Indecent Disclosure: ROACH BAIT

When I started blogging 10 years ago I had no idea it would turn into a thing. I knew about 3 bloggers in the WORLD and I merely started ‘THIS IS MY LIFE’ as a way to keep memories. In 2009 I was given my first products for review. I was contacted by Matchstick Marketing and tested out a Zune (that old MP3 thinger) and also a vibrating mascara from Maybelline. I popped into the washroom at my office to record this video of me testing the mascara. I told the world I was sent a product for review and they gave me some to share with friends.(See original 2009 post here.) I was digging through an old hard drive when I found a note I’d made about ‘roach bait’, no not an insect killer, the marketing ‘bait & switch’ used in undisclosed celebrity endorsements.  I’ve not heard about it since but it distinctly reminds me of what’s happened with blogging. Roach Bait n. A marketing message delivered by an actor posing as a regular person with the intention of having that message passed along to many other people. 2001 (earliest) Then, there’s the ‘roach bait’ technique. Under this scenario, the paid huckster doesn’t necessarily buy a drink for others. He’s often found sitting in a prime spot at a bar or club, very visibly drinking Brand X. He talks up the brand big-time in the hope the good word will spread. —Theresa Howard, “Freebies take on brash new form,” USA Today, May 15, 2001 Sound familiar? Bloggers and people with some achieved sphere of influence are constantly called upon by brands and agencies to eat, drink,  wear, and visit places with hopes the’ll share that experience online. The thing is, as a reader, observer, we never really know if the person is…

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