“i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted.

This coffee was nice. Atelier on King latte art, I like you. The rain is no reason to get down. Or bored. Only boring people get bored. I’ve never been bored a day in my life.

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inventional wisdom – a new kind of technical education

Been singing/listening to French music this morning. Lovely to get away but so nice to come home. Do you know this song ‘J’arrive a la Ville’. This video is from a couple years ago, RIP those red Wellies. Klout score is feeling slutty again tday, haha. Pix are from MIT on Friday. Was great being there, really got my brain kickin’ up into high(er) gear. Heaps to share from my wonderful & relaxing getaway to Boston & the Cape this weekend. Meeting newest intern today and excited to go through more applications & grow the Art Stew Media team. Will pick Textality winner this afternoon. Have a wonderfully awesome day!

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what are you wearing? i dunno. i just put stuff on.

I wore cute tights today. It was sunny bright outside. Sabrina’s Mum sent these tights from Hawaii. My Mum said she is hoping to send something from NY when they stop there on the big sailing adventure. If anything I hope she picked up something from a second hand store. She’s got great style and always knows good things for my sister and I. MISS YOU MUM. Call me when you get phone or internet. It was quite windy out today as well… I went to an ofice for a meeting and heard “oh look at you” then “you are like a Blossom but in 2010”. I forget that most office settings don’t wear funky outfits with hats and tights and scarves and stuff all different colours. I forgo and I am glad that I forgot. You should forget too. Dress fun and be unique. Working from home, I feel is the best thing for personal stle. Mind you, my room is messier than ever and I find motivation to clean it is nonexistent. Everytime I leave the house I throw together a mish-mash of things and accessories, hats, scarves and jewels galore. Every time I leave the house I am in costume, I am playing a part, I am me. This is my life. You are always someone when you leave the house, you are someone different on Monday morning than you were on Sunday morning (especially if hungover!). Your Friday afternoon self is different from holiday dinner self or your Sunday with Nana self. We are changing all the time. Lets hope it’s always for the better. In other news…myspace is back with a new layout and logo. I spent a couple minutes on mine today but I am not feeling it at all. Myspace is ugly. I…

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wellies, mini, keys, phone, kelly cutrone

Went to the Sailor Jerry thingy last night with Carly. It was ok, not that exciting. Anna took our photo for EXTRA and we had some good chats. They had burgers & stuff but all I had was rumski/coke. Karrera is in town so I booted home to spend the night with her. So awesome. I really miss her now that she moved out west. We’ve been besties sine we were like 12.  Planning to attend an exclusive opening with Carly again tonight, hopefully the rain won’t break my stride. Brought Kelly Cutrone’s book for her to borrow. If you’ve not read it, do it, it’s fucking awesome. If You Have to Cry Go Outside. Wearing wellies and a rain coat today, as you would imagine.  My Marketing Team at MuchMTV has a burrito lunch together today for our meeting. So hungry. Ya! Ai ai ai ai ai aia ia ai ai ai yeeeeeeeeee!! (That’s me excited for burito). No matter what today, don’t let the rain get you down. Jump in puddles, get wet. You won’t melt, you WILL dry. You will never be as young as you are today.  Make the most of it, YOU ARE ALIVE!

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and when i see you smile

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spending high times together in the sun

Sisters. Cousins from NZ. Blurry vision. It was super sunny. Good thing I wore a bikini under. Then is was cloundy but there was no rain. Horse walked in to a park. Twitter-twatter. The whole day was super fun. We’ve been hitting up the festival for the past five years and this year was by far the most busy. There were heaps of people, food trucks and clouds of smoke.  Happy smoking! haha Time to get outside and enjoy this beautiful day!

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