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This was me at 6am these are my new Moovboots. Best ones yet. Siberian Huskies. And now for something special, Street Style/Unstyle: You Decide! Rarrrr… WoRD Up. Yesterday was my first time on the mic in Dundas Square.  There was a cute boy painting a mural all day, was pretty. I thought I would have been more nervous but I wasn’t, I was just like “ok lets do this”.  That’s a good sign. I have more anxiety now that it’s over. Been there so many times, seen peeople perform, danced, celebrated Olympic wins, it always seemed like such a huge space and now it feels smaller. One of my fav performances was John Mayer, I know he’s a bit of a dick but I really like him. I wanna do something big there. The whole place is Virgin Mobile sponsor/branded. My mind was thinking abut Virgin America…can we get a plane in there somehow and have a party on it? It was pretty chilly out. Winter is coming. It snowed today, so pretty. I quite love the winter. The sun is shining so bright in our place this afternoon. I’m watching “I hope They Serve Beer in Hell” the Tucker Max movie, VERY offensive and very funny. Some people really wont like this movie and find it quite inappropriate, good thing I’m not friends with many of those ones. Haha. Lots of swearing. Did you see this? It would be great if you txt “armyourself” to 898475 (reg txt rate whatever your plan is) and for every txt received GlaxoSmithKline Inc. will donate $5 to Look Good Feel Better. Hope to reach $25,000. Pretty rad that GSK donates for you and to a great cause. This Tucker Max movie is something else? Have you seen it? What did you think?…

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if you don’t seize opportunity you’ll never be rich

Woke up to hear Sabrina talking about the new HD box and I knew duty called. Electronics are my area of specialty in the house, hers are cooking and wearing high heels. Tonight is a hot double date with HBO, TMN and my sister. I hooked up the box. Photo is from yesterday at Dundas Square, mic needs a  MO on  it.  Event was good did some interviews, think I was on CTV news. Met some rad peeps. Was quite chilly and windy. Got new Moovboots that kept my little feet warm. They are sooo nice got some great pix I will share tomorrow. Taking today off to do nothing but nothing. Saturday, siturday, relaxurday 🙂

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i'm on CTV news at 11 like near the end probs 11:45ish if you see me lemme know! # dead hookers ftw. http://dailybooth.com/u/5s1v9 # Dead hooker is a better idea. Get out of the taxi trunk. # Audio: doinwork: http://tumblr.com/xmjnqj3iz # "I was never the girl next door." – Bettie Page. http://tumblr.com/xmjnqheru # WICKED AWESOME > RT @RafayAgha: @casiestewart Girl stop. I am Ke$ha http://twitpic.com/3211jz # Hmm, how is Hooker for Halloween costume? Forget Slutty This, Slutty That….haha. # Photo: knit shorts – want these too http://tumblr.com/xmjnqeqef # Photo: I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU> DIE. http://tumblr.com/xmjnqeohx # Photo: is there anyone who can knit this darling for me? http://tumblr.com/xmjnqegjo # If it was not for my russian hat and @moovbootcanada, I would be an ice pop. # what's up? # Amazing > Just saw a werewolf biking down Front st. I love this holiday. /via @laurenonizzle # What are you doing? Come to Dundas Square and see me. Smashbox makeup and getcha nails did too 🙂 # Keeping warm in @ydsquare with these awesomely warm guys from @moovbootcanada! #love http://twitpic.com/31vzp7 # Testing 1,2,3… http://twitpic.com/31vdda # Last Night: The lovely miss @casiestewart http://yfrog.com/n29wjpj /via @irieras # Will be here allllllll day. Come say hi (@ Yonge-Dundas Square) http://4sq.com/1cDmlT # Good Morning! http://dailybooth.com/u/5rjef # CP24 is quite funny right now. Hahahalloween special. #

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happy friday

Will be at Dundas Square all day today. Come say HI! Follow @armyourself_gsk for deets on that. Tonight I’m Halloweening at Tequila Bookworm then Thompson Hotel. Will be a good night. Hope you have an awesome day! It’s 6:30 right now. YEOWWWWWWWWWWW! HELLOOOOOOOO MORNING. P.S. If you #trickortreat your Dailybooth you get this halloween face! Byeeeeeeeee xo

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The only way to have a friend is to be one.

I have crazy awesome friends who do really cool things. Today and everyday, I’m thankful for the things I have and peoole around me. I thought hey, why not let you know about some of that awesomism? Remember how EVERYONE voted for me in the Virgin Ameica Provocateur contest and I won? I couldn’t have done it without your love and support. Seems like contests involving social media are the new way to get the coolest person for the job. Check out some of the cool things some of my friends are doing right MEOW! Lauren O’Nizzle in the challenge to be the CosmoTV Blogger Girl. Vote for her here! Brock & TRexx from 1loveTO have made their acting debut. Check their site to win tix. Christine is in a challenge with War Child Canada to be a blogger in Ethopia and help people. You can vote for her here. Kevin is in a sweet contest with Sauza Gold to win $10,000! If he wins they are having a huge party.  He’s a great guy, you can vote for him once per day and for the next month. Lets get this kid some CASH! Vote here on FB. He can totally beat that bitch girl. Happy Halloween from two of my boyfriends Terry & Gubler. One more thing, I am in a Smrnoff commercial! Have you seen it? I haven’t. I know it’s on TSN. HELL YEAH. I’d like more commercials please! Today is Sabrina’s birthday, she FINALLY IS TWEETING! TODAY is an awesome day. Make the most of it. Remember, you will never be younger than you are TODAY! Love & light xo CASIE

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

mum on skype ‘manhattan is just fabulous’ so cute 🙂 # shot from the smirnoff commercial – yep, that’s ME! http://yfrog.com/eqhuudkj # blogged: some stuff i did today, what i was wearing and what i got in the mail http://bit.ly/986z7w # can you unique URL your @myspace? why do i feel shame asking. fml. # RT @halfasophie: “you’re never going to have a boyfriend who likes the theater because he would already have a boyfriend” – samuel morgan # sabrina sprayed one of my perfumes – gwen stafani harajuki girls – FAK IS STINKS> EWWWWWWWWW. # even if we’re just dancing in the dark. # listening to “Tegan And Sara – Dancing In The Dark” ♫ http://blip.fm/~xxp1j # yup @myspace still sucks http://myspace.com/misscasiestewart # two and a half men – man i love charlie sheen. # Untitled http://post.ly/17gfT #

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