techvibes: uniting the tech community

Oh, look who it is…ME! Click the image to go straight to the article. If you read it, would be nice of you to leave a comment. I named Renee & Carol Zara as tech stars to watch this year, they’re smary & savy babes I met in 2009 and I’ve got good ‘techvibes‘ about them for 2010. Have a great day 🙂

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do before you die? i wanna live. long and hard.

Couple things on my list: Wind a beauty pageant Bikini contest serve at a soup kitchen on Christmas day go to NYC skydive bungee jump over Lake Taupo in NZ Yesterday I got to pop over to a shoot with the dudes babes from our new show The Buried Life. I watched a couple episodes in a screening and it’s a good one.  Positive, inspiring, full of adventures, achieving goals and helping people along the way. What’s on your list? What should I add to mine?

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that’s a creative way of looking at it. nice hire.

I used to live and hang out in Queen West. The Hipsterville of Toronto. I met lots of hipsters from all over the globe, saw heaps of style and had hipster friends. We’d stay up late at secret hangouts with cool people, bands and models. I was skinny from partying/sleeping and I stayed out late on school nights. Hipsters often wear American Apparel and may be seen reading carrying Vice Magazine. I started reading Vice in Bondi Beach, 2004. I loved it. Bondi had the best style, boy or girl, they all had it. In 2005 American Apparel hired Lauren Phoenix to model tube socks and underwear. I remember getting that issue, she was on the back. It said “Meet Lauren Phoenix…….Look her up on Google. I wanted to know how she got her photo on a magazine and why to Google her. So I Googled and I’ve loved AA & Vice advertising ever since!! Not just because she’s a Toronto born Canadian pornographic actress who you may have seen in adult movies on, but because AA has made their socks really popular since then. I’m wearing over the knees right now. Creative marketing. I like it. They sponsor hipster bloggers now…like this babe Karla. Very nice idea. Sponsoring bloggers is a good idea for your brand. Find someone who fits your style and pitch them something. I reckon you’re more than bound to get your monies worth.

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something you always wanted to ask? go ahead.

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tallest building in the world opens: highest club

It’s great to be back at work. Emails & meetings about social media and checking Twitter, Google, Internet and Facebook (TGIF) for the scoop on our shows. Did you know the worlds tallest building opens today in Dubai? On the very top is the worlds highest club ever. Imagine how high you would feel partying there? No, seriously. Cra-zay. I wonder if Dr. Drew will get in there and chat to Tiger now that he’s jumped on the celebrity rehab train?

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countless ways social media will change in 2010

..canada and the olympics?

I wish I never got tired. I could soak up stuff around the internet for hours and hours. I’m addicted to learning, reading, pretty things and blogging. I read a great article on ReadWriteWeb – 10 ways social media will change in 2010. I love this stuff. The ability to connect everyone around the world to information and each so fast really blows my mind. good ones: online-offline integration, women rule The IOC been getting pissed about people taking photos of stuff. We should totally have heaps of sourced stuff for the Olympics. Canada is SO ONLINE and it all starts in 39 days. I wanna feel like I’m there, the Vancouver Project is trying to make sure we can all be there. I’m back to using disqus comments, shall you help me test them? That wold be nice. Facebook Connect also got a recent makeover. Have a great day. Welcome back to work ♥ girls are from suicideblonde tumblr of v’s one size fits all collection

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