing one of these outfits too. (CLEM please, I can borrow?) Be prepared for BLONDE INVASION, Blondetourage, Blonde Jovi, Blonde-tardedness. You get the point, ya? The other winner last week was Jarvis Emerald. Remember the Z-List blog contest I told you about where you could win a free round trip to C-C-Cali? Yeah, well he WON.  See, blogging has benefits! Loved that is was still light out at 7pm this evening. Every day is one day closer to summer. See you tomorrow, or on Twitter in the mean time 😉

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